blob: aab0771d90a0dea8d1cf896cf9d3b197adf71cb4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// RagneMap maps
// [uint64_t, uint64_t) -> std::string, [optional other range base]
// where ranges must be non-overlapping.
// This is used to map the address space (either pointer offsets or file
// offsets).
// The other range base allows us to use this RangeMap to translate addresses
// from this domain to another one (like vm_addr -> file_addr or vice versa).
// This type is only exposed in the .h file for unit testing purposes.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
namespace bloaty {
class RangeMapTest;
class RangeMap {
RangeMap() = default;
RangeMap(RangeMap&& other) = default;
RangeMap& operator=(RangeMap&& other) = default;
RangeMap(RangeMap& other) = delete;
RangeMap& operator=(RangeMap& other) = delete;
// Adds a range to this map.
void AddRange(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, const std::string& val);
// Adds a range to this map (in domain D1) that also corresponds to a
// different range in a different map (in domain D2). The correspondance will
// be noted to allow us to translate into the other domain later.
void AddDualRange(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, uint64_t otheraddr,
const std::string& val);
// Adds a range to this map (in domain D1), and also adds corresponding ranges
// to |other| (in domain D2), using |translator| (in domain D1) to translate
// D1->D2. The translation is performed using information from previous
// AddDualRange() calls on |translator|.
// Returns true if the entire range [addr, size] was present in the
// |translator| map. (This does not necessarily mean that every part of the
// range was actually translated). If the return value is false, then the
// contents of |this| and |other| are undefined (Bloaty will bail in this
// case).
bool AddRangeWithTranslation(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
const std::string& val,
const RangeMap& translator, bool verbose,
RangeMap* other);
// Collapses adjacent ranges with the same label. This reduces memory usage
// and removes redundant noise from the output when dumping a full memory map
// (in normal Bloaty output it makes no difference, because all labels with
// the same name are added together).
// TODO(haberman): see if we can do this at insertion time instead, so it
// doesn't require a second pass.
void Compress();
// Returns whether this RangeMap fully covers the given range.
bool CoversRange(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) const;
// Returns the maximum address contained in this map.
uint64_t GetMaxAddress() const;
// Translates |addr| into the other domain, returning |true| if this was
// successful.
bool Translate(uint64_t addr, uint64_t *translated) const;
// Looks for a range within this map that contains |addr|. If found, returns
// true and sets |label| to the corresponding label, and |offset| to the
// offset from the beginning of this range.
bool TryGetLabel(uint64_t addr, std::string* label) const;
bool TryGetLabelForRange(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
std::string* label) const;
// Looks for a range that starts exactly on |addr|. If it exists, returns
// true and sets |size| to its size.
bool TryGetSize(uint64_t addr, uint64_t* size) const;
std::string DebugString() const;
static std::string EntryDebugString(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
uint64_t other_start,
const std::string& label) {
std::string end =
size == kUnknownSize ? "?" : absl::StrCat(absl::Hex(addr + size));
std::string ret = absl::StrCat("[", absl::Hex(addr), ", ", end,
"] (size=", absl::Hex(size), "): ", label);
if (other_start != UINT64_MAX) {
absl::StrAppend(&ret, ", other_start=", absl::Hex(other_start));
return ret;
template <class T>
std::string EntryDebugString(T it) const {
if (it == mappings_.end()) {
return "[end]";
} else {
return EntryDebugString(it->first, it->second.size,
it->second.other_start, it->second.label);
template <class Func>
static void ComputeRollup(const std::vector<const RangeMap*>& range_maps,
Func func);
template <class Func>
void ForEachRange(Func func) const {
for (auto iter = mappings_.begin(); iter != mappings_.end(); ++iter) {
func(iter->first, RangeEnd(iter) - iter->first);
template <class Func>
void ForEachRangeWithStart(uint64_t start, Func func) const {
for (auto iter = FindContaining(start); iter != mappings_.end(); ++iter) {
if (!func(iter->second.label, iter->first,
RangeEnd(iter) - iter->first)) {
static constexpr uint64_t kUnknownSize = UINT64_MAX;
friend class RangeMapTest;
static const uint64_t kNoTranslation = UINT64_MAX;
struct Entry {
Entry(const std::string& label_, uint64_t size_, uint64_t other_)
: label(label_), size(size_), other_start(other_) {}
std::string label;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t other_start; // kNoTranslation if there is no mapping.
bool HasTranslation() const { return other_start != kNoTranslation; }
bool HasFallbackLabel() const { return !label.empty() && label[0] == '['; }
// We assume that short regions that were unattributed (have fallback
// labels) are actually padding. We could probably make this heuristic
// a bit more robust.
