diff --git a/arch/X86/X86Disassembler.c b/arch/X86/X86Disassembler.c
index 12c3c57..13404ad 100644
--- a/arch/X86/X86Disassembler.c
+++ b/arch/X86/X86Disassembler.c
@@ -922,17 +922,13 @@
 	if (instr->flat_insn->detail) {
 		// instr->flat_insn->detail initialization: 3 alternatives
 		// 1. The whole structure, this is how it's done in other arch disassemblers
 		// Probably overkill since cs_detail is huge because of the 36 operands of ARM
 		//memset(instr->flat_insn->detail, 0, sizeof(cs_detail));
 		// 2. Only the part relevant to x86
-		memset(instr->flat_insn->detail, 0, offsetof(cs_detail, x86)+sizeof(cs_x86));
+		memset(instr->flat_insn->detail, 0, offsetof(cs_detail, x86) + sizeof(cs_x86));
 		// 3. The relevant part except for x86.operands
 		// sizeof(cs_x86) is 0x1c0, sizeof(x86.operands) is 0x180