blob: 7549b64ceb3acee6b99b4f54c070e45ddc0da3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# convert LLVM for Capstone disassembler.
# by Nguyen Anh Quynh, 2019
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("Syntax: %s <> <> <> <arch>" %sys.argv[0])
arch = sys.argv[4]
f = open(sys.argv[1])
lines = f.readlines()
f1 = open(sys.argv[2], 'w+')
f2 = open(sys.argv[3], 'w+')
f1.write("/* Capstone Disassembly Engine, */\n")
f1.write("/* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013-2019 */\n")
f2.write("/* Capstone Disassembly Engine, */\n")
f2.write("/* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013-2019 */\n")
need_endif = False
in_getRegisterName = False
in_printAliasInstr = False
fragment_no = None
skip_printing = False
skip_line = 0
skip_count = 0
def replace_getOp(line):
line2 = line
if 'MI->getOperand(0)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(0)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 0)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(1)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(1)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 1)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(2)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(2)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 2)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(3)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(3)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 3)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(4)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(4)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 4)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(5)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(5)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 5)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(6)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(6)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 6)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(7)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(7)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 7)')
elif 'MI->getOperand(8)' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(8)', 'MCInst_getOperand(MI, 8)')
return line2
def replace_getReg(line):
line2 = line
if 'MI->getOperand(0).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(0).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 0))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(1).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(1).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 1))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(2).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(2).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 2))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(3).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(3).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 3))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(4).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(4).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 4))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(5).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(5).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 5))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(6).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(6).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 6))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(7).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(7).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 7))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(8).getReg()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(8).getReg()', 'MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 8))')
return line2
# extract param between text()
# MRI.getRegClass(AArch64::GPR32spRegClassID).contains(MI->getOperand(1).getReg()))
def extract_paren(line, text):
i = line.index(text)
return line[line.index('(', i)+1 : line.index(')', i)]
# extract text between <>
# printSVERegOp<'q'>
def extract_brackets(line):
if '<' in line:
return line[line.index('<')+1 : line.index('>')]
return ''
# delete text between <>, including <>
# printSVERegOp<'q'>
def del_brackets(line):
if '<' in line:
return line[:line.index('<')] + line[line.index('>') + 1:]
return line
def print_line(line):
line = line.replace('::', '_')
line = line.replace('nullptr', 'NULL')
if not skip_printing:
if in_getRegisterName:
f2.write(line + "\n")
f1.write(line + "\n")
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip()
#print("@", line)
# skip Alias
if arch.upper() == 'X86':
if 'PRINT_ALIAS_INSTR' in line:
# done
if skip_line:
skip_count += 1
if skip_count <= skip_line:
# skip this line
# skip enough number of lines, reset counters
skip_line = 0
skip_count = 0
if "::printInstruction" in line:
if arch.upper() in ('AARCH64', 'ARM64'):
#print_line("static void printInstruction(MCInst *MI, SStream *O, MCRegisterInfo *MRI)\n{")
print_line("static void printInstruction(MCInst *MI, SStream *O)\n{")
print_line("static void printInstruction(MCInst *MI, SStream *O)\n{")
elif 'AArch64InstPrinter::getMnemonic' in line:
print_line("static uint64_t getMnemonic(MCInst *MI, SStream *O, unsigned int opcode) {")
elif 'return {AsmStrs+(Bits' in line:
tmp = line.split(',')
prntStr = tmp[0].split('{')[1]
print_line("\tSStream_concat0(O, " + prntStr + ");")
print_line("\treturn Bits;")
elif 'MnemonicInfo = getMnemonic(' in line:
elif 'O << MnemonicInfo' in line:
elif 'uint64_t Bits = MnemonicInfo' in line:
