blob: 091a6dd94fdfb1823ffd4909809079a0ba3f5b69 [file] [log] [blame]
# Capstone Python bindings, by Nguyen Anh Quynnh <>
import sys
from platform import system
_python2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3
if _python2:
range = xrange
__all__ = [
# Capstone C interface
# API version
# Package version
# architectures
CS_ARCH_X86 = 3
CS_ARCH_M68K = 8
CS_ARCH_TMS320C64X = 9
CS_ARCH_M680X = 10
# disasm mode
CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0 # little-endian mode (default mode)
CS_MODE_ARM = 0 # ARM mode
CS_MODE_16 = (1 << 1) # 16-bit mode (for X86)
CS_MODE_32 = (1 << 2) # 32-bit mode (for X86)
CS_MODE_64 = (1 << 3) # 64-bit mode (for X86, PPC)
CS_MODE_THUMB = (1 << 4) # ARM's Thumb mode, including Thumb-2
CS_MODE_MCLASS = (1 << 5) # ARM's Cortex-M series
CS_MODE_V8 = (1 << 6) # ARMv8 A32 encodings for ARM
CS_MODE_MICRO = (1 << 4) # MicroMips mode (MIPS architecture)
CS_MODE_MIPS3 = (1 << 5) # Mips III ISA
CS_MODE_MIPS32R6 = (1 << 6) # Mips32r6 ISA
CS_MODE_MIPS2 = (1 << 7) # Mips II ISA
CS_MODE_V9 = (1 << 4) # Sparc V9 mode (for Sparc)
CS_MODE_QPX = (1 << 4) # Quad Processing eXtensions mode (PPC)
CS_MODE_M68K_000 = (1 << 1) # M68K 68000 mode
CS_MODE_M68K_010 = (1 << 2) # M68K 68010 mode
CS_MODE_M68K_020 = (1 << 3) # M68K 68020 mode
CS_MODE_M68K_030 = (1 << 4) # M68K 68030 mode
CS_MODE_M68K_040 = (1 << 5) # M68K 68040 mode
CS_MODE_M68K_060 = (1 << 6) # M68K 68060 mode
CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN = (1 << 31) # big-endian mode
CS_MODE_MIPS32 = CS_MODE_32 # Mips32 ISA
CS_MODE_MIPS64 = CS_MODE_64 # Mips64 ISA
CS_MODE_M680X_6301 = (1 << 1) # M680X HD6301/3 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6309 = (1 << 2) # M680X HD6309 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6800 = (1 << 3) # M680X M6800/2 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6801 = (1 << 4) # M680X M6801/3 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6805 = (1 << 5) # M680X M6805 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6808 = (1 << 6) # M680X M68HC08 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6809 = (1 << 7) # M680X M6809 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_6811 = (1 << 8) # M680X M68HC11 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_CPU12 = (1 << 9) # M680X CPU12 mode
CS_MODE_M680X_HCS08 = (1 << 10) # M680X HCS08 mode
# Capstone option type
CS_OPT_SYNTAX = 1 # Intel X86 asm syntax (CS_ARCH_X86 arch)
CS_OPT_DETAIL = 2 # Break down instruction structure into details
CS_OPT_MODE = 3 # Change engine's mode at run-time
CS_OPT_MEM = 4 # Change engine's mode at run-time
CS_OPT_SKIPDATA = 5 # Skip data when disassembling
CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP = 6 # Setup user-defined function for SKIPDATA option
CS_OPT_MNEMONIC = 7 # Customize instruction mnemonic
CS_OPT_UNSIGNED = 8 # Print immediate in unsigned form
# Capstone option value
CS_OPT_OFF = 0 # Turn OFF an option - default option of CS_OPT_DETAIL
CS_OPT_ON = 3 # Turn ON an option (CS_OPT_DETAIL)
# Common instruction operand types - to be consistent across all architectures.
CS_OP_FP = 4
# Common instruction groups - to be consistent across all architectures.
CS_GRP_INVALID = 0 # uninitialized/invalid group.
CS_GRP_JUMP = 1 # all jump instructions (conditional+direct+indirect jumps)
CS_GRP_CALL = 2 # all call instructions
CS_GRP_RET = 3 # all return instructions
CS_GRP_INT = 4 # all interrupt instructions (int+syscall)
CS_GRP_IRET = 5 # all interrupt return instructions
CS_GRP_PRIVILEGE = 6 # all privileged instructions
# Access types for instruction operands.
CS_AC_INVALID = 0 # Invalid/unitialized access type.
