blob: 71df3dd07024bebdae10e7a8b96d2805668fa402 [file] [log] [blame]
Operator to read environment variables.
Use the syntax ``$ENV{VAR}`` to read environment variable ``VAR``.
To test whether an environment variable is defined, use the signature
``if(DEFINED ENV{<name>})`` of the :command:`if` command.
.. note::
Environment variable names containing special characters like parentheses
may need to be escaped. (Policy :policy:`CMP0053` must also be enabled.)
For example, to get the value of the Windows environment variable
``ProgramFiles(x86)``, use:
.. code-block:: cmake
set(ProgramFiles_x86 "$ENV{ProgramFiles\(x86\)}")
For general information on environment variables, see the
:ref:`Environment Variables <CMake Language Environment Variables>`
section in the :manual:`cmake-language(7)` manual.