blob: 63d71c2d22e05227c69bd1ac72e60de3d09b42e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:build/src/builder/build_step.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import '../analyzer/resolver.dart';
import '../asset/exceptions.dart';
import '../asset/id.dart';
import '../asset/reader.dart';
import '../asset/writer.dart';
import '../resource/resource.dart';
import 'build_step.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
/// A single step in the build processes.
/// This represents a single input and its expected and real outputs. It also
/// handles tracking of dependencies.
class BuildStepImpl implements BuildStep {
final Resolvers _resolvers;
final StageTracker _stageTracker;
/// The primary input id for this build step.
final AssetId inputId;
Future<LibraryElement> get inputLibrary async {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return resolver.libraryFor(inputId);
/// The list of all outputs which are expected/allowed to be output from this
/// step.
final Set<AssetId> _expectedOutputs;
/// The result of any writes which are starting during this step.
final _writeResults = <Future<Result>>[];
/// Used internally for reading files.
final AssetReader _reader;
/// Used internally for writing files.
final AssetWriter _writer;
/// The current root package, used for input/output validation.
final String _rootPackage;
final ResourceManager _resourceManager;
bool _isComplete = false;
BuildStepImpl(this.inputId, Iterable<AssetId> expectedOutputs, this._reader,
this._writer, this._rootPackage, this._resolvers, this._resourceManager,
[this._stageTracker = NoOpStageTracker.instance])
: _expectedOutputs = expectedOutputs.toSet();
Resolver get resolver {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _DelayedResolver(_resolver ??= _resolvers.get(this));
Future<ReleasableResolver> _resolver;
Future<bool> canRead(AssetId id) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _reader.canRead(id);
Future<T> fetchResource<T>(Resource<T> resource) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _resourceManager.fetch(resource);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(AssetId id) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _reader.readAsBytes(id);
Future<String> readAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _reader.readAsString(id, encoding: encoding);
Stream<AssetId> findAssets(Glob glob) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
if (_reader is MultiPackageAssetReader) {
return (_reader as MultiPackageAssetReader)
.findAssets(glob, package: inputId?.package ?? _rootPackage);
} else {
return _reader.findAssets(glob);
Future writeAsBytes(AssetId id, FutureOr<List<int>> bytes) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
var done =
_futureOrWrite(bytes, (List<int> b) => _writer.writeAsBytes(id, b));
return done;
Future writeAsString(AssetId id, FutureOr<String> content,
{Encoding encoding = utf8}) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
var done = _futureOrWrite(content,
(String c) => _writer.writeAsString(id, c, encoding: encoding));
return done;
Future<Digest> digest(AssetId id) {
if (_isComplete) throw BuildStepCompletedException();
return _reader.digest(id);
T trackStage<T>(String label, action, {bool isExternal = false}) =>
_stageTracker.trackStage(label, action, isExternal: isExternal);
Future _futureOrWrite<T>(FutureOr<T> content, Future write(T content)) =>
(content is Future<T>) ? content.then(write) : write(content as T);
/// Waits for work to finish and cleans up resources.
/// This method should be called after a build has completed. After the
/// returned [Future] completes then all outputs have been written and the
/// [Resolver] for this build step - if any - has been released.
Future complete() async {
_isComplete = true;
await Future.wait(;
(await _resolver)?.release();
/// Checks that [id] is a valid input, and throws an [InvalidInputException]
/// if its not.
void _checkInput(AssetId id) {
if (id.package != _rootPackage && !id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
throw InvalidInputException(id);
/// Checks that [id] is an expected output, and throws an
/// [InvalidOutputException] or [UnexpectedOutputException] if it's not.
void _checkOutput(AssetId id) {
if (!_expectedOutputs.contains(id)) {
throw UnexpectedOutputException(id, expected: _expectedOutputs);
class _DelayedResolver implements Resolver {
final Future<Resolver> _delegate;
Future<bool> isLibrary(AssetId assetId) async =>
(await _delegate).isLibrary(assetId);
Stream<LibraryElement> get libraries {
var completer = StreamCompleter<LibraryElement>();
_delegate.then((r) => completer.setSourceStream(r.libraries));
Future<LibraryElement> libraryFor(AssetId assetId) async =>
(await _delegate).libraryFor(assetId);
Future<LibraryElement> findLibraryByName(String libraryName) async =>
(await _delegate).findLibraryByName(libraryName);
Future<AssetId> assetIdForElement(Element element) async =>
(await _delegate).assetIdForElement(element);