bool IsShortFallback() const { return size <= 16 && HasFallbackLabel(); }
typedef std::map<uint64_t, Entry> Map;
Map mappings_;
template <class T>
void CheckConsistency(T iter) const {
assert(iter->first + iter->second.size > iter->first);
assert(iter == mappings_.begin() ||
RangeEnd(std::prev(iter)) <= iter->first);
assert(std::next(iter) == mappings_.end() ||
RangeEnd(iter) <= std::next(iter)->first);
template <class T>
bool EntryContains(T iter, uint64_t addr) const {
return addr >= iter->first && addr < RangeEnd(iter);
template <class T>
bool EntryContainsStrict(T iter, uint64_t addr) const {
if (iter->second.size == kUnknownSize) {
return iter->first == addr;
} else {
return addr >= iter->first && addr < RangeEnd(iter);
template <class T>
void MaybeSetLabel(T iter, const std::string& label, uint64_t addr,
uint64_t end);
// When the size is unknown return |unknown| for the end.
uint64_t RangeEndUnknownLimit(Map::const_iterator iter,
uint64_t unknown) const {
if (iter->second.size == kUnknownSize) {
Map::const_iterator next = std::next(iter);
if (IterIsEnd(next) || next->first > unknown) {
return unknown;
} else {
return next->first;
} else {
uint64_t ret = iter->first + iter->second.size;
assert(ret > iter->first);
return ret;
uint64_t RangeEnd(Map::const_iterator iter) const {
return RangeEndUnknownLimit(iter, UINT64_MAX);
bool IterIsEnd(Map::const_iterator iter) const {
return iter == mappings_.end();
template <class T>
uint64_t TranslateWithEntry(T iter, uint64_t addr) const;
template <class T>
bool TranslateAndTrimRangeWithEntry(T iter, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size,
uint64_t* trimmed_addr,
uint64_t* translated_addr,
uint64_t* trimmed_size) const;
// Finds the entry that contains |addr|. If no such mapping exists, returns
// mappings_.end().
Map::const_iterator FindContaining(uint64_t addr) const;
// Finds the entry that contains |addr|, or the very next entry (which may be
// mappings_.end()).
Map::iterator FindContainingOrAfter(uint64_t addr);
Map::const_iterator FindContainingOrAfter(uint64_t addr) const;
template <class Func>
void RangeMap::ComputeRollup(const std::vector<const RangeMap*>& range_maps,
Func func) {
assert(range_maps.size() > 0);
std::vector<Map::const_iterator> iters;
if (range_maps[0]->mappings_.empty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < range_maps.size(); i++) {
const RangeMap* range_map = range_maps[i];
if (!range_map->mappings_.empty()) {
"Error, range (%s) exists at index %d, but base map is empty\n",
throw std::runtime_error("Range extends beyond base map.");
for (auto range_map : range_maps) {
// Iterate over all ranges in parallel to perform this transformation:
// ----- ----- ----- ---------------
// | | 1 A,X,1
// | X ----- ---------------
// | | | A,X,2
// A ----- | ---------------
// | | | |
// | | 2 -----> |
// | Y | A,Y,2
// | | | |
// ----- | | ---------------
// B | | B,Y,2
// ----- ----- ----- ---------------
// ----- ----- ----- ---------------
// C Z 3 C,Z,3
// ----- ----- ----- ---------------
// All input maps must cover exactly the same domain.
// Outer loop: once per continuous (gapless) region.
while (true) {
std::vector<std::string> keys;
uint64_t current = 0;
if (range_maps[0]->IterIsEnd(iters[0])) {
// Termination condition: all iterators must be at end.
for (int i = 0; i < range_maps.size(); i++) {
if (!range_maps[i]->IterIsEnd(iters[i])) {
"Error, range (%s) extends beyond final base map range "
throw std::runtime_error("Range extends beyond base map.");
} else {
// Starting a new continuous range: all iterators must start at the same
// place.
current = iters[0]->first;
for (int i = 0; i < range_maps.size(); i++) {
if (range_maps[i]->IterIsEnd(iters[i])) {
"Error, no more ranges for index %d but we need one "
"to match (%s)\n",
i, range_maps[0]->EntryDebugString(iters[0]).c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("No more ranges.");
} else if (iters[i]->first != current) {
"Error, range (%s) doesn't match the beginning of base range "
throw std::runtime_error("No more ranges.");
bool continuous = true;
// Inner loop: once per range within the continuous region.
while (continuous) {
uint64_t next_break = UINT64_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < iters.size(); i++) {
next_break = std::min(next_break, range_maps[i]->RangeEnd(iters[i]));
func(keys, current, next_break);
// Advance all iterators with ranges ending at next_break.
for (int i = 0; i < iters.size(); i++) {
const RangeMap& map = *range_maps[i];
Map::const_iterator& iter = iters[i];
uint64_t end = continuous ? map.RangeEnd(iter)
: map.RangeEndUnknownLimit(iter, next_break);
if (end != next_break) {
// Test for discontinuity.
if (map.IterIsEnd(iter) || iter->first != next_break) {
if (i > 0 && continuous) {
"Error, gap between ranges (%s) and (%s) fails to cover base "
"range (%s)\n",
throw std::runtime_error("Entry range extends beyond base range");
assert(i == 0 || !continuous);
continuous = false;
} else {
keys[i] = iter->second.label;
current = next_break;
} // namespace bloaty