blob: 88d50db675db85dff7db7aa48ef172c7e52038af [file] [log] [blame]
function (check_for_bmi prefix destination name)
set(found 0)
foreach (ext IN ITEMS gcm ifc pcm)
if (EXISTS "${prefix}/${destination}/${name}.${ext}")
set(found 1)
break ()
endif ()
endforeach ()
if (NOT found)
"Failed to find the ${name} BMI")
endif ()
endfunction ()
function (check_for_interface prefix destination subdir name)
set(found 0)
if (NOT EXISTS "${prefix}/${destination}/${subdir}/${name}")
"Failed to find the ${name} module interface")
endif ()
endfunction ()
function (report_dirs prefix destination)
message("prefix: ${prefix}")
message("destination: ${destination}")
endfunction ()