blob: 4ef4a5f52946d8eeec779634f5cb752401b48d58 [file] [log] [blame]
import unittest
from capstone import *
from capstone.arm64 import *
# By Stevie Lavern <>, 2023.
class ARM64MovRegAccessTest(unittest.TestCase):
# These instructions should all have their 1st operand register being WRITTEN and not READ.
("00 00 80 D2", "mov x0, #0"),
("E2 66 82 52", "movz w2, #0x1337"),
("A3 D5 9B 92", "movn x3, #0xdead"),
("E4 DD 97 12", "movn w4, #0xbeef"),
("03 40 A0 D2", "mov x3, #0x2000000") # aliased to MOVZXi.
("00 20 18 D5", "msr ttbr0_el1, x0"),
("20 20 38 D5", "mrs x0, ttbr1_el1")
def setUp(self):
self.insts = []
self.cs.detail = True
for pattern, asm in self.PATTERNS_IMM:
l = list(self.cs.disasm(bytes.fromhex(pattern), 0))
self.assertTrue(len(l) == 1)
_, expected_reg_written, _ = asm.split()
# strip comma and [].
expected_reg_written = [expected_reg_written[:-1]]
expected_reg_read = [] # nothing should be read.
expected_regs = [expected_reg_read, expected_reg_written]
self.insts.append((l[0], asm, expected_regs, False))
for pattern, asm in self.PATTERNS_REG:
l = list(self.cs.disasm(bytes.fromhex(pattern), 0))
self.assertTrue(len(l) == 1)
_, expected_reg_written, expected_reg_read = asm.split()
# strip comma and [], only keep general purpose registers.
expected_reg_written = expected_reg_written[:-1]
expected_reg_written = [expected_reg_written] if expected_reg_written[0].lower() == 'x' else []
expected_reg_read = [expected_reg_read] if expected_reg_read[0].lower() == 'x' else []
expected_regs = [expected_reg_read, expected_reg_written]
self.insts.append((l[0], asm, expected_regs, True))
def test_regs_access(self):
"""Check that the `regs_access` API provides correct data"""
for inst, asm, expected_regs, pattern_reg in self.insts:
# Check that the instruction writes the first register operand and reads the second.
for i, decoded_regs in enumerate(map(lambda l: list(map(self.cs.reg_name, l)), inst.regs_access())):
self.assertEqual(decoded_regs, expected_regs[i], "%s has %r %s registers instead of %r" % (asm, decoded_regs, ["read", "written"][i], expected_regs[i]))
def test_operands(self):
"""Check that the `operands` API provides correct data"""
for inst, asm, expected_regs, pattern_reg in self.insts:
ops = inst.operands
self.assertEqual(len(ops), 2)
reg_types = [CS_OP_REG, ARM64_OP_SYS] if pattern_reg else [CS_OP_REG]
self.assertIn(ops[0].type, reg_types, "%s has operand 0 with invalid type" % asm)
self.assertEqual(ops[0].access, CS_AC_WRITE, "%s has operand 0 with invalid access" % asm)
if pattern_reg:
self.assertIn(ops[1].type, reg_types, "%s has operand 0 with invalid type" % asm)
self.assertEqual(ops[1].type, CS_OP_IMM, "%s has operand 0 with invalid type" % asm)
if __name__ == '__main__':