print_line("\tuint64_t Bits = getMnemonic(MI, O, opcode);")
elif 'const char *AArch64InstPrinter::' in line:
elif 'getRegisterName(' in line:
if 'unsigned AltIdx' in line:
print_line("static const char *getRegisterName(unsigned RegNo, unsigned AltIdx)\n{")
print_line("static const char *getRegisterName(unsigned RegNo)\n{")
elif 'getRegisterName' in line:
in_getRegisterName = True
elif '::printAliasInstr' in line:
if arch.upper() in ('AARCH64', 'PPC'):
print_line("static char *printAliasInstr(MCInst *MI, SStream *OS, MCRegisterInfo *MRI)\n{")
print_line(' #define GETREGCLASS_CONTAIN(_class, _reg) MCRegisterClass_contains(MCRegisterInfo_getRegClass(MRI, _class), MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, _reg)))')
print_line("static bool printAliasInstr(MCInst *MI, SStream *OS)\n{")
print_line(" unsigned int I = 0, OpIdx, PrintMethodIdx;")
print_line(" char *tmpString;")
in_printAliasInstr = True
elif 'STI.getFeatureBits()[' in line:
if arch.upper() == 'ARM':
line2 = line.replace('STI.getFeatureBits()[', 'ARM_getFeatureBits(MI->csh->mode, ')
elif arch.upper() == 'AARCH64':
line2 = line.replace('STI.getFeatureBits()[', 'AArch64_getFeatureBits(')
line2 = line2.replace(']', ')')
elif 'lookupBTIByEncoding' in line:
line = line.replace('AArch64BTIHint::', '')
line = line.replace('MCOp.getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCOp)')
elif 'lookupPSBByEncoding' in line:
line = line.replace('AArch64PSBHint::', '')
line = line.replace('MCOp.getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCOp)')
elif ', STI, ' in line:
line2 = line.replace(', STI, ', ', ')
if 'printSVELogicalImm<' in line:
if 'int16' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('printSVELogicalImm', 'printSVELogicalImm16')
line2 = line2.replace('<int16_t>', '')
elif 'int32' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('printSVELogicalImm', 'printSVELogicalImm32')
line2 = line2.replace('<int32_t>', '')
line2 = line2.replace('printSVELogicalImm', 'printSVELogicalImm64')
line2 = line2.replace('<int64_t>', '')
if 'MI->getOperand(' in line:
line2 = replace_getOp(line2)
# C++ template
if 'printPrefetchOp' in line2:
param = extract_brackets(line2)
if param == '':
param = 'false'
line2 = del_brackets(line2)
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, %s);' %param)
line2 = line2.replace(', OS);', ', OS, %s);' %param)
elif '<false>' in line2:
line2 = line2.replace('<false>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, false);')
line2 = line2.replace('STI, ', '')
elif '<true>' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('<true>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, true);')
line2 = line2.replace('STI, ', '')
elif 'printAdrLabelOperand' in line:
# C++ template
if '<0>' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('<0>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, 0);')
elif '<1>' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('<1>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, 1);')
elif '<2>' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('<2>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, 2);')
elif 'printImm8OptLsl' in line2:
param = extract_brackets(line2)
line2 = del_brackets(line2)
if '8' in param or '16' in param or '32' in param:
line2 = line2.replace('printImm8OptLsl', 'printImm8OptLsl32')
elif '64' in param:
line2 = line2.replace('printImm8OptLsl', 'printImm8OptLsl64')
elif 'printLogicalImm' in line2:
param = extract_brackets(line2)
line2 = del_brackets(line2)
if '8' in param or '16' in param or '32' in param:
line2 = line2.replace('printLogicalImm', 'printLogicalImm32')
elif '64' in param:
line2 = line2.replace('printLogicalImm', 'printLogicalImm64')
elif 'printSVERegOp' in line2 or 'printGPRSeqPairsClassOperand' in line2 or 'printTypedVectorList' in line2 or 'printPostIncOperand' in line2 or 'printImmScale' in line2 or 'printRegWithShiftExtend' in line2 or 'printUImm12Offset' in line2 or 'printExactFPImm' in line2 or 'printMemExtend' in line2 or 'printZPRasFPR' in line2 or 'printMatrixTileVector' in line2 or 'printMatrix<' in line2 or 'printSImm' in line2:
param = extract_brackets(line2)
if param == '':
param = '0'
line2 = del_brackets(line2)
line2 = line2.replace(', O);', ', O, %s);' %param)
line2 = line2.replace(', OS);', ', OS, %s);' %param)
elif 'printComplexRotationOp' in line:
# printComplexRotationOp<90, 0>(MI, 5, STI, O);
bracket_content = line2[line2.index('<') + 1 : line2.index('>')]
line2 = line2.replace('<' + bracket_content + '>', '')
line2 = line2.replace(' O);', ' O, %s);' %bracket_content)
elif 'printAlignedLabel' in line2 or 'printAdrpLabel' in line2:
line2 = line2.replace('Address, ', '')
elif "static const char AsmStrs[]" in line:
print_line("#ifndef CAPSTONE_DIET")
print_line(" static const char AsmStrs[] = {")
need_endif = True
elif "static const char AsmStrsNoRegAltName[]" in line:
print_line("#ifndef CAPSTONE_DIET")
print_line(" static const char AsmStrsNoRegAltName[] = {")
need_endif = True
elif line == ' O << "\\t";':
print_line(" unsigned int opcode = MCInst_getOpcode(MI);")
print_line(' // printf("opcode = %u\\n", opcode);');
elif 'MI->getOpcode()' in line:
if 'switch' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOpcode()', 'MCInst_getOpcode(MI)')
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOpcode()', 'opcode')
elif 'O << ' in line:
if '"' in line:
line2 = line.lower()
line2 = line2.replace('o << ', 'SStream_concat0(O, ');
line2 = line.replace('O << ', 'SStream_concat0(O, ');
line2 = line2.replace("'", '"')
line2 = line2.replace(';', ');')
if '" : "' in line2: # "segment : offset" in X86