CS_AC_READ = (1 << 0) # Operand that is read from.
CS_AC_WRITE = (1 << 1) # Operand that is written to.
# Capstone syntax value
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_DEFAULT = 0 # Default assembly syntax of all platforms (CS_OPT_SYNTAX)
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL = 1 # Intel X86 asm syntax - default syntax on X86 (CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_ARCH_X86)
CS_OPT_SYNTAX_NOREGNAME = 3 # Asm syntax prints register name with only number - (CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_ARCH_PPC, CS_ARCH_ARM)
# Capstone error type
CS_ERR_OK = 0 # No error: everything was fine
CS_ERR_MEM = 1 # Out-Of-Memory error: cs_open(), cs_disasm()
CS_ERR_ARCH = 2 # Unsupported architecture: cs_open()
CS_ERR_HANDLE = 3 # Invalid handle: cs_op_count(), cs_op_index()
CS_ERR_CSH = 4 # Invalid csh argument: cs_close(), cs_errno(), cs_option()
CS_ERR_MODE = 5 # Invalid/unsupported mode: cs_open()
CS_ERR_OPTION = 6 # Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
CS_ERR_DETAIL = 7 # Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
CS_ERR_VERSION = 9 # Unsupported version (bindings)
CS_ERR_DIET = 10 # Information irrelevant in diet engine
CS_ERR_SKIPDATA = 11 # Access irrelevant data for "data" instruction in SKIPDATA mode
CS_ERR_X86_ATT = 12 # X86 AT&T syntax is unsupported (opt-out at compile time)
CS_ERR_X86_INTEL = 13 # X86 Intel syntax is unsupported (opt-out at compile time)
CS_ERR_X86_MASM = 14 # X86 Intel syntax is unsupported (opt-out at compile time)
# query id for cs_support()
# Capstone reverse lookup
CS_AC = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_AC_')}
CS_ARCH = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_ARCH_')}
CS_ERR = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_ERR_')}
CS_GRP = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_GRP_')}
CS_MODE = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_MODE_')}
CS_OP = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_OP_')}
CS_OPT = {v:k for k,v in locals().items() if k.startswith('CS_OPT_')}
import ctypes, ctypes.util
from os.path import split, join, dirname
import distutils.sysconfig
import pkg_resources
import inspect
if not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], '__file__'):
__file__ = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
_lib = "libcapstone.dylib"
elif sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
_lib = "capstone.dll"
_lib = ""
_found = False
def _load_lib(path):
lib_file = join(path, _lib)
return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_file)
except OSError:
# if we're on linux, try again with .so.4 extension
if lib_file.endswith('.so'):
return ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_file + '.4')
except OSError:
return None
return None
_cs = None
# Loading attempts, in order
# - pkg_resources can get us the path to the local libraries
# - we can get the path to the local libraries by parsing our filename
# - global load
# - python's lib directory
# - last-gasp attempt at some hardcoded paths on darwin and linux
_path_list = [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'lib'),
join(split(__file__)[0], 'lib'),
"/usr/local/lib/" if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '/usr/lib64']
for _path in _path_list:
_cs = _load_lib(_path)
if _cs is not None: break
raise ImportError("ERROR: fail to load the dynamic library.")
