blob: 6f7b352877546ec49db31823bdf26c2b3cbc0c43 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright © 2022 Rot127 <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3
import hashlib
import logging as log
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import termcolor
from tree_sitter import Node
from autosync.PathVarHandler import PathVarHandler
def convert_loglevel(level: str) -> int:
if level == "debug":
return log.DEBUG
elif level == "info":
return log.INFO
elif level == "warning":
return log.WARNING
elif level == "error":
return log.ERROR
elif level == "fatal":
return log.FATAL
elif level == "critical":
return log.CRITICAL
raise ValueError(f'Unknown loglevel "{level}"')
def find_id_by_type(node: Node, node_types: [str], type_must_match: bool) -> bytes:
Recursively searches for a node sequence with given node types.
A valid sequence is a path from !\f$node_n\f$ to !\f$node_{(n + |node\_types|-1)}\f$ where
!\f$\forall i \in \{0, ..., |node\_types|-1\}: type(node_{(n + i)}) = node\_types_i\f$.
If a node sequence is found, this functions returns the text associated with the
last node in the sequence.
:param node: Current node.
:param node_types: List of node types.
:param type_must_match: If true, it is mandatory for the current node that its type matches node_types[0]
:return: The nodes text of the last node in a valid sequence of and empty string of no such sequence exists.
if len(node_types) == 0:
# No ids left to compare to: Nothing found
return b""
# Set true if:
# current node type matches.
# OR
# parent dictates that node type match
type_must_match = node.type == node_types[0] or type_must_match
if type_must_match and node.type != node_types[0]:
# This child has no matching type. Return.
return b""
if len(node_types) == 1 and type_must_match:
if node.type == node_types[0]:
# Found it
return node.text
# Not found. Return to parent
return b""
# If this nodes type matches the first in the list
# we remove this one from the list.
# Otherwise, give the whole list to the child (since our type does not matter).
children_id_types = node_types[1:] if type_must_match else node_types
# Check if any child has a matching type.
for child in node.named_children:
res = find_id_by_type(child, children_id_types, type_must_match)
if res:
# A path from this node matches the id_types!
return res
# None of our children matched the type list.
return b""
def print_prominent_warning(msg: str, wait_for_user: bool = True) -> None:
print("\n" + separator_line_1("yellow"))
print(termcolor.colored("WARNING", "yellow", attrs=["bold"]) + "\n")
if wait_for_user:
input("Press enter to continue...\n")
def term_width() -> int:
return shutil.get_terminal_size()[0]
def print_prominent_info(msg: str, wait_for_user: bool = True) -> None:
print("\n" + separator_line_1("blue"))
if wait_for_user:
input("Press enter to continue...\n")
def bold(msg: str, color: str = None) -> str:
if color:
return termcolor.colored(msg, attrs=["bold"], color=color)
return termcolor.colored(msg, attrs=["bold"])
def colored(msg: str, color: str) -> str:
return termcolor.colored(msg, color=color)
def separator_line_1(color: str = None) -> str:
return f"{bold(f'⎼' * int(term_width() / 2), color)}\n"
def separator_line_2(color: str = None) -> str:
return f"{bold(f'═' * int(term_width() / 2), color)}\n"
def get_sha256(data: bytes) -> str:
h = hashlib.sha256()
return h.hexdigest()
def get_header() -> str:
return (
"/* Capstone Disassembly Engine, */\n"
"/* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013-2022, */\n"
"/* Rot127 <> 2022-2023 */\n"
"/* Automatically translated source file from LLVM. */\n\n"
"/* LLVM-commit: <commit> */\n"
"/* LLVM-tag: <tag> */\n\n"
"/* Only small edits allowed. */\n"
"/* For multiple similar edits, please create a Patch for the translator. */\n\n"
"/* Capstone's C++ file translator: */\n"
"/* */\n\n"
def run_clang_format(out_paths: list[Path]):
for out_file in out_paths:"Format {out_file}")
def get_path(config_path: str) -> Path:
return PathVarHandler().complete_path(config_path)
def fail_exit(msg: str) -> None:
"""Logs a fatal message and exits with error code 1."""
def check_py_version() -> None:
if not sys.hexversion >= 0x030B00F0:
log.fatal("Python >= v3.11 required.")