line2 = line2.replace('" : "', '":"')
if '", #0"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 0);')
if '", #1"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 1);')
# PowerPC
if '", 268"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 268);')
elif '", 256"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 256);')
elif '", 0, "' in line2 or '", 0"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 0);')
elif '", -1"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, -1);')
if '], [' in line2 or ']!, [' in line2:
print_line(' set_mem_access(MI, false);')
print_line(' set_mem_access(MI, true);')
elif "\"[\"" in line2:
# Check for SME_Index specific string of only "["
print_line(' set_sme_index(MI, true);')
elif '[' in line2:
if not '[]' in line2:
print_line(' set_mem_access(MI, true);')
elif ']' in line2:
if not '[]' in line2:
print_line(' set_mem_access(MI, false);')
if '".f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64);')
elif '".f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32);')
elif '".f16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F16);')
elif '".s64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S64);')
elif '".s32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S32);')
elif '".s16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S16);')
elif '".s8\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S8);')
elif '".u64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U64);')
elif '".u32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U32);')
elif '".u16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U16);')
elif '".u8\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U8);')
elif '".i64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_I64);')
elif '".i32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_I32);')
elif '".i16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_I16);')
elif '".i8\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_I8);')
elif '".f16.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F16F64);')
elif '".f64.f16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64F16);')
elif '".f16.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F16F32);')
elif '".f32.f16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32F16);')
elif '".f64.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64F32);')
elif '".f32.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32F64);')
elif '".s32.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S32F32);')
elif '".f32.s32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32S32);')
elif '".u32.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U32F32);')
elif '".f32.u32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32U32);')
elif '".p8\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_P8);')
elif '".f64.s16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64S16);')
elif '".s16.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S16F64);')
elif '".f32.s16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32S16);')
elif '".s16.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S16F32);')
elif '".f64.s32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64S32);')
elif '".s32.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_S32F64);')
elif '".f64.u16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64U16);')
elif '".u16.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U16F64);')
elif '".f32.u16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F32U16);')
elif '".u16.f32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U16F32);')
elif '".f64.u32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F64U32);')
elif '".u32.f64\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U32F64);')
elif '".f16.u32\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F16U32);')
elif '".u32.f16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U32F16);')
elif '".f16.u16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_F16U16);')
elif '".u16.f16\\t"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataType(MI, ARM_VECTORDATA_U16F16);')
elif '"\\tlr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_LR);')
elif '"\\tapsr_nzcv, fpscr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_APSR_NZCV);')
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSCR);')
elif '"\\tpc, lr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_PC);')
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_LR);')
elif '"\\tfpscr, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSCR);')
elif '"\\tfpexc, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPEXC);')
elif '"\\tfpinst, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPINST);')
elif '"\\tfpinst2, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPINST2);')
elif '"\\tfpsid, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSID);')
elif '"\\tsp, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_SP);')
elif '"\\tsp!, "' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_SP);')
elif '", apsr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_APSR);')
elif '", spsr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_SPSR);')
elif '", fpscr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSCR);')
elif '", fpscr"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSCR);')
elif '", fpexc"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPEXC);')
elif '", fpinst"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPINST);')
elif '", fpinst2"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPINST2);')
elif '", fpsid"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_FPSID);')