# low-level structure for C code
def copy_ctypes(src):
"""Returns a new ctypes object which is a bitwise copy of an existing one"""
dst = type(src)()
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.byref(dst), ctypes.byref(src), ctypes.sizeof(type(src)))
return dst
def copy_ctypes_list(src):
return [copy_ctypes(n) for n in src]
# Weird import placement because these modules are needed by the below code but need the above functions
from . import arm, arm64, m68k, mips, ppc, sparc, systemz, x86, xcore, tms320c64x, m680x
class _cs_arch(ctypes.Union):
_fields_ = (
('arm64', arm64.CsArm64),
('arm', arm.CsArm),
('m68k', m68k.CsM68K),
('mips', mips.CsMips),
('x86', x86.CsX86),
('ppc', ppc.CsPpc),
('sparc', sparc.CsSparc),
('sysz', systemz.CsSysz),
('xcore', xcore.CsXcore),
('tms320c64x', tms320c64x.CsTMS320C64x),
('m680x', m680x.CsM680x),
class _cs_detail(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (
('regs_read', ctypes.c_uint16 * 12),
('regs_read_count', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('regs_write', ctypes.c_uint16 * 20),
('regs_write_count', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('groups', ctypes.c_ubyte * 8),
('groups_count', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('arch', _cs_arch),
class _cs_insn(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (
('id', ctypes.c_uint),
('address', ctypes.c_uint64),
('size', ctypes.c_uint16),
('bytes', ctypes.c_ubyte * 16),
('mnemonic', ctypes.c_char * 32),
('op_str', ctypes.c_char * 160),
('detail', ctypes.POINTER(_cs_detail)),
# callback for SKIPDATA option
CS_SKIPDATA_CALLBACK = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_void_p)
class _cs_opt_skipdata(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (
('mnemonic', ctypes.c_char_p),
('user_data', ctypes.c_void_p),
class _cs_opt_mnem(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (
('id', ctypes.c_uint),
('mnemonic', ctypes.c_char_p),
# setup all the function prototype
def _setup_prototype(lib, fname, restype, *argtypes):
getattr(lib, fname).restype = restype
getattr(lib, fname).argtypes = argtypes
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_open", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t))
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_disasm", ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char), ctypes.c_size_t, \
ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn)))
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_free", None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_close", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t))
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_reg_name", ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_uint)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_insn_name", ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_uint)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_group_name", ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_uint)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_op_count", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn), ctypes.c_uint)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_op_index", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn), ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_errno", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_size_t)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_option", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_version", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_support", ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_int)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_strerror", ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int)
_setup_prototype(_cs, "cs_regs_access", ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16*64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16*64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8))
# access to error code via @errno of CsError
class CsError(Exception):
def __init__(self, errno):
self.errno = errno
if _python2:
def __str__(self):
return _cs.cs_strerror(self.errno)
def __str__(self):
return _cs.cs_strerror(self.errno).decode()
# return the core's version
def cs_version():
major = ctypes.c_int()
minor = ctypes.c_int()
combined = _cs.cs_version(ctypes.byref(major), ctypes.byref(minor))
return (major.value, minor.value, combined)
# return the binding's version
def version_bind():
def cs_support(query):
return _cs.cs_support(query)
# dummy class resembling Cs class, just for cs_disasm_quick()
# this class only need to be referenced to via 2 fields: @csh & @arch
class _dummy_cs(object):
def __init__(self, csh, arch):
self.csh = csh
self.arch = arch
self._detail = False
# Quick & dirty Python function to disasm raw binary code
# This function return CsInsn objects
# NOTE: you might want to use more efficient Cs class & its methods.
def cs_disasm_quick(arch, mode, code, offset, count=0):
# verify version compatibility with the core before doing anything
(major, minor, _combined) = cs_version()
if major != CS_API_MAJOR or minor != CS_API_MINOR:
# our binding version is different from the core's API version
raise CsError(CS_ERR_VERSION)
csh = ctypes.c_size_t()
status = _cs.cs_open(arch, mode, ctypes.byref(csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
all_insn = ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn)()
res = _cs.cs_disasm(csh, code, len(code), offset, count, ctypes.byref(all_insn))
if res > 0:
for i in range(res):
yield CsInsn(_dummy_cs(csh, arch), all_insn[i])
_cs.cs_free(all_insn, res)
status = _cs.cs_errno(csh)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
status = _cs.cs_close(ctypes.byref(csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# Another quick, but lighter function to disasm raw binary code.
