blob: 9159f8f2f8620b3b51a958bd31044b4ee0be67a9 [file] [log] [blame]
package blueprint
import (
var ErrBuildActionsNotReady = errors.New("build actions are not ready")
const maxErrors = 10
// A Context contains all the state needed to parse a set of Blueprints files
// and generate a Ninja file. The process of generating a Ninja file proceeds
// through a series of four phases. Each phase corresponds with a some methods
// on the Context object
// Phase Methods
// ------------ -------------------------------------------
// 1. Registration RegisterModuleType, RegisterSingleton
// 2. Parse ParseBlueprintsFiles, Parse
// 3. Generate ResovleDependencies, PrepareBuildActions
// 4. Write WriteBuildFile
// The registration phase prepares the context to process Blueprints files
// containing various types of modules. The parse phase reads in one or more
// Blueprints files and validates their contents against the module types that
// have been registered. The generate phase then analyzes the parsed Blueprints
// contents to create an internal representation for the build actions that must
// be performed. This phase also performs validation of the module dependencies
// and property values defined in the parsed Blueprints files. Finally, the
// write phase generates the Ninja manifest text based on the generated build
// actions.
type Context struct {
// set at instantiation
moduleTypes map[string]ModuleType
modules map[string]Module
moduleInfo map[Module]*moduleInfo
singletonInfo map[string]*singletonInfo
dependenciesReady bool // set to true on a successful ResolveDependencies
buildActionsReady bool // set to true on a successful PrepareBuildActions
// set by SetIgnoreUnknownModuleTypes
ignoreUnknownModuleTypes bool
// set during PrepareBuildActions
pkgNames map[*pkg]string
globalVariables map[Variable]*ninjaString
globalPools map[Pool]*poolDef
globalRules map[Rule]*ruleDef
// set during PrepareBuildActions
buildDir *ninjaString // The builddir special Ninja variable
requiredNinjaMajor int // For the ninja_required_version variable
requiredNinjaMinor int // For the ninja_required_version variable
requiredNinjaMicro int // For the ninja_required_version variable
// An Error describes a problem that was encountered that is related to a
// particular location in a Blueprints file.
type Error struct {
Err error // the error that occurred
Pos scanner.Position // the relevant Blueprints file location
type localBuildActions struct {
variables []*localVariable
rules []*localRule
buildDefs []*buildDef
type moduleInfo struct {
// set during Parse
typeName string
typ ModuleType
relBlueprintsFile string
pos scanner.Position
propertyPos map[string]scanner.Position
properties struct {
Name string
Deps []string
// set during ResolveDependencies
directDeps []Module
// set during PrepareBuildActions
actionDefs localBuildActions
type singletonInfo struct {
// set during RegisterSingleton
singleton Singleton
// set during PrepareBuildActions
actionDefs localBuildActions
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Pos, e.Err)
// NewContext creates a new Context object. The created context initially has
// no module types or singletons registered, so the RegisterModuleType and
// RegisterSingleton methods must be called before it can do anything useful.
func NewContext() *Context {
return &Context{
moduleTypes: make(map[string]ModuleType),
modules: make(map[string]Module),
moduleInfo: make(map[Module]*moduleInfo),
singletonInfo: make(map[string]*singletonInfo),
// RegisterModuleType associates a module type name (which can appear in a
// Blueprints file) with a ModuleType object. When the given module type name
// is encountered in a Blueprints file during parsing, the ModuleType object
// will be used to instantiate a new Module object to handle the build action
// generation for the module.
// The module type names given here must be unique for the context. Note that
// these module type names are different from the name passed to MakeModuleType.