elif '", mvfr0"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_MVFR0);')
elif '", mvfr1"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_MVFR1);')
elif '", mvfr2"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addReg(MI, ARM_REG_MVFR2);')
elif '.8\\t' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataSize(MI, 8);')
elif '.16\\t' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataSize(MI, 16);')
elif '.32\\t' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataSize(MI, 32);')
elif '.64\\t' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addVectorDataSize(MI, 64);')
elif '" ^"' in line2:
print_line(' ARM_addUserMode(MI);')
if '.16b' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_16B);')
elif '.8b' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_8B);')
elif '.4b' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_4B);')
elif '.b' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_1B);')
elif '.8h' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_8H);')
elif '.4h' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_4H);')
elif '.2h' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_2H);')
elif '.h' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_1H);')
elif '.4s' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_4S);')
elif '.2s' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_2S);')
elif '.s' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_1S);')
elif '.2d' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_2D);')
elif '.1d' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_1D);')
elif '.1q' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addVectorArrSpecifier(MI, ARM64_VAS_1Q);')
if '#0.0' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addFP(MI, 0);')
elif '#0' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addImm(MI, 0);')
elif '#8' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addImm(MI, 8);')
elif '#16' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addImm(MI, 16);')
elif '#32' in line2:
print_line(' arm64_op_addImm(MI, 32);')
# X86
if '", %rax"' in line2 or '", rax"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_RAX);')
elif '", %eax"' in line2 or '", eax"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_EAX);')
elif '", %ax"' in line2 or '", ax"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_AX);')
elif '", %al"' in line2 or '", al"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_AL);')
elif '", %dx"' in line2 or '", dx"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_DX);')
elif '", %st(0)"' in line2 or '", st(0)"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_ST0);')
elif '", 1"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addImm(MI, 1);')
elif '", cl"' in line2:
print_line(' op_addReg(MI, X86_REG_CL);')
elif '"{1to2}, "' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxBroadcast(MI, X86_AVX_BCAST_2);')
elif '"{1to4}, "' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxBroadcast(MI, X86_AVX_BCAST_4);')
elif '"{1to8}, "' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxBroadcast(MI, X86_AVX_BCAST_8);')
elif '"{1to16}, "' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxBroadcast(MI, X86_AVX_BCAST_16);')
elif '{z}{sae}' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxSae(MI);')
print_line(' op_addAvxZeroOpmask(MI);')
elif ('{z}' in line2):
print_line(' op_addAvxZeroOpmask(MI);')
elif '{sae}' in line2:
print_line(' op_addAvxSae(MI);')
elif 'llvm_unreachable("Invalid command number.");' in line:
line2 = line.replace('llvm_unreachable("Invalid command number.");', '// unreachable')
elif ('assert(' in line) or ('assert (' in line):
elif 'Invalid alt name index' in line:
elif '::' in line and 'case ' in line:
elif 'MI->getNumOperands()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getNumOperands()', 'MCInst_getNumOperands(MI)')
elif 'const MCOperand &MCOp' in line:
line2 = line.replace('const MCOperand &MCOp', 'MCOperand *MCOp')
elif 'MI->getOperand(0).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(0).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 0))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(1).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(1).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 1))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(2).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(2).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 2))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(3).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(3).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 3))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(4).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(4).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 4))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(5).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(5).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 5))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(6).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(6).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 6))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(7).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(7).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 7))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(8).isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(8).isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 8))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(0).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(0).