blob: 3b7a4a30af484f4a15b4351b2fcdb01fc23c9722 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "bloaty.h"
#include "bloaty.pb.h"
#include "dwarf_constants.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
using namespace dwarf2reader;
using absl::string_view;
static size_t AlignUpTo(size_t offset, size_t granularity) {
// Granularity must be a power of two.
return (offset + granularity - 1) & ~(granularity - 1);
static void Throw(const char *str, int line) {
throw bloaty::Error(str, __FILE__, line);
#define THROW(msg) Throw(msg, __LINE__)
#define THROWF(...) Throw(absl::Substitute(__VA_ARGS__).c_str(), __LINE__)
namespace bloaty {
extern int verbose_level;
namespace dwarf {
int DivRoundUp(int n, int d) {
return (n + (d - 1)) / d;
// Low-level Parsing Routines //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// For parsing the low-level values found in DWARF files. These are the only
// routines that touch the bytes of the input buffer directly. Everything else
// is layered on top of these.
template <class T>
T ReadMemcpy(string_view* data) {
T ret;
if (data->size() < sizeof(T)) {
THROW("premature EOF reading fixed-length DWARF data");
memcpy(&ret, data->data(), sizeof(T));
return ret;
string_view ReadPiece(size_t bytes, string_view* data) {
if(data->size() < bytes) {
THROW("premature EOF reading variable-length DWARF data");
string_view ret = data->substr(0, bytes);
return ret;
void SkipBytes(size_t bytes, string_view* data) {
if (data->size() < bytes) {
THROW("premature EOF skipping DWARF data");
string_view ReadNullTerminated(string_view* data) {
const char* nullz =
static_cast<const char*>(memchr(data->data(), '\0', data->size()));
// Return false if not NULL-terminated.
if (nullz == NULL) {
THROW("DWARF string was not NULL-terminated");
size_t len = nullz - data->data();
string_view val = data->substr(0, len);
data->remove_prefix(len + 1); // Remove NULL also.
return val;
void SkipNullTerminated(string_view* data) {
const char* nullz =
static_cast<const char*>(memchr(data->data(), '\0', data->size()));
// Return false if not NULL-terminated.
if (nullz == NULL) {
THROW("DWARF string was not NULL-terminated");
size_t len = nullz - data->data();
data->remove_prefix(len + 1); // Remove NULL also.
// Parses the LEB128 format defined by DWARF (both signed and unsigned
// versions).
// Bloaty doesn't actually use any LEB128's for signed values at the moment.
// So while this attempts to implement the DWARF spec correctly with respect
// to signed values, this isn't actually tested/exercised right now.
uint64_t ReadLEB128Internal(bool is_signed, string_view* data) {
uint64_t ret = 0;
int shift = 0;
int maxshift = 70;
const char* ptr = data->data();
const char* limit = ptr + data->size();
while (ptr < limit && shift < maxshift) {
char byte = *(ptr++);
ret |= static_cast<uint64_t>(byte & 0x7f) << shift;
shift += 7;
if ((byte & 0x80) == 0) {
data->remove_prefix(ptr - data->data());
if (is_signed && (byte & 0x40)) {
ret |= -(1ULL << shift);
return ret;
THROW("corrupt DWARF data, unterminated LEB128");
template <typename T>
T ReadLEB128(string_view* data) {
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_signed<T>::value, int64_t,
uint64_t>::type Int64Type;
Int64Type val = ReadLEB128Internal(std::is_signed<T>::value, data);
if (val > std::numeric_limits<T>::max() ||
val < std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
THROW("DWARF data contained larger LEB128 than we were expecting");
return static_cast<T>(val);
void SkipLEB128(string_view* data) {
size_t limit =
std::min(static_cast<size_t>(data->size()), static_cast<size_t>(10));
for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (((*data)[i] & 0x80) == 0) {
data->remove_prefix(i + 1);
THROW("corrupt DWARF data, unterminated LEB128");
// Some size information attached to each compilation unit. The size of an
// address or offset in the DWARF data depends on this state which is parsed
// from the header.
struct CompilationUnitSizes {
// When true, DWARF offsets are 64 bits, otherwise they are 32 bit.
bool dwarf64;
// The size of addresses.
uint8_t address_size;
// To allow this as the key in a map.