# This function is faster than cs_disasm_quick() around 20% because
# cs_disasm_lite() only return tuples of (address, size, mnemonic, op_str),
# rather than CsInsn objects.
# NOTE: you might want to use more efficient Cs class & its methods.
def cs_disasm_lite(arch, mode, code, offset, count=0):
# verify version compatibility with the core before doing anything
(major, minor, _combined) = cs_version()
if major != CS_API_MAJOR or minor != CS_API_MINOR:
# our binding version is different from the core's API version
raise CsError(CS_ERR_VERSION)
if cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_DIET):
# Diet engine cannot provide @mnemonic & @op_str
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
csh = ctypes.c_size_t()
status = _cs.cs_open(arch, mode, ctypes.byref(csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
all_insn = ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn)()
res = _cs.cs_disasm(csh, code, len(code), offset, count, ctypes.byref(all_insn))
if res > 0:
for i in range(res):
insn = all_insn[i]
yield (insn.address, insn.size, insn.mnemonic.decode('ascii'), insn.op_str.decode('ascii'))
_cs.cs_free(all_insn, res)
status = _cs.cs_errno(csh)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
status = _cs.cs_close(ctypes.byref(csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
def _ascii_name_or_default(name, default):
return default if name is None else name.decode('ascii')
# Python-style class to disasm code
class CsInsn(object):
def __init__(self, cs, all_info):
self._raw = copy_ctypes(all_info)
self._cs = cs
if self._cs._detail and != 0:
# save detail
self._raw.detail = ctypes.pointer(all_info.detail._type_())
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.byref(self._raw.detail[0]), ctypes.byref(all_info.detail[0]), ctypes.sizeof(type(all_info.detail[0])))
# return instruction's ID.
def id(self):
# return instruction's address.
def address(self):
return self._raw.address
# return instruction's size.
def size(self):
return self._raw.size
# return instruction's machine bytes (which should have @size bytes).
def bytes(self):
return bytearray(self._raw.bytes)[:self._raw.size]
# return instruction's mnemonic.
def mnemonic(self):
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @mnemonic.
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return self._raw.mnemonic.decode('ascii')
# return instruction's operands (in string).
def op_str(self):
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @op_str.
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return self._raw.op_str.decode('ascii')
# return list of all implicit registers being read.
def regs_read(self):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @regs_read.
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
if self._cs._detail:
return self._raw.detail.contents.regs_read[:self._raw.detail.contents.regs_read_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
# return list of all implicit registers being modified
def regs_write(self):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @regs_write
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
if self._cs._detail:
return self._raw.detail.contents.regs_write[:self._raw.detail.contents.regs_write_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
# return list of semantic groups this instruction belongs to.
def groups(self):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @groups
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
if self._cs._detail:
return self._raw.detail.contents.groups[:self._raw.detail.contents.groups_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
def __gen_detail(self):
arch = self._cs.arch
if arch == CS_ARCH_ARM:
(self.usermode, self.vector_size, self.vector_data, self.cps_mode, self.cps_flag,, self.update_flags, \
self.writeback, self.mem_barrier, self.operands) = arm.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.arm)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_ARM64:
(, self.update_flags, self.writeback, self.operands) = \
elif arch == CS_ARCH_X86:
(self.prefix, self.opcode, self.rex, self.addr_size, \
self.modrm, self.sib, self.disp, \
self.sib_index, self.sib_scale, self.sib_base, self.xop_cc, self.sse_cc, \
self.avx_cc, self.avx_sae, self.avx_rm, self.eflags, self.operands) = x86.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.x86)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_M68K:
(self.operands, self.op_size) = m68k.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.m68k)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_MIPS:
self.operands = mips.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.mips)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_PPC:
(self.bc,, self.update_cr0, self.operands) = \
elif arch == CS_ARCH_SPARC:
(, self.hint, self.operands) = sparc.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.sparc)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_SYSZ:
(, self.operands) = systemz.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.sysz)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_XCORE:
(self.operands) = xcore.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.xcore)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_TMS320C64X:
(self.condition, self.funit, self.parallel, self.operands) = tms320c64x.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.tms320c64x)
elif arch == CS_ARCH_M680X:
(self.flags, self.operands) = m680x.get_arch_info(self._raw.detail.contents.arch.m680x)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not self._cs._detail:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
attr = object.__getattribute__
if not attr(self, '_cs')._detail:
raise AttributeError(name)
_dict = attr(self, '__dict__')
if 'operands' not in _dict:
if name not in _dict:
raise AttributeError(name)
return _dict[name]
# get the last error code
def errno(self):
return _cs.cs_errno(self._cs.csh)
# get the register name, given the register ID
def reg_name(self, reg_id, default=None):
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide register name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_reg_name(self._cs.csh, reg_id), default)
# get the instruction name
def insn_name(self, default=None):
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide instruction name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
if == 0:
return default
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_insn_name(self._cs.csh,, default)
# get the group name
def group_name(self, group_id, default=None):
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide group name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_group_name(self._cs.csh, group_id), default)
# verify if this insn belong to group with id as @group_id
def group(self, group_id):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide group information
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return group_id in self.groups
# verify if this instruction implicitly read register @reg_id
def reg_read(self, reg_id):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide regs_read information
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return reg_id in self.regs_read
# verify if this instruction implicitly modified register @reg_id
def reg_write(self, reg_id):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
if self._cs._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide regs_write information
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return reg_id in self.regs_write
# return number of operands having same operand type @op_type
def op_count(self, op_type):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
c = 0
for op in self.operands:
if op.type == op_type:
c += 1
return c
# get the operand at position @position of all operands having the same type @op_type
def op_find(self, op_type, position):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
c = 0
for op in self.operands:
if op.type == op_type:
c += 1
if c == position:
