blob: ffb2f35a4b474e1324dfa392a18973c0e49fe09c [file] [log] [blame]
add_library(MathFunctions MathFunctions.cxx)
# TODO 1: State that anybody linking to MathFunctions needs to include the
# current source directory, while MathFunctions itself doesn't.
# Hint: Use target_include_directories with the INTERFACE keyword
# should we use our own math functions
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" ON)
target_compile_definitions(MathFunctions PRIVATE "USE_MYMATH")
# library that just does sqrt
add_library(SqrtLibrary STATIC
# TODO 7: Link SqrtLibrary to tutorial_compiler_flags
target_link_libraries(MathFunctions PRIVATE SqrtLibrary)
# TODO 6: Link MathFunctions to tutorial_compiler_flags