blob: 554d7b989e083534e0c4e93d0cb102d3c6ea8680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'build_target.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'expandos.dart';
import 'input_set.dart';
import 'key_normalization.dart';
part 'builder_definition.g.dart';
enum AutoApply {
enum BuildTo {
/// Generated files are written to the source directory next to their primary
/// inputs.
/// Generated files are written to the hidden 'generated' directory.
/// Definition of a builder parsed from the `builders` section of `build.yaml`.
@JsonSerializable(createToJson: false, disallowUnrecognizedKeys: true)
class BuilderDefinition {
/// The package which provides this Builder.
String get package => packageExpando[this];
/// A unique key for this Builder in `'$package:$builder'` format.
String get key => builderKeyExpando[this];
/// The names of the top-level methods in [import] from args -> Builder.
name: 'builder_factories',
nullable: false,
required: true,
disallowNullValue: true)
final List<String> builderFactories;
/// The import to be used to load `clazz`.
@JsonKey(nullable: false, required: true, disallowNullValue: true)
final String import;
/// A map from input extension to the output extensions created for matching
/// inputs.
name: 'build_extensions',
nullable: false,
required: true,
disallowNullValue: true)
final Map<String, List<String>> buildExtensions;
/// The name of the dart_library target that contains `import`.
/// May be null or unreliable and should not be used.
final String target;
/// Which packages should have this builder applied automatically.
@JsonKey(name: 'auto_apply')
final AutoApply autoApply;
/// A list of file extensions which are required to run this builder.
/// No builder which outputs any extension in this list is allowed to run
/// after this builder.
@JsonKey(name: 'required_inputs')
final List<String> requiredInputs;
/// Builder keys in `$package:$builder` format which should only be run after
/// this Builder.
@JsonKey(name: 'runs_before')
final List<String> runsBefore;
/// Builder keys in `$package:$builder` format which should be run on any
/// target which also runs this Builder.
@JsonKey(name: 'applies_builders')
final List<String> appliesBuilders;
/// Whether this Builder should be deferred until it's output is requested.
/// Optional builders are lazy and will not run unless some later builder
/// requests one of it's possible outputs through either `readAs*` or
/// `canRead`.
@JsonKey(name: 'is_optional')
final bool isOptional;
/// Where the outputs of this builder should be written.
@JsonKey(name: 'build_to')
final BuildTo buildTo;
final TargetBuilderConfigDefaults defaults;
@required this.builderFactories,
@required this.buildExtensions,
@required this.import,
String target,
AutoApply autoApply,
Iterable<String> requiredInputs,
Iterable<String> runsBefore,
Iterable<String> appliesBuilders,
bool isOptional,
BuildTo buildTo,
TargetBuilderConfigDefaults defaults,
}) :
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
target = target != null
? normalizeTargetKeyUsage(target, currentPackage)
: null,
autoApply = autoApply ?? AutoApply.none,
requiredInputs = requiredInputs?.toList() ?? const [],
runsBefore = runsBefore
?.map((builder) =>
normalizeBuilderKeyUsage(builder, currentPackage))
?.toList() ??
const [],
appliesBuilders = appliesBuilders
?.map((builder) =>
normalizeBuilderKeyUsage(builder, currentPackage))
?.toList() ??
const [],
isOptional = isOptional ?? false,
buildTo = buildTo ?? BuildTo.cache,
defaults = defaults ?? const TargetBuilderConfigDefaults() {
if (builderFactories.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError.value(builderFactories, 'builderFactories',
'Must have at least one value.');
if (buildExtensions.entries.any((e) => e.value.contains(e.key))) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
'May not overwrite an input, '
'the output extensions must not contain the input extension');
factory BuilderDefinition.fromJson(Map json) =>
String toString() => {
'autoApply': autoApply,
'import': import,
'builderFactories': builderFactories,
'buildExtensions': buildExtensions,
'requiredInputs': requiredInputs,
'runsBefore': runsBefore,
'isOptional': isOptional,
'buildTo': buildTo,
'defaults': defaults,
/// The definition of a `PostProcessBuilder` in the `post_process_builders`
/// section of a `build.yaml`.
@JsonSerializable(createToJson: false, disallowUnrecognizedKeys: true)
class PostProcessBuilderDefinition {
/// The package which provides this Builder.
String get package => packageExpando[this];
/// A unique key for this Builder in `'$package:$builder'` format.
String get key => builderKeyExpando[this];
/// The name of the top-level method in [import] from
/// BuilderOptions -> Builder.
name: 'builder_factory',
nullable: false,
required: true,
disallowNullValue: true)
final String builderFactory;
/// The import to be used to load `clazz`.
@JsonKey(nullable: false, required: true, disallowNullValue: true)
final String import;
/// A list of input extensions for this builder.
/// May be null or unreliable and should not be used.
@JsonKey(name: 'input_extensions')
final Iterable<String> inputExtensions;
/// The name of the dart_library target that contains `import`.
/// May be null or unreliable and should not be used.
final String target;
final TargetBuilderConfigDefaults defaults;
@required this.builderFactory,
@required this.import,
TargetBuilderConfigDefaults defaults,
}) : defaults = defaults ?? const TargetBuilderConfigDefaults();
factory PostProcessBuilderDefinition.fromJson(Map json) =>
String toString() => {
'import': import,
'builderFactory': builderFactory,
'defaults': defaults,
/// Default values that builder authors can specify when users don't fill in the
/// corresponding key for [TargetBuilderConfig].
@JsonSerializable(createToJson: false, disallowUnrecognizedKeys: true)
class TargetBuilderConfigDefaults {
@JsonKey(name: 'generate_for')
final InputSet generateFor;
@JsonKey(fromJson: builderOptionsFromJson)
final BuilderOptions options;
@JsonKey(name: 'dev_options', fromJson: builderOptionsFromJson)
final BuilderOptions devOptions;
@JsonKey(name: 'release_options', fromJson: builderOptionsFromJson)
final BuilderOptions releaseOptions;
const TargetBuilderConfigDefaults({
InputSet generateFor,
BuilderOptions options,
BuilderOptions devOptions,
BuilderOptions releaseOptions,
}) : generateFor = generateFor ?? InputSet.anything,
options = options ?? BuilderOptions.empty,
devOptions = devOptions ?? BuilderOptions.empty,
releaseOptions = releaseOptions ?? BuilderOptions.empty;
factory TargetBuilderConfigDefaults.fromJson(Map json) =>