bool operator<(const CompilationUnitSizes& rhs) const {
return std::tie(dwarf64, address_size) <
std::tie(rhs.dwarf64, rhs.address_size);
// Reads a DWARF offset based on whether we are reading dwarf32 or dwarf64
// format.
uint64_t ReadDWARFOffset(string_view* data) const {
if (dwarf64) {
return ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data);
} else {
return ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data);
// Reads an address according to the expected address_size.
uint64_t ReadAddress(string_view* data) const {
if (address_size == 8) {
return ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data);
} else if (address_size == 4) {
return ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data);
} else {
THROWF("unexpected address size: $0", address_size);
// Reads an "initial length" as specified in many DWARF headers. This
// contains either a 32-bit or a 64-bit length, and signals whether we are
// using the 32-bit or 64-bit DWARF format (so it sets dwarf64 appropriately).
// Returns the range for this section and stores the remaining data
// in |remaining|.
string_view ReadInitialLength(string_view* remaining) {
uint64_t len = ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(remaining);
if (len == 0xffffffff) {
dwarf64 = true;
len = ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(remaining);
} else {
dwarf64 = false;
if (remaining->size() < len) {
THROW("short DWARF compilation unit");
string_view unit = *remaining;
unit.remove_suffix(remaining->size() - len);
*remaining = remaining->substr(len);
return unit;
// AbbrevTable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Parses and stores a representation of (a portion of) the .debug_abbrev
// section of a DWARF file. An abbreviation is defined by a unique "code"
// (unique within one table), and defines the DIE tag and set of attributes.
// The encoding of the DIE then contains just the abbreviation code and the
// attribute values -- thanks to the abbreviation table, the tag and attribute
// keys/names are not required.
// The abbreviations are an internal detail of the DWARF format and users should
// not need to care about them.
class AbbrevTable {
// Reads abbreviations until a terminating abbreviation is seen.
string_view ReadAbbrevs(string_view data);
// In a DWARF abbreviation, each attribute has a name and a form.
struct Attribute {
uint16_t name;
uint8_t form;
// The representation of a single abbreviation.
struct Abbrev {
uint32_t code;
uint16_t tag;
bool has_child;
std::vector<Attribute> attr;
bool IsEmpty() const { return abbrev_.empty(); }
// Looks for an abbreviation with the given code. Returns true if the lookup
// succeeded.
bool GetAbbrev(uint32_t code, const Abbrev** abbrev) const {
auto it = abbrev_.find(code);
if (it != abbrev_.end()) {
*abbrev = &it->second;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Keyed by abbreviation code.
// Generally we expect these to be small, so we could almost use a vector<>.
// But you never know what crazy input data is going to do...
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Abbrev> abbrev_;
string_view AbbrevTable::ReadAbbrevs(string_view data) {
while (true) {
uint32_t code = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
if (code == 0) {
return data; // Terminator entry.
Abbrev& abbrev = abbrev_[code];
if (abbrev.code) {
THROW("DWARF data contained duplicate abbrev code");
uint8_t has_child;
abbrev.code = code;
abbrev.tag = ReadLEB128<uint16_t>(&data);
has_child = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
switch (has_child) {
case DW_children_yes:
abbrev.has_child = true;
case DW_children_no:
abbrev.has_child = false;
THROW("DWARF has_child is neither true nor false.");
while (true) {
Attribute attr; = ReadLEB128<uint16_t>(&data);
attr.form = ReadLEB128<uint8_t>(&data);
if ( == 0 && attr.form == 0) {
break; // End of this abbrev
// StringTable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Represents the .debug_str portion of a DWARF file and contains code for
// reading strings out of it. This is an internal detail of the DWARF format
// and users should not need to care about it.
class StringTable {
// Construct with the debug_str data from a DWARF file.
StringTable(string_view debug_str) : debug_str_(debug_str) {}
// Read a string from the table.
string_view ReadEntry(size_t ofs) const;
string_view debug_str_;
string_view StringTable::ReadEntry(size_t ofs) const {
string_view str = debug_str_;
SkipBytes(ofs, &str);
return ReadNullTerminated(&str);
// AddressRanges ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Code for reading address ranges out of .debug_aranges.
class AddressRanges {
AddressRanges(string_view data) : section_(data), next_unit_(data) {}
// Offset into .debug_info for the current compilation unit.
uint64_t debug_info_offset() { return debug_info_offset_; }
// Address and length for this range.
uint64_t address() { return address_; }
uint64_t length() { return length_; }
// Advance to the next range. The values will be available in address() and
// length(). Returns false when the end of this compilation unit is hit.