return op
# Return (list-of-registers-read, list-of-registers-modified) by this instructions.
# This includes all the implicit & explicit registers.
def regs_access(self):
if == 0:
raise CsError(CS_ERR_SKIPDATA)
regs_read = (ctypes.c_uint16 * 64)()
regs_read_count = ctypes.c_uint8()
regs_write = (ctypes.c_uint16 * 64)()
regs_write_count = ctypes.c_uint8()
status = _cs.cs_regs_access(self._cs.csh, self._raw, ctypes.byref(regs_read), ctypes.byref(regs_read_count), ctypes.byref(regs_write), ctypes.byref(regs_write_count))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
if regs_read_count.value > 0:
regs_read = regs_read[:regs_read_count.value]
regs_read = ()
if regs_write_count.value > 0:
regs_write = regs_write[:regs_write_count.value]
regs_write = ()
return (regs_read, regs_write)
class Cs(object):
def __init__(self, arch, mode):
# verify version compatibility with the core before doing anything
(major, minor, _combined) = cs_version()
if major != CS_API_MAJOR or minor != CS_API_MINOR:
self.csh = None
# our binding version is different from the core's API version
raise CsError(CS_ERR_VERSION)
self.arch, self._mode = arch, mode
self.csh = ctypes.c_size_t()
status = _cs.cs_open(arch, mode, ctypes.byref(self.csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
self.csh = None
raise CsError(status)
import ccapstone
# rewire disasm to use the faster version
self.disasm = ccapstone.Cs(self).disasm
if arch == CS_ARCH_X86:
# Intel syntax is default for X86
self._syntax = CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL
self._syntax = None
self._detail = False # by default, do not produce instruction details
self._imm_unsigned = False # by default, print immediate operands as signed numbers
self._diet = cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_DIET)
self._x86reduce = cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_X86_REDUCE)
# default mnemonic for SKIPDATA
self._skipdata_mnem = ".byte"
self._skipdata = False
# destructor to be called automatically when object is destroyed.
def __del__(self):
if self.csh:
status = _cs.cs_close(ctypes.byref(self.csh))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
except: # _cs might be pulled from under our feet
# def option(self, opt_type, opt_value):
# return _cs.cs_option(self.csh, opt_type, opt_value)
# is this a diet engine?
def diet(self):
return self._diet
# is this engine compiled with X86-reduce option?
def x86_reduce(self):
return self._x86reduce
# return assembly syntax.
def syntax(self):
return self._syntax
# syntax setter: modify assembly syntax.
def syntax(self, style):
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_SYNTAX, style)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# save syntax
self._syntax = style
# return current skipdata status
def skipdata(self):
return self._skipdata
# setter: modify skipdata status
def skipdata(self, opt):
if opt == False:
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_OFF)
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA, CS_OPT_ON)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# save this option
self._skipdata = opt
def skipdata_setup(self):
def skipdata_setup(self, opt):
_skipdata_opt = _cs_opt_skipdata()
_mnem, _cb, _ud = opt
_skipdata_opt.mnemonic = _mnem.encode()
_skipdata_opt.callback = CS_SKIPDATA_CALLBACK(_cb)
_skipdata_opt.user_data = ctypes.cast(_ud, ctypes.c_void_p)
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_SKIPDATA_SETUP, ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(_skipdata_opt), ctypes.c_void_p))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
self._skipdata_opt = _skipdata_opt
# customize instruction mnemonic
def mnemonic_setup(self, id, mnem):
_mnem_opt = _cs_opt_mnem() = id
if mnem:
_mnem_opt.mnemonic = mnem.encode()
_mnem_opt.mnemonic = mnem
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_MNEMONIC, ctypes.cast(ctypes.byref(_mnem_opt), ctypes.c_void_p))
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# check to see if this engine supports a particular arch,
