60-touchpad-cmt-veyron_mighty: initial config

Done pressure calibration. Tuned parameters for:

1. TTC minimum pressure.
2. Stationary finger wiggling.
3. Scrolling with resting finger.
4. Accidental scroll/move on finger lift.
5. Janky cursor due to large pressure change

TEST=on device

Change-Id: I757b1145dd7ff30d3bccd7f8001234b9ec9dfd93
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/261135
Reviewed-by: Chung-yih Wang <cywang@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Tai-Hsu Lin <sheckylin@chromium.org>
Trybot-Ready: Tai-Hsu Lin <sheckylin@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Tai-Hsu Lin <sheckylin@chromium.org>
diff --git a/60-touchpad-cmt-veyron_mighty.conf b/60-touchpad-cmt-veyron_mighty.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f522b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/60-touchpad-cmt-veyron_mighty.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Section "InputClass"
+    Identifier      "touchpad veyron_mighty elan"
+    MatchIsTouchpad "on"
+    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
+    MatchProduct    "Elan"
+    Option          "Integrated Touchpad" "1"
+    Option          "Touchpad Stack Version" "2"
+    # Pressure calibration results:
+    # Probe Diameter   Measured   Expected   Calibrated
+    # 0     3.90       38.87      11.95      -6.84
+    # 1     5.70       49.32      25.52      32.81
+    # 2     7.70       52.27      46.57      44.01
+    # 3     9.90       61.65      76.98      79.57
+    # 4     11.70      72.03      107.51     118.97
+    # 5     13.90      106.45     151.75     249.55
+    # 6     17.80      137.09     248.85     365.79
+    Option          "Pressure Calibration Offset" "-154.311519575"
+    Option          "Pressure Calibration Slope" "3.79387204888"
+    # Make tap-to-click easier
+    Option          "Tap Minimum Pressure" "15.0"
+    # Enable Stationary Wiggle Filter
+    Option          "Stationary Wiggle Filter Enabled" "1"
+    Option          "Finger Moving Energy" "0.002"
+    Option          "Finger Moving Hysteresis" "0.001"
+    # This prevents issues with fling not happening while scrolling
+    # with a resting finger
+    Option          "Fling Buffer Suppress Zero Length Scrolls" "1"
+    # Avoid accidental scroll/move on finger lift
+    Option          "Min Scroll Dead Reckoning Distance" "0.1"
+    Option          "Max Stationary Move Speed" "47"
+    Option          "Max Stationary Move Speed Hysteresis" "2"
+    Option          "Max Stationary Move Suppress Distance" "2"
+    # Avoid janky cursor moves due to large pressure changes
+    Option          "Max Allowed Pressure Change Per Sec" "4000"