// The name given here is how the module type is referenced in a Blueprints
// file, while the name passed to MakeModuleType indicates the name of the Go
// ModuleType object (i.e. it's used to when reporting build logic problems to
// make finding the problematic code easier).
func (c *Context) RegisterModuleType(name string, typ ModuleType) {
if _, present := c.moduleTypes[name]; present {
panic(errors.New("module type name is already registered"))
c.moduleTypes[name] = typ
// RegisterSingleton registers a singleton object that will be invoked to
// generate build actions. Each registered singleton is invoked exactly once as
// part of the generate phase.
func (c *Context) RegisterSingleton(name string, singleton Singleton) {
if _, present := c.singletonInfo[name]; present {
panic(errors.New("singleton name is already registered"))
if singletonPkgPath(singleton) == "" {
panic(errors.New("singleton types must be a named type"))
c.singletonInfo[name] = &singletonInfo{
singleton: singleton,
func singletonPkgPath(singleton Singleton) string {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(singleton)
for typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
return typ.PkgPath()
func singletonTypeName(singleton Singleton) string {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(singleton)
for typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
return typ.PkgPath() + "." + typ.Name()
// SetIgnoreUnknownModuleTypes sets the behavior of the context in the case
// where it encounters an unknown module type while parsing Blueprints files. By
// default, the context will report unknown module types as an error. If this
// method is called with ignoreUnknownModuleTypes set to true then the context
// will silently ignore unknown module types.
// This method should generally not be used. It exists to facilitate the
// bootstrapping process.
func (c *Context) SetIgnoreUnknownModuleTypes(ignoreUnknownModuleTypes bool) {
c.ignoreUnknownModuleTypes = ignoreUnknownModuleTypes
// Parse parses a single Blueprints file from r, creating Module objects for
// each of the module definitions encountered. If the Blueprints file contains
// an assignment to the "subdirs" variable, then the subdirectories listed are
// returned in the subdirs first return value.
// rootDir specifies the path to the root directory of the source tree, while
// filename specifies the path to the Blueprints file. These paths are used for
// error reporting and for determining the module's directory.
// This method should probably not be used directly. It is provided to simplify
// testing. Instead ParseBlueprintsFiles should be called to parse a set of
// Blueprints files starting from a top-level Blueprints file.
func (c *Context) Parse(rootDir, filename string, r io.Reader) (subdirs []string,
errs []error) {
c.dependenciesReady = false
relBlueprintsFile, err := filepath.Rel(rootDir, filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, []error{err}
defs, errs := parser.Parse(filename, r)
if len(errs) > 0 {
for i, err := range errs {
if parseErr, ok := err.(*parser.ParseError); ok {
err = &Error{
Err: parseErr.Err,
Pos: parseErr.Pos,
errs[i] = err
// If there were any parse errors don't bother trying to interpret the
// result.
return nil, errs
for _, def := range defs {
var newErrs []error
switch def := def.(type) {
case *parser.Module:
newErrs = c.processModuleDef(def, relBlueprintsFile)
case *parser.Assignment:
var newSubdirs []string
newSubdirs, newErrs = c.processAssignment(def)
if newSubdirs != nil {
subdirs = newSubdirs
panic("unknown definition type")
if len(newErrs) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, newErrs...)
if len(errs) > maxErrors {
return subdirs, errs
// ParseBlueprintsFiles parses a set of Blueprints files starting with the file
// at rootFile. When it encounters a Blueprints file with a set of subdirs
// listed it recursively parses any Blueprints files found in those
// subdirectories.
// If no errors are encountered while parsing the files, the list of paths on
// which the future output will depend is returned. This list will include both
// Blueprints file paths as well as directory paths for cases where wildcard
// subdirs are found.
func (c *Context) ParseBlueprintsFiles(rootFile string) (deps []string,
errs []error) {
rootDir := filepath.Dir(rootFile)
depsSet := map[string]bool{rootFile: true}
blueprints := []string{rootFile}
var file *os.File
defer func() {
if file != nil {
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(blueprints); i++ {
if len(errs) > maxErrors {
filename := blueprints[i]
dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
file, err = os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, &Error{Err: err})
subdirs, newErrs := c.Parse(rootDir, filename, file)
if len(newErrs) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, newErrs...)