# or diet mode (depending on @query).
def support(self, query):
return cs_support(query)
# is detail mode enable?
def detail(self):
return self._detail
# modify detail mode.
def detail(self, opt): # opt is boolean type, so must be either 'True' or 'False'
if opt == False:
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_OFF)
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_ON)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# save detail
self._detail = opt
# is detail mode enable?
def imm_unsigned(self):
return self._imm_unsigned
# modify detail mode.
def imm_unsigned(self, opt): # opt is boolean type, so must be either 'True' or 'False'
if opt == False:
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_UNSIGNED, CS_OPT_OFF)
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_UNSIGNED, CS_OPT_ON)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# save detail
self._imm_unsigned = opt
# return disassembly mode of this engine.
def mode(self):
return self._mode
# modify engine's mode at run-time.
def mode(self, opt): # opt is new disasm mode, of int type
status = _cs.cs_option(self.csh, CS_OPT_MODE, opt)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# save mode
self._mode = opt
# get the last error code
def errno(self):
return _cs.cs_errno(self.csh)
# get the register name, given the register ID
def reg_name(self, reg_id, default=None):
if self._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide register name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_reg_name(self.csh, reg_id), default)
# get the instruction name, given the instruction ID
def insn_name(self, insn_id, default=None):
if self._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide instruction name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_insn_name(self.csh, insn_id), default)
# get the group name
def group_name(self, group_id, default=None):
if self._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide group name
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
return _ascii_name_or_default(_cs.cs_group_name(self.csh, group_id), default)
# Disassemble binary & return disassembled instructions in CsInsn objects
def disasm(self, code, offset, count=0):
all_insn = ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn)()
'''if not _python2:
code = code.encode()
# Hack, unicorn's memory accessors give you back bytearrays, but they
# cause TypeErrors when you hand them into Capstone.
if isinstance(code, bytearray):
code = bytes(code)
res = _cs.cs_disasm(self.csh, code, len(code), offset, count, ctypes.byref(all_insn))
if res > 0:
for i in range(res):
yield CsInsn(self, all_insn[i])
_cs.cs_free(all_insn, res)
status = _cs.cs_errno(self.csh)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# Light function to disassemble binary. This is about 20% faster than disasm() because
# unlike disasm(), disasm_lite() only return tuples of (address, size, mnemonic, op_str),
# rather than CsInsn objects.
def disasm_lite(self, code, offset, count=0):
if self._diet:
# Diet engine cannot provide @mnemonic & @op_str
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DIET)
all_insn = ctypes.POINTER(_cs_insn)()
res = _cs.cs_disasm(self.csh, code, len(code), offset, count, ctypes.byref(all_insn))
if res > 0:
for i in range(res):
insn = all_insn[i]
yield (insn.address, insn.size, insn.mnemonic.decode('ascii'), insn.op_str.decode('ascii'))
_cs.cs_free(all_insn, res)
status = _cs.cs_errno(self.csh)
if status != CS_ERR_OK:
raise CsError(status)
# print out debugging info
def debug():
# is Cython there?
from . import ccapstone
return ccapstone.debug()
# no Cython, fallback to Python code below
if cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_DIET):
diet = "diet"
diet = "standard"
archs = { "arm": CS_ARCH_ARM, "arm64": CS_ARCH_ARM64, "m68k": CS_ARCH_M68K, \
"mips": CS_ARCH_MIPS, "ppc": CS_ARCH_PPC, "sparc": CS_ARCH_SPARC, \
"sysz": CS_ARCH_SYSZ, 'xcore': CS_ARCH_XCORE, "tms320c64x": CS_ARCH_TMS320C64X, \
"m680x": CS_ARCH_M680X }
all_archs = ""
keys = archs.keys()
for k in sorted(keys):
if cs_support(archs[k]):
all_archs += "-%s" % k
if cs_support(CS_ARCH_X86):
all_archs += "-x86"
if cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_X86_REDUCE):
all_archs += "_reduce"
(major, minor, _combined) = cs_version()
return "python-%s%s-c%u.%u-b%u.%u" % (diet, all_archs, major, minor, CS_API_MAJOR, CS_API_MINOR)