blob: 0af3c6323c580cd5295740c2fea2ae65430714a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
typedef CreateInstance<T> = FutureOr<T> Function();
typedef DisposeInstance<T> = FutureOr Function(T instance);
typedef BeforeExit = FutureOr Function();
/// A [Resource] encapsulates the logic for creating and disposing of some
/// expensive object which has a lifecycle.
/// Actual [Resource]s should be retrieved using `BuildStep#fetchResource`.
/// Build system implementations should be the only users that directly
/// instantiate a [ResourceManager] since they can handle the lifecycle
/// guarantees in a sane way.
class Resource<T> {
/// Factory method which creates an instance of this resource.
final CreateInstance<T> _create;
/// Optional method which is given an existing instance that is ready to be
/// disposed.
final DisposeInstance<T> _userDispose;
/// Optional method which is called before the process is going to exit.
/// This allows resources to do any final cleanup, and is not given an
/// instance.
final BeforeExit _userBeforeExit;
/// A Future instance of this resource if one has ever been requested.
final _instanceByManager = <ResourceManager, Future<T>>{};
Resource(this._create, {DisposeInstance<T> dispose, BeforeExit beforeExit})
: _userDispose = dispose,
_userBeforeExit = beforeExit;
/// Fetches an actual instance of this resource for [manager].
Future<T> _fetch(ResourceManager manager) =>
_instanceByManager.putIfAbsent(manager, () async => await _create());
/// Disposes the actual instance of this resource for [manager] if present.
Future _dispose(ResourceManager manager) {
if (!_instanceByManager.containsKey(manager)) return Future.value(null);
var oldInstance = _fetch(manager);
if (_userDispose != null) {
return oldInstance.then(_userDispose);
} else {
return Future.value(null);
/// Manages fetching and disposing of a group of [Resource]s.
/// This is an internal only API which should only be used by build system
/// implementations and not general end users. Instead end users should use
/// the `buildStep#fetchResource` method to get [Resource]s.
class ResourceManager {
final _resources = Set<Resource>();
/// The [Resource]s that we need to call `beforeExit` on.
/// We have to hang on to these forever, but they should be small in number,
/// and we don't hold on to the actual created instances, just the [Resource]
/// instances.
final _resourcesWithBeforeExit = Set<Resource>();
/// Fetches an instance of [resource].
Future<T> fetch<T>(Resource<T> resource) async {
if (resource._userBeforeExit != null) {
return resource._fetch(this);
/// Disposes of all [Resource]s fetched since the last call to [disposeAll].
Future<Null> disposeAll() {
var done = Future.wait( => r._dispose(this)));
return done.then((_) => null);
/// Invokes the `beforeExit` callbacks of all [Resource]s that had one.
Future<Null> beforeExit() async {
await Future.wait( async {
if (r._userBeforeExit != null) return r._userBeforeExit();