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, &Error{Err: err})
// Add the subdirs to the list of directories to parse Blueprint files
// from.
for _, subdir := range subdirs {
subdir = filepath.Join(dir, subdir)
dirPart, filePart := filepath.Split(subdir)
dirPart = filepath.Clean(dirPart)
if filePart == "*" {
foundSubdirs, err := listSubdirs(dirPart)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, &Error{Err: err})
for _, foundSubdir := range foundSubdirs {
subBlueprints := filepath.Join(dirPart, foundSubdir,
_, err := os.Stat(subBlueprints)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// There is no Blueprints file in this subdirectory. We
// need to add the directory to the list of dependencies
// so that if someone adds a Blueprints file in the
// future we'll pick it up.
depsSet[filepath.Dir(subBlueprints)] = true
} else if !depsSet[subBlueprints] {
// We haven't seen this Blueprints file before, so add
// it to our list.
depsSet[subBlueprints] = true
blueprints = append(blueprints, subBlueprints)
// We now depend on the directory itself because if any new
// subdirectories get added or removed we need to rebuild the
// Ninja manifest.
depsSet[dirPart] = true
} else {
subBlueprints := filepath.Join(subdir, "Blueprints")
if !depsSet[subBlueprints] {
depsSet[subBlueprints] = true
blueprints = append(blueprints, subBlueprints)
for dep := range depsSet {
deps = append(deps, dep)
func listSubdirs(dir string) ([]string, error) {
d, err := os.Open(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer d.Close()
infos, err := d.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var subdirs []string
for _, info := range infos {
if info.IsDir() {
subdirs = append(subdirs, info.Name())
return subdirs, nil
func (c *Context) processAssignment(
assignment *parser.Assignment) (subdirs []string, errs []error) {
if assignment.Name == "subdirs" {
switch assignment.Value.Type {
case parser.List:
subdirs = make([]string, 0, len(assignment.Value.ListValue))
for _, value := range assignment.Value.ListValue {
if value.Type != parser.String {
// The parser should not produce this.
panic("non-string value found in list")
dirPart, filePart := filepath.Split(value.StringValue)
if (filePart != "*" && strings.ContainsRune(filePart, '*')) ||
strings.ContainsRune(dirPart, '*') {
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("subdirs may only wildcard whole " +
Pos: value.Pos,
subdirs = append(subdirs, value.StringValue)
if len(errs) > 0 {
subdirs = nil
case parser.Bool, parser.String:
errs = []error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("subdirs must be a list of strings"),
Pos: assignment.Pos,
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown value type: %d", assignment.Value.Type))
return nil, []error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("only 'subdirs' assignment is supported"),
Pos: assignment.Pos,
func (c *Context) processModuleDef(moduleDef *parser.Module,
relBlueprintsFile string) []error {
typeName := moduleDef.Type
typ, ok := c.moduleTypes[typeName]
if !ok {
if c.ignoreUnknownModuleTypes {
return nil
return []error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("unrecognized module type %q", typeName),
Pos: moduleDef.Pos,
module, properties :=
info := &moduleInfo{
typeName: typeName,
typ: typ,
relBlueprintsFile: relBlueprintsFile,
properties = append(properties, &
errs := unpackProperties(moduleDef.Properties, properties...)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
info.pos = moduleDef.Pos
info.propertyPos = make(map[string]scanner.Position)
for _, propertyDef := range moduleDef.Properties {
info.propertyPos[propertyDef.Name] = propertyDef.Pos
name :=
err := validateNinjaName(name)
if err != nil {
return []error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("invalid module name %q: %s", err),
Pos: info.propertyPos["name"],
if first, present := c.modules[name]; present {
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("module %q already defined", name),
Pos: moduleDef.Pos,
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("<-- previous definition here"),
Pos: c.moduleInfo[first].pos,
if len(errs) >= maxErrors {
return errs
c.modules[name] = module
c.moduleInfo[module] = info
return nil
// ResolveDependencies checks that the dependencies specified by all of the
// modules defined in the parsed Blueprints files are valid. This means that
// the modules depended upon are defined and that no circular dependencies
// exist.
func (c *Context) ResolveDependencies() []error {
errs := c.resolveDependencies()
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
errs = c.checkForDependencyCycles()
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
c.dependenciesReady = true
return nil
// resolveDependencies populates the moduleInfo.directDeps list for every
// module. In doing so it checks for missing dependencies and self-dependant
// modules.
