blob: 78a8bb0ee02606bb69756592b509b896fa87e633 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
BuilderOptions builderOptionsFromJson(Map config) =>
BuilderOptions(Map<String, dynamic>.from(config));
final _defaultDependenciesZoneKey = Symbol('buildConfigDefaultDependencies');
final _packageZoneKey = Symbol('buildConfigPackage');
T runInBuildConfigZone<T>(
T fn(), String package, List<String> defaultDependencies) =>
runZoned(fn, zoneValues: {
_packageZoneKey: package,
_defaultDependenciesZoneKey: defaultDependencies,
String get currentPackage {
var package = Zone.current[_packageZoneKey] as String;
if (package == null) {
throw StateError(
'Must be running inside a build config zone, which can be done using '
'the `runInBuildConfigZone` function.');
return package;
List<String> get currentPackageDefaultDependencies {
var defaultDependencies =
Zone.current[_defaultDependenciesZoneKey] as List<String>;
if (defaultDependencies == null) {
throw StateError(
'Must be running inside a build config zone, which can be done using '
'the `runInBuildConfigZone` function.');
return defaultDependencies;