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 0))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(1).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(1).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 1))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(2).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(2).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 2))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(3).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(3).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 3))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(4).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(4).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 4))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(5).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(5).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 5))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(6).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(6).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 6))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(7).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(7).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 7))')
elif 'MI->getOperand(8).getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MI->getOperand(8).getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, 8))')
elif 'MRI.getRegClass(' in line:
classid = extract_paren(line, 'getRegClass(')
operand = extract_paren(line, 'getOperand')
line2 = line.replace('MI->getNumOperands()', 'MCInst_getNumOperands(MI)')
line2 = ' GETREGCLASS_CONTAIN(%s, %s)' %(classid, operand)
if line.endswith('())) {'):
line2 += ') {'
elif line.endswith(' {'):
line2 += ' {'
elif line.endswith(' &&'):
line2 += ' &&'
elif 'MI->getOperand(' in line and 'isReg' in line:
operand = extract_paren(line, 'getOperand')
line2 = ' MCOperand_isReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, %s))' %(operand)
# MI->getOperand(1).isReg() &&
if line.endswith(' {'):
line2 += ' {'
elif line.endswith(' &&'):
line2 += ' &&'
elif 'MI->getOperand(' in line and 'getReg' in line:
line2 = replace_getReg(line)
# one more time
line2 = replace_getReg(line2)
elif ' return false;' in line and in_printAliasInstr:
print_line(' return NULL;')
elif 'MCOp.isImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MCOp.isImm()', 'MCOperand_isImm(MCOp)')
elif 'MCOp.getImm()' in line:
line2 = line.replace('MCOp.getImm()', 'MCOperand_getImm(MCOp)')
if 'int64_t Val =' in line:
line2 = line2.replace('int64_t Val =', 'Val =')
elif 'isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements<' in line:
if 'int8' in line:
line2 = line.replace('isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements', 'isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements8')
line2 = line2.replace('<int8_t>', '')
elif 'int16' in line:
line2 = line.replace('isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements', 'isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements16')
line2 = line2.replace('<int16_t>', '')
elif 'int32' in line:
line2 = line.replace('isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements', 'isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements32')
line2 = line2.replace('<int32_t>', '')
line2 = line.replace('isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements', 'isSVEMaskOfIdenticalElements64')
line2 = line2.replace('<int64_t>', '')
elif 'switch (PredicateIndex) {' in line:
print_line(' int64_t Val;')
elif 'uint32_t(' in line and in_printAliasInstr:
line = line.replace('uint32_t(', '')
line = line.replace(')', '')
elif '#ifndef NDEBUG' in line and in_printAliasInstr:
char *AsmString;
const size_t OpToSize = sizeof(OpToPatterns) / sizeof(PatternsForOpcode);
const unsigned opcode = MCInst_getOpcode(MI);
// Check for alias
int OpToIndex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < OpToSize; i++){
if(OpToPatterns[i].Opcode == opcode){
OpToIndex = i;
// Check for match
if(opcode != OpToPatterns[OpToIndex].Opcode)
return NULL;
const PatternsForOpcode opToPat = OpToPatterns[OpToIndex];
// Try all patterns for this opcode
uint32_t AsmStrOffset = ~0U;
int patIdx = opToPat.PatternStart;
while(patIdx < (opToPat.PatternStart + opToPat.NumPatterns)){
// Check operand count first
if(MCInst_getNumOperands(MI) != Patterns[patIdx].NumOperands)
return NULL;
// Test all conditions for this pattern
int condIdx = Patterns[patIdx].AliasCondStart;
int opIdx = 0;
bool allPass = true;
while(condIdx < (Patterns[patIdx].AliasCondStart + Patterns[patIdx].NumConds)){
MCOperand *opnd = MCInst_getOperand(MI, opIdx);
// Not concerned with any Feature related conditions as STI is disregarded
switch (Conds[condIdx].Kind)
case AliasPatternCond_K_Ignore :
// Operand can be anything.
case AliasPatternCond_K_Reg :
// Operand must be a specific register.
allPass = allPass && (MCOperand_isReg(opnd) && MCOperand_getReg(opnd) == Conds[condIdx].Value);
case AliasPatternCond_K_TiedReg :
// Operand must match the register of another operand.
allPass = allPass && (MCOperand_isReg(opnd) && MCOperand_getReg(opnd) ==
MCOperand_getReg(MCInst_getOperand(MI, Conds[condIdx].Value)));
case AliasPatternCond_K_Imm :
// Operand must be a specific immediate.
allPass = allPass && (MCOperand_isImm(opnd) && MCOperand_getImm(opnd) == Conds[condIdx].Value);
case AliasPatternCond_K_RegClass :
// Operand must be a register in this class. Value is a register class id.
allPass = allPass && (MCOperand_isReg(opnd) && GETREGCLASS_CONTAIN(Conds[condIdx].Value, (opIdx-1)));
case AliasPatternCond_K_Custom :
// Operand must match some custom criteria.