func (c *Context) resolveDependencies() (errs []error) {
for _, info := range c.moduleInfo {
depNames :=
info.directDeps = make([]Module, 0, len(depNames))
depsPos := info.propertyPos["deps"]
for _, depName := range depNames {
if depName == {
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("%q depends on itself", depName),
Pos: depsPos,
dep, ok := c.modules[depName]
if !ok {
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("%q depends on undefined module %q",, depName),
Pos: depsPos,
info.directDeps = append(info.directDeps, dep)
// checkForDependencyCycles recursively walks the module dependency graph and
// reports errors when it encounters dependency cycles. This should only be
// called after resolveDependencies.
func (c *Context) checkForDependencyCycles() (errs []error) {
visited := make(map[Module]bool) // modules that were already checked
checking := make(map[Module]bool) // modules actively being checked
var check func(m Module) []Module
check = func(m Module) []Module {
info := c.moduleInfo[m]
visited[m] = true
checking[m] = true
defer delete(checking, m)
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if checking[dep] {
// This is a cycle.
return []Module{dep, m}
if !visited[dep] {
cycle := check(dep)
if cycle != nil {
if cycle[0] == m {
// We are the "start" of the cycle, so we're responsible
// for generating the errors. The cycle list is in
// reverse order because all the 'check' calls append
// their own module to the list.
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("encountered dependency cycle:"),
Pos: info.pos,
// Iterate backwards through the cycle list.
curInfo := info
for i := len(cycle) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
nextInfo := c.moduleInfo[cycle[i]]
errs = append(errs, &Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf(" %q depends on %q",,,
Pos: curInfo.propertyPos["deps"],
curInfo = nextInfo
// We can continue processing this module's children to
// find more cycles. Since all the modules that were
// part of the found cycle were marked as visited we
// won't run into that cycle again.
} else {
// We're not the "start" of the cycle, so we just append
// our module to the list and return it.
return append(cycle, m)
return nil
for _, module := range c.modules {
if !visited[module] {
cycle := check(module)
if cycle != nil {
// PrepareBuildActions generates an internal representation of all the build
// actions that need to be performed. This process involves invoking the
// GenerateBuildActions method on each of the Module objects created during the
// parse phase and then on each of the registered Singleton objects.
// If the ResolveDependencies method has not already been called it is called
// automatically by this method.
// The config argument is made available to all of the Module and Singleton
// objects via the Config method on the ModuleContext and SingletonContext
// objects passed to GenerateBuildActions. It is also passed to the functions
// specified via PoolFunc, RuleFunc, and VariableFunc so that they can compute
// config-specific values.
func (c *Context) PrepareBuildActions(config interface{}) []error {
c.buildActionsReady = false
if !c.dependenciesReady {
errs := c.ResolveDependencies()
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
liveGlobals := newLiveTracker(config)
errs := c.generateModuleBuildActions(config, liveGlobals)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
errs = c.generateSingletonBuildActions(config, liveGlobals)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
if c.buildDir != nil {
pkgNames := c.makeUniquePackageNames(liveGlobals)
// This will panic if it finds a problem since it's a programming error.
c.checkForVariableReferenceCycles(liveGlobals.variables, pkgNames)
c.pkgNames = pkgNames
c.globalVariables = liveGlobals.variables
c.globalPools = liveGlobals.pools
c.globalRules = liveGlobals.rules
c.buildActionsReady = true
return nil
func (c *Context) initSpecialVariables() {
c.buildDir = nil
c.requiredNinjaMajor = 1
c.requiredNinjaMinor = 1
c.requiredNinjaMicro = 0
func (c *Context) generateModuleBuildActions(config interface{},
liveGlobals *liveTracker) []error {
visited := make(map[Module]bool)
var errs []error
var walk func(module Module)
walk = func(module Module) {
visited[module] = true
info := c.moduleInfo[module]
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if !visited[dep] {
mctx := &moduleContext{
context: c,
config: config,
module: module,
scope: newLocalScope(info.typ.pkg().scope,
info: info,
if len(mctx.errs) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, mctx.errs...)
newErrs := c.processLocalBuildActions(&info.actionDefs,
&mctx.actionDefs, liveGlobals)
errs = append(errs, newErrs...)
for _, module := range c.modules {
if !visited[module] {
return errs
func (c *Context) generateSingletonBuildActions(config interface{},
liveGlobals *liveTracker) []error {
var errs []error
for name, info := range c.singletonInfo {
// If the package to which the singleton type belongs has not defined
// any Ninja globals and has not called Import() then we won't have an
// entry for it in the pkgs map. If that's the case then the
// singleton's scope's parent should just be nil.
