blob: a0643e04def17276c6152f12e8e9b05368ee88c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
const readyToConnectLog = 'READY TO CONNECT';
const versionSkew = 'DIFFERENT RUNNING VERSION';
const optionsSkew = 'DIFFERENT OPTIONS';
// TODO(grouma) - use pubspec version when this is open sourced.
const currentVersion = '5.0.0';
var _username = Platform.environment['USER'] ?? '';
String daemonWorkspace(String workingDirectory) {
var segments = [Directory.systemTemp.path];
if (_username.isNotEmpty) segments.add(_username);
.replaceAll('/', '_')
.replaceAll(':', '_')
.replaceAll('\\', '_'));
return p.joinAll(segments);
/// Used to ensure that only one instance of this daemon is running at a time.
String lockFilePath(String workingDirectory) =>
p.join(daemonWorkspace(workingDirectory), '.dart_build_lock');
/// Used to signal to clients on what port the running daemon is listening.
String portFilePath(String workingDirectory) =>
p.join(daemonWorkspace(workingDirectory), '.dart_build_daemon_port');
/// Used to signal to clients the current version of the build daemon.
String versionFilePath(String workingDirectory) =>
p.join(daemonWorkspace(workingDirectory), '.dart_build_daemon_version');
/// Used to signal to clients the current set of options of the build daemon.
String optionsFilePath(String workingDirectory) =>
p.join(daemonWorkspace(workingDirectory), '.dart_build_daemon_options');