allPass = allPass && AArch64InstPrinterValidateMCOperand(opnd, Conds[condIdx].Value);
case AliasPatternCond_K_Feature :
case AliasPatternCond_K_NegFeature :
case AliasPatternCond_K_OrFeature :
case AliasPatternCond_K_OrNegFeature :
case AliasPatternCond_K_EndOrFeatures :
default :
AsmStrOffset = Patterns[patIdx].AsmStrOffset;
// If no alias matched, don't print an alias.
if (AsmStrOffset == ~0U)
return NULL;
AsmString = cs_strdup(&AsmStrings[AsmStrOffset]);
tmpString = cs_strdup(AsmString);
while (AsmString[I] != ' ' && AsmString[I] != '\\t' &&
AsmString[I] != '$' && AsmString[I] != '\\0')
tmpString[I] = 0;
SStream_concat0(OS, tmpString);
if (AsmString[I] != '\\0') {
if (AsmString[I] == ' ' || AsmString[I] == '\\t') {
SStream_concat0(OS, " ");
bool isSME = false;
do {
if (AsmString[I] == '$') {
if (AsmString[I] == (char)0xff) {
OpIdx = AsmString[I++] - 1;
PrintMethodIdx = AsmString[I++] - 1;
printCustomAliasOperand(MI, 0, OpIdx, PrintMethodIdx, OS);
} else
printOperand(MI, (unsigned)(AsmString[I++]) - 1, OS);
} else {
if (AsmString[I] == '[') {
if (AsmString[I-1] != ' ') {
set_sme_index(MI, true);
isSME = true;
} else {
set_mem_access(MI, true);
} else if (AsmString[I] == ']') {
if (isSME) {
set_sme_index(MI, false);
isSME = false;
} else {
set_mem_access(MI, false);
SStream_concat1(OS, AsmString[I++]);
} while (AsmString[I] != '\\0');
return tmpString;
in_printAliasInstr = False
# skip next few lines
skip_printing = True
elif '::printCustomAliasOperand' in line:
# print again
skip_printing = False
print_line('static void printCustomAliasOperand(')
elif 'const MCSubtargetInfo &STI' in line:
elif 'const MCInst *MI' in line:
line2 = line.replace('const MCInst *MI', 'MCInst *MI')
elif 'llvm_unreachable("' in line:
if 'default: ' in line:
print_line(' default:')
elif 'llvm_unreachable("Unknown MCOperandPredicate kind")' in line:
print_line(' return false; // never reach')
elif 'raw_ostream &' in line:
line2 = line.replace('raw_ostream &', 'SStream *')
if line2.endswith(' {'):
line2 = line2.replace(' {', '\n{')
elif 'printPredicateOperand(' in line and 'STI, ' in line:
line2 = line.replace('STI, ', '')
elif '// Fragment ' in line:
# // Fragment 0 encoded into 6 bits for 51 unique commands.
tmp = line.strip().split(' ')
fragment_no = tmp[2]
elif ('switch ((' in line or 'if ((' in line) and 'Bits' in line:
# switch ((Bits >> 14) & 63) {
bits = line.strip()
bits = bits.replace('switch ', '')
bits = bits.replace('if ', '')
bits = bits.replace('{', '')
bits = bits.strip()
print_line(' // printf("Fragment %s: %%"PRIu64"\\n", %s);' %(fragment_no, bits))
elif not skip_printing:
if line == ' };':
if need_endif and not in_getRegisterName:
# endif only for AsmStrs when we are not inside getRegisterName()
need_endif = False
elif 'return AsmStrs+RegAsmOffset[RegNo-1];' in line:
if in_getRegisterName:
# return NULL for register name on Diet mode
print_line(" return NULL;")
need_endif = False
in_getRegisterName = False
# skip 1 line
skip_line = 1
elif line == ' }':
# ARM64
if in_getRegisterName:
# return NULL for register name on Diet mode
print_line(" return NULL;")
need_endif = False
in_getRegisterName = False
# skip 1 line
skip_line = 1
elif 'default:' in line:
# ARM64
if in_getRegisterName:
# get the size of RegAsmOffsetvreg[]
print_line(" return (const char *)(sizeof(RegAsmOffsetvreg)/sizeof(RegAsmOffsetvreg[0]));")