var singletonScope *basicScope
if pkg := pkgs[singletonPkgPath(info.singleton)]; pkg != nil {
singletonScope = pkg.scope
sctx := &singletonContext{
context: c,
config: config,
scope: newLocalScope(singletonScope,
if len(sctx.errs) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, sctx.errs...)
if len(errs) > maxErrors {
newErrs := c.processLocalBuildActions(&info.actionDefs,
&sctx.actionDefs, liveGlobals)
errs = append(errs, newErrs...)
if len(errs) > maxErrors {
return errs
func (c *Context) processLocalBuildActions(out, in *localBuildActions,
liveGlobals *liveTracker) []error {
var errs []error
// First we go through and add everything referenced by the module's
// buildDefs to the live globals set. This will end up adding the live
// locals to the set as well, but we'll take them out after.
for _, def := range in.buildDefs {
err := liveGlobals.AddBuildDefDeps(def)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if len(errs) > 0 {
return errs
out.buildDefs = in.buildDefs
// We use the now-incorrect set of live "globals" to determine which local
// definitions are live. As we go through copying those live locals to the
// moduleInfo we remove them from the live globals set.
out.variables = nil
for _, v := range in.variables {
_, isLive := liveGlobals.variables[v]
if isLive {
out.variables = append(out.variables, v)
delete(liveGlobals.variables, v)
out.rules = nil
for _, r := range in.rules {
_, isLive := liveGlobals.rules[r]
if isLive {
out.rules = append(out.rules, r)
delete(liveGlobals.rules, r)
return nil
func (c *Context) visitDepsDepthFirst(module Module, visit func(Module)) {
visited := make(map[Module]bool)
var walk func(m Module)
walk = func(m Module) {
info := c.moduleInfo[m]
visited[m] = true
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if !visited[dep] {
info := c.moduleInfo[module]
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if !visited[dep] {
func (c *Context) visitDepsDepthFirstIf(module Module, pred func(Module) bool,
visit func(Module)) {
visited := make(map[Module]bool)
var walk func(m Module)
walk = func(m Module) {
info := c.moduleInfo[m]
visited[m] = true
if pred(m) {
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if !visited[dep] {
info := c.moduleInfo[module]
for _, dep := range info.directDeps {
if !visited[dep] {
func (c *Context) visitAllModules(visit func(Module)) {
for _, module := range c.modules {
func (c *Context) visitAllModulesIf(pred func(Module) bool,
visit func(Module)) {
for _, module := range c.modules {
if pred(module) {
func (c *Context) requireNinjaVersion(major, minor, micro int) {
if major != 1 {
panic("ninja version with major version != 1 not supported")
if c.requiredNinjaMinor < minor {
c.requiredNinjaMinor = minor
c.requiredNinjaMicro = micro
if c.requiredNinjaMinor == minor && c.requiredNinjaMicro < micro {
c.requiredNinjaMicro = micro
func (c *Context) setBuildDir(value *ninjaString) {
if c.buildDir != nil {
panic("buildDir set multiple times")
c.buildDir = value
func (c *Context) makeUniquePackageNames(
liveGlobals *liveTracker) map[*pkg]string {
pkgs := make(map[string]*pkg)
pkgNames := make(map[*pkg]string)
longPkgNames := make(map[*pkg]bool)
processPackage := func(pkg *pkg) {
if pkg == nil {
// This is a built-in rule and has no package.
if _, ok := pkgNames[pkg]; ok {
// We've already processed this package.
otherPkg, present := pkgs[pkg.shortName]
if present {
// Short name collision. Both this package and the one that's
// already there need to use their full names. We leave the short
// name in pkgNames for now so future collisions still get caught.
longPkgNames[pkg] = true
longPkgNames[otherPkg] = true
} else {
// No collision so far. Tentatively set the package's name to be
// its short name.
pkgNames[pkg] = pkg.shortName
// We try to give all packages their short name, but when we get collisions
// we need to use the full unique package name.
