blob: 57fc031e6659b4183ecfb13c03bd735bb3436d2c [file] [log] [blame]
Return code to mark a test as skipped.
Sometimes only a test itself can determine if all requirements for the
test are met. If such a situation should not be considered a hard failure
a return code of the process can be specified that will mark the test as
``Not Run`` if it is encountered. Valid values are in the range of
0 to 255, inclusive.
Tests that exceed the timeout specified by :prop_test:`TIMEOUT` still fail
regardless of ``SKIP_RETURN_CODE``.
System-level test failures including segmentation faults,
signal abort, or heap errors may fail the test even if the return code matches.
.. code-block:: cmake
# cmake (1) defines this to return code 1
add_test(NAME r1 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E false)
set_tests_properties(r1 PROPERTIES SKIP_RETURN_CODE 1)
To run a test that may have a system-level failure, but still skip if
``SKIP_RETURN_CODE`` matches, use a CMake command to wrap the executable run.
Note that this will prevent automatic handling of the
:prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` and :prop_tgt:`TEST_LAUNCHER` target
.. code-block:: cmake
add_executable(main main.c)
# cmake -E env <command> returns 1 if the command fails in any way
add_test(NAME sigabrt COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env $<TARGET_FILE:main>)
set_property(TEST sigabrt PROPERTY SKIP_RETURN_CODE 1)
.. code-block:: c
#include <signal.h>
int main(void){ raise(SIGABRT); return 0; }
To handle multiple types of cases that may need to be skipped, consider the
:prop_test:`SKIP_REGULAR_EXPRESSION` property.