// Must call this once before reading the first range.
bool NextRange();
// Advance to the next compilation unit. The unit offset will be available in
// debug_info_offset(). Must call this once before reading the first unit.
bool NextUnit();
CompilationUnitSizes sizes_;
string_view section_;
string_view unit_remaining_;
string_view next_unit_;
uint64_t debug_info_offset_;
uint64_t address_;
uint64_t length_;
bool AddressRanges::NextRange() {
if (unit_remaining_.empty()) {
return false;
address_ = sizes_.ReadAddress(&unit_remaining_);
length_ = sizes_.ReadAddress(&unit_remaining_);
return true;
bool AddressRanges::NextUnit() {
if (next_unit_.empty()) {
return false;
unit_remaining_ = sizes_.ReadInitialLength(&next_unit_);
uint16_t version = ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(&unit_remaining_);
if (version > 2) {
THROW("DWARF data is too new for us");
debug_info_offset_ = sizes_.ReadDWARFOffset(&unit_remaining_);
uint8_t segment_size;
sizes_.address_size = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&unit_remaining_);
segment_size = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&unit_remaining_);
if (segment_size) {
THROW("we don't know how to handle segmented addresses.");
size_t ofs = -;
size_t aligned_ofs = AlignUpTo(ofs, sizes_.address_size * 2);
SkipBytes(aligned_ofs - ofs, &unit_remaining_);
return true;
// LocationList ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Code for reading entries out of a location list.
// For the moment we only care about finding the bounds of a list given its
// offset, so we don't actually vend any of the data.
class LocationList {
LocationList(CompilationUnitSizes sizes, string_view data)
: sizes_(sizes), remaining_(data) {}
const char* read_offset() const { return; }
bool NextEntry();
CompilationUnitSizes sizes_;
string_view remaining_;
bool LocationList::NextEntry() {
uint64_t start, end;
start = sizes_.ReadAddress(&remaining_);
end = sizes_.ReadAddress(&remaining_);
if (start == 0 && end == 0) {
return false;
} else if (start == UINT64_MAX ||
(start == UINT32_MAX && sizes_.address_size == 4)) {
// Base address selection, nothing more to do.
} else {
// Need to skip the location description.
uint16_t length = ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(&remaining_);
SkipBytes(length, &remaining_);
return true;
string_view GetLocationListRange(CompilationUnitSizes sizes,
string_view available) {
LocationList list(sizes, available);
while (list.NextEntry()) {}
return available.substr(0, list.read_offset() -;
// RangeList ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Code for reading entries out of a range list.
// For the moment we only care about finding the bounds of a list given its
// offset, so we don't actually vend any of the data.
class RangeList {
RangeList(CompilationUnitSizes sizes, string_view data)
: sizes_(sizes), remaining_(data) {}
const char* read_offset() const { return; }
bool NextEntry();
CompilationUnitSizes sizes_;
string_view remaining_;
bool RangeList::NextEntry() {
uint64_t start, end;
start = sizes_.ReadAddress(&remaining_);
end = sizes_.ReadAddress(&remaining_);
if (start == 0 && end == 0) {
return false;
return true;
string_view GetRangeListRange(CompilationUnitSizes sizes,
string_view available) {
RangeList list(sizes, available);
while (list.NextEntry()) {
return available.substr(0, list.read_offset() -;
// DIEReader ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Reads a sequence of DWARF DIE's (Debugging Information Entries) from the
// .debug_info or .debug_types section of a binary.
// Each DIE contains a tag and a set of attribute/value pairs. We rely on the
// abbreviations in an AbbrevTable to decode the DIEs.
class DIEReader {
// Constructs a new DIEReader. Cannot be used until you call one of the
// Seek() methods below.
DIEReader(const File& file) : dwarf_(file) {}
// Returns true if we are at the end of DIEs for this compilation unit.
bool IsEof() const { return state_ == State::kEof; }
// DIEs exist in both .debug_info and .debug_types.
enum class Section {
// Seeks to the overall start or the start of a specific compilation unit.