for v, _ := range liveGlobals.variables {
for p, _ := range liveGlobals.pools {
for r, _ := range liveGlobals.rules {
// Add the packages that had collisions using their full unique names. This
// will overwrite any short names that were added in the previous step.
for pkg := range longPkgNames {
pkgNames[pkg] = pkg.fullName
return pkgNames
func (c *Context) checkForVariableReferenceCycles(
variables map[Variable]*ninjaString, pkgNames map[*pkg]string) {
visited := make(map[Variable]bool) // variables that were already checked
checking := make(map[Variable]bool) // variables actively being checked
var check func(v Variable) []Variable
check = func(v Variable) []Variable {
visited[v] = true
checking[v] = true
defer delete(checking, v)
value := variables[v]
for _, dep := range value.variables {
if checking[dep] {
// This is a cycle.
return []Variable{dep, v}
if !visited[dep] {
cycle := check(dep)
if cycle != nil {
if cycle[0] == v {
// We are the "start" of the cycle, so we're responsible
// for generating the errors. The cycle list is in
// reverse order because all the 'check' calls append
// their own module to the list.
msgs := []string{"detected variable reference cycle:"}
// Iterate backwards through the cycle list.
curName := v.fullName(pkgNames)
curValue := value.Value(pkgNames)
for i := len(cycle) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
next := cycle[i]
nextName := next.fullName(pkgNames)
nextValue := variables[next].Value(pkgNames)
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
" %q depends on %q", curName, nextName))
msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf(
" [%s = %s]", curName, curValue))
curName = nextName
curValue = nextValue
// Variable reference cycles are a programming error,
// not the fault of the Blueprint file authors.
panic(strings.Join(msgs, "\n"))
} else {
// We're not the "start" of the cycle, so we just append
// our module to the list and return it.
return append(cycle, v)
return nil
for v := range variables {
if !visited[v] {
cycle := check(v)
if cycle != nil {
// WriteBuildFile writes the Ninja manifeset text for the generated build
// actions to w. If this is called before PrepareBuildActions successfully
// completes then ErrBuildActionsNotReady is returned.
func (c *Context) WriteBuildFile(w io.Writer) error {
if !c.buildActionsReady {
return ErrBuildActionsNotReady
nw := newNinjaWriter(w)
err := c.writeBuildFileHeader(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeNinjaRequiredVersion(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Group the globals by package.
err = c.writeGlobalVariables(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeGlobalPools(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeBuildDir(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeGlobalRules(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeAllModuleActions(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeAllSingletonActions(nw)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Context) writeBuildFileHeader(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
headerTemplate := template.New("fileHeader")
_, err := headerTemplate.Parse(fileHeaderTemplate)
if err != nil {
// This is a programming error.
type pkgAssociation struct {
PkgName string
PkgPath string
var pkgs []pkgAssociation
maxNameLen := 0
for pkg, name := range c.pkgNames {
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkgAssociation{
PkgName: name,
PkgPath: pkg.pkgPath,
if len(name) > maxNameLen {
maxNameLen = len(name)
for i := range pkgs {
pkgs[i].PkgName += strings.Repeat(" ", maxNameLen-len(pkgs[i].PkgName))
params := map[string]interface{}{
"Pkgs": pkgs,
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err = headerTemplate.Execute(buf, params)
if err != nil {
return err
return nw.Comment(buf.String())
func (c *Context) writeNinjaRequiredVersion(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
value := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", c.requiredNinjaMajor, c.requiredNinjaMinor,
err := nw.Assign("ninja_required_version", value)
if err != nil {
return err
return nw.BlankLine()
func (c *Context) writeBuildDir(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
if c.buildDir != nil {
err := nw.Assign("builddir", c.buildDir.Value(c.pkgNames))
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type variableSorter struct {
pkgNames map[*pkg]string
variables []Variable
func (v *variableSorter) Len() int {
return len(v.variables)
func (v *variableSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
iName := v.variables[i].fullName(v.pkgNames)
jName := v.variables[j].fullName(v.pkgNames)
return iName < jName
func (v *variableSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
v.variables[i], v.variables[j] = v.variables[j], v.variables[i]
func (c *Context) writeGlobalVariables(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
visited := make(map[Variable]bool)
var walk func(v Variable) error
walk = func(v Variable) error {
visited[v] = true
// First visit variables on which this variable depends.
