blob: de4d7f5728286a51f9f06a51e2f35cc4482aadc6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
# file Copyright.txt or for details.
# This file is included by cmGlobalGenerator::EnableLanguage.
# It is included before the compiler has been determined.
# The CMAKE_EFFECTIVE_SYSTEM_NAME is used to load compiler and compiler
# wrapper configuration files. By default it equals to CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME
# but could be overridden in the ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-Initialize files.
# It is useful to share the same aforementioned configuration files and
# avoids duplicating them in case of tightly related platforms.
# An example are the platforms supported by Xcode (macOS, iOS, tvOS,
# and watchOS). For all of those the CMAKE_EFFECTIVE_SYSTEM_NAME is
# set to Apple which results in using
# Platfom/Apple-AppleClang-CXX.cmake for the Apple C++ compiler.
include(Platform/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}-Initialize OPTIONAL)