// Note that |header_offset| is the offset of the compilation unit *header*,
// not the offset of the first DIE.
bool SeekToCompilationUnit(Section section, uint64_t header_offset);
bool SeekToStart(Section section) {
return SeekToCompilationUnit(section, 0);
bool NextCompilationUnit();
// Advances to the next overall DIE, ignoring whether it happens to be a
// child, a sibling, or an uncle/aunt. Returns false at error or EOF.
bool NextDIE();
// Skips children of the current DIE, so that the next call to NextDIE()
// will read the next sibling (or parent, if no sibling exists).
bool SkipChildren();
const AbbrevTable::Abbrev& GetAbbrev() const {
return *current_abbrev_;
// Returns the tag of the current DIE.
// Requires that ReadCode() has been called at least once.
uint16_t GetTag() const { return GetAbbrev().tag; }
// Returns whether the current DIE has a child.
// Requires that ReadCode() has been called at least once.
bool HasChild() const { return GetAbbrev().has_child; }
const File& dwarf() const { return dwarf_; }
string_view unit_range() const { return unit_range_; }
CompilationUnitSizes unit_sizes() const { return unit_sizes_; }
uint32_t abbrev_version() const { return abbrev_version_; }
uint64_t debug_abbrev_offset() const { return debug_abbrev_offset_; }
// If both compileunit_name and strp_sink are set, this will automatically
// call strp_sink->AddFileRange(compileunit_name, <string range>) for every
// DW_FORM_strp attribute encountered. These strings occur in the .debug_str
// section.
void set_compileunit_name(absl::string_view name) {
unit_name_ = std::string(name);
void set_strp_sink(RangeSink* sink) { strp_sink_ = sink; }
void AddIndirectString(string_view range) const {
if (strp_sink_) {
strp_sink_->AddFileRange("dwarf_strp", unit_name_, range);
template<typename> friend class AttrReader;
// APIs for our friends to use to update our state.
// Call to get the current read head where attributes should be parsed.
string_view ReadAttributesBegin() {
assert(state_ == State::kReadyToReadAttributes);
return remaining_;
// When some data has been parsed, this updates our read head.
bool ReadAttributesEnd(string_view remaining, uint64_t sibling) {
assert(state_ == State::kReadyToReadAttributes);
if ( == nullptr) {
THROW("premature EOF reading DWARF attributes");
} else {
remaining_ = remaining;
sibling_offset_ = sibling;
state_ = State::kReadyToNext;
return true;
// Internal APIs.
bool ReadCompilationUnitHeader();
bool ReadCode();
enum class State {
} state_;
std::string error_;
const File& dwarf_;
RangeSink* strp_sink_ = nullptr;
// Abbreviation for the current entry.
const AbbrevTable::Abbrev* current_abbrev_;
// Our current read position.
string_view remaining_;
uint64_t sibling_offset_;
int depth_ = 0;
// Data for the next compilation unit.
string_view next_unit_;
// All of the AbbrevTables we've read from .debug_abbrev, indexed by their
// offset within .debug_abbrev.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, AbbrevTable> abbrev_tables_;
// Whether we are in .debug_types or .debug_info.
Section section_;
// Information about the current compilation unit.
uint64_t debug_abbrev_offset_;
std::string unit_name_;
string_view unit_range_;
CompilationUnitSizes unit_sizes_;
AbbrevTable* unit_abbrev_;
// A small integer that uniquely identifies the combination of unit_abbrev_
// and unit_sizes_. Attribute readers use this to know when they can reuse an
// existing (abbrev code) -> (Actions) mapping, since this table depends on
// both the current abbrev. table and the sizes.
uint32_t abbrev_version_;
std::map<std::pair<AbbrevTable*, CompilationUnitSizes>, uint32_t>
// Only for .debug_types
uint64_t unit_type_signature_;
uint64_t unit_type_offset_;
bool DIEReader::ReadCode() {
uint32_t code;
if (remaining_.empty()) {
state_ = State::kEof;
return false;
code = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&remaining_);
if (code == 0) {
// null entry terminates a chain of sibling entries.
goto again;
if (!unit_abbrev_->GetAbbrev(code, &current_abbrev_)) {
THROW("couldn't find abbreviation for code");
state_ = State::kReadyToReadAttributes;
sibling_offset_ = 0;
if (HasChild()) {
return true;
bool DIEReader::NextCompilationUnit() {
return ReadCompilationUnitHeader();
bool DIEReader::NextDIE() {
if (state_ == State::kEof) {
return false;
assert(state_ == State::kReadyToNext);
return ReadCode();
bool DIEReader::SeekToCompilationUnit(Section section, uint64_t offset) {
section_ = section;
if (section == Section::kDebugInfo) {
next_unit_ = dwarf_.debug_info;
} else {
next_unit_ = dwarf_.debug_types;
SkipBytes(offset, &next_unit_);
return ReadCompilationUnitHeader();
bool DIEReader::ReadCompilationUnitHeader() {
if (next_unit_.empty()) {
state_ = State::kEof;
return false;
unit_range_ = next_unit_;
remaining_ = unit_sizes_.ReadInitialLength(&next_unit_);
unit_range_ = unit_range_.substr(
0, remaining_.size() + ( -;
uint16_t version = ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(&remaining_);
if (version > 4) {
THROW("Data is in new DWARF format we don't understand");
debug_abbrev_offset_ = unit_sizes_.ReadDWARFOffset(&remaining_);
unit_abbrev_ = &abbrev_tables_[debug_abbrev_offset_];
// If we haven't already read abbreviations for this debug_abbrev_offset_, we
// need to do so now.
if (unit_abbrev_->IsEmpty()) {
string_view abbrev_data = dwarf_.debug_abbrev;
SkipBytes(debug_abbrev_offset_, &abbrev_data);
unit_sizes_.address_size = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&remaining_);
if (section_ == Section::kDebugTypes) {
unit_type_signature_ = ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(&remaining_);
unit_type_offset_ = unit_sizes_.ReadDWARFOffset(&remaining_);
auto abbrev_id = std::make_pair(unit_abbrev_, unit_sizes_);
auto insert_pair = abbrev_versions_.insert(
std::make_pair(abbrev_id, abbrev_versions_.size()));
// This will be either the newly inserted value or the existing one, if there
// was one.
abbrev_version_ = insert_pair.first->second;
return ReadCode();
// DWARF form parsing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class AttrValue {
AttrValue(uint64_t val) : uint_(val), type_(Type::kUint) {}
AttrValue(string_view val) : string_(val), type_(Type::kString) {}
enum class Type {
Type type() const { return type_; }
bool IsUint() const { return type_ == Type::kUint; }
bool IsString() const { return type_ == Type::kString; }
uint64_t GetUint() const {
assert(type_ == Type::kUint);
return uint_;
string_view GetString() const {
assert(type_ == Type::kString);
return string_;
union {
uint64_t uint_;
string_view string_;
Type type_;
template <class D>
string_view ReadBlock(string_view* data) {
D len = ReadMemcpy<D>(data);
return ReadPiece(len, data);
string_view ReadVariableBlock(string_view* data) {
uint64_t len = ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(data);
return ReadPiece(len, data);
template <class D>
string_view ReadIndirectString(const DIEReader& reader, string_view* data) {
D ofs = ReadMemcpy<D>(data);
StringTable table(reader.dwarf().debug_str);
string_view ret = table.ReadEntry(ofs);
return ret;
AttrValue ParseAttr(const DIEReader& reader, uint8_t form, string_view* data) {
switch (form) {
case DW_FORM_indirect: {
uint16_t indirect_form = ReadLEB128<uint16_t>(data);
if (indirect_form == DW_FORM_indirect) {
THROW("indirect attribute has indirect form type");
return ParseAttr(reader, indirect_form, data);
case DW_FORM_ref1:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_ref2:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_ref4:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_ref8:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_addr:
case DW_FORM_ref_addr:
switch (reader.unit_sizes().address_size) {
case 4:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data));
case 8:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_sec_offset:
if (reader.unit_sizes().dwarf64) {
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data));
} else {
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_udata:
return AttrValue(ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_block1:
return AttrValue(ReadBlock<uint8_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_block2:
return AttrValue(ReadBlock<uint16_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_block4:
return AttrValue(ReadBlock<uint32_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_block:
case DW_FORM_exprloc:
return AttrValue(ReadVariableBlock(data));
case DW_FORM_string:
return AttrValue(ReadNullTerminated(data));
case DW_FORM_strp:
if (reader.unit_sizes().dwarf64) {
return AttrValue(ReadIndirectString<uint64_t>(reader, data));
} else {
return AttrValue(ReadIndirectString<uint32_t>(reader, data));
case DW_FORM_data1:
return AttrValue(ReadPiece(1, data));
case DW_FORM_data2:
return AttrValue(ReadPiece(2, data));
case DW_FORM_data4:
return AttrValue(ReadPiece(4, data));
case DW_FORM_data8:
return AttrValue(ReadPiece(8, data));
// Bloaty doesn't currently care about any bool or signed data.