value := c.globalVariables[v]
for _, dep := range value.variables {
if !visited[dep] {
err := walk(dep)
if err != nil {
return err
err := nw.Assign(v.fullName(c.pkgNames), value.Value(c.pkgNames))
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
globalVariables := make([]Variable, 0, len(c.globalVariables))
for v := range c.globalVariables {
globalVariables = append(globalVariables, v)
sort.Sort(&variableSorter{c.pkgNames, globalVariables})
for _, v := range globalVariables {
if !visited[v] {
err := walk(v)
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil
func (c *Context) writeGlobalPools(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
for pool, def := range c.globalPools {
name := pool.fullName(c.pkgNames)
err := def.WriteTo(nw, name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Context) writeGlobalRules(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
for rule, def := range c.globalRules {
name := rule.fullName(c.pkgNames)
err := def.WriteTo(nw, name, c.pkgNames)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type moduleInfoSorter []*moduleInfo
func (s moduleInfoSorter) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s moduleInfoSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
iName := s[i].properties.Name
jName := s[j].properties.Name
return iName < jName
func (s moduleInfoSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (c *Context) writeAllModuleActions(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
headerTemplate := template.New("moduleHeader")
_, err := headerTemplate.Parse(moduleHeaderTemplate)
if err != nil {
// This is a programming error.
infos := make([]*moduleInfo, 0, len(c.moduleInfo))
for _, info := range c.moduleInfo {
infos = append(infos, info)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for _, info := range infos {
// In order to make the bootstrap build manifest independent of the
// build dir we need to output the Blueprints file locations in the
// comments as paths relative to the source directory.
relPos := info.pos
relPos.Filename = info.relBlueprintsFile
infoMap := map[string]interface{}{
"typeName": info.typeName,
"pos": relPos,
err = headerTemplate.Execute(buf, infoMap)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.Comment(buf.String())
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeLocalBuildActions(nw, &info.actionDefs)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Context) writeAllSingletonActions(nw *ninjaWriter) error {
headerTemplate := template.New("singletonHeader")
_, err := headerTemplate.Parse(singletonHeaderTemplate)
if err != nil {
// This is a programming error.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
singletonNames := make([]string, 0, len(c.singletonInfo))
for name := range c.singletonInfo {
singletonNames = append(singletonNames, name)
for _, name := range singletonNames {
info := c.singletonInfo[name]
infoMap := map[string]interface{}{
"name": name,
"goTypeName": singletonTypeName(info.singleton),
err = headerTemplate.Execute(buf, infoMap)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.Comment(buf.String())
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.writeLocalBuildActions(nw, &info.actionDefs)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Context) writeLocalBuildActions(nw *ninjaWriter,
defs *localBuildActions) error {
// Write the local variable assignments.
for _, v := range defs.variables {
// A localVariable doesn't need the package names or config to
// determine its name or value.
name := v.fullName(nil)
value, err := v.value(nil)
if err != nil {
err = nw.Assign(name, value.Value(c.pkgNames))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(defs.variables) > 0 {
err := nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the local rules.
for _, r := range defs.rules {
// A localRule doesn't need the package names or config to determine
// its name or definition.
name := r.fullName(nil)
def, err := r.def(nil)
if err != nil {
err = def.WriteTo(nw, name, c.pkgNames)
if err != nil {
return err
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
// Write the build definitions.
for _, buildDef := range defs.buildDefs {
err := buildDef.WriteTo(nw, c.pkgNames)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(buildDef.Args) > 0 {
err = nw.BlankLine()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var fileHeaderTemplate = `******************************************************************************
*** This file is generated and should not be edited ***
{{if .Pkgs}}
This file contains variables, rules, and pools with name prefixes indicating
they were generated by the following Go packages:
{{range .Pkgs}}
{{.PkgName}} [from Go package {{.PkgPath}}]{{end}}{{end}}
var moduleHeaderTemplate = `# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Module: {{.properties.Name}}
Type: {{.typeName}}
GoType: {{.goTypeName}}
Defined: {{.pos}}
var singletonHeaderTemplate = `# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Singleton: {{.name}}
GoType: {{.goTypeName}}