// So we fudge it a bit and just stuff these in a uint64.
case DW_FORM_flag_present:
return AttrValue(1);
case DW_FORM_flag:
return AttrValue(ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(data));
case DW_FORM_sdata:
return AttrValue(ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(data));
THROWF("Don't know how to parse DWARF form: $0", form);
// AttrReader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Parses a DIE's attributes, calling user callbacks with the parsed values.
template <class T>
class AttrReader {
typedef void CallbackFunc(T* container, AttrValue val);
void OnAttribute(DwarfAttribute attr, CallbackFunc* func) {
attributes_[attr] = func;
// Reads all attributes for this DIE, storing the ones we were expecting.
void ReadAttributes(DIEReader* reader, T* container) {
string_view data = reader->ReadAttributesBegin();
const AbbrevTable::Abbrev& abbrev = reader->GetAbbrev();
for (auto attr : abbrev.attr) {
AttrValue value = ParseAttr(*reader, attr.form, &data);
auto it = attributes_.find(;
if (it != attributes_.end()) {
it->second(container, value);
reader->ReadAttributesEnd(data, 0);
std::unordered_map<int, CallbackFunc*> attributes_;
// From DIEReader, defined here because it depends on FixedAttrReader.
bool DIEReader::SkipChildren() {
assert(state_ == State::kReadyToNext);
if (!HasChild()) {
return true;
int target_depth = depth_ - 1;
dwarf::AttrReader<void> attr_reader;
while (depth_ > target_depth) {
// TODO(haberman): use DW_AT_sibling to optimize skipping when it is
// available.
if (!NextDIE()) {
return false;
attr_reader.ReadAttributes(this, nullptr);
return true;
// LineInfoReader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Code to read the .line_info programs in a DWARF file.
class LineInfoReader {
LineInfoReader(const File& file) : file_(file), info_(0) {}
struct LineInfo {
LineInfo(bool default_is_stmt) : is_stmt(default_is_stmt) {}
uint64_t address = 0;
uint32_t file = 1;
uint32_t line = 1;
uint32_t column = 0;
uint32_t discriminator = 0;
bool end_sequence = false;
bool basic_block = false;
bool prologue_end = false;
bool epilogue_begin = false;
bool is_stmt;
uint8_t op_index = 0;
uint8_t isa = 0;
struct FileName {
string_view name;
uint32_t directory_index;
uint64_t modified_time;
uint64_t file_size;
void SeekToOffset(uint64_t offset, uint8_t address_size);
bool ReadLineInfo();
const LineInfo& lineinfo() const { return info_; }
const FileName& filename(size_t i) const { return filenames_[i]; }
string_view include_directory(size_t i) const {
return include_directories_[i];
const std::string& GetExpandedFilename(size_t index) {
if (index >= filenames_.size()) {
THROW("filename index out of range");
// Generate these lazily.
if (expanded_filenames_.size() <= index) {
std::string& ret = expanded_filenames_[index];
if (ret.empty()) {
const FileName& filename = filenames_[index];
string_view directory = include_directories_[filename.directory_index];
ret = std::string(directory);
if (!ret.empty()) {
ret += "/";
ret += std::string(;
return ret;
struct Params {
uint8_t minimum_instruction_length;
uint8_t maximum_operations_per_instruction;
uint8_t default_is_stmt;
int8_t line_base;
uint8_t line_range;
uint8_t opcode_base;
} params_;
const File& file_;
CompilationUnitSizes sizes_;
std::vector<string_view> include_directories_;
std::vector<FileName> filenames_;
std::vector<uint8_t> standard_opcode_lengths_;
std::vector<std::string> expanded_filenames_;
string_view remaining_;
// Whether we are in a "shadow" part of the bytecode program. Sometimes
// parts of the line info program make it into the final binary even though
// the corresponding code was stripped. We can tell when this happened by
// looking for DW_LNE_set_address ops where the operand is 0. This
// indicates that a relocation for that argument never got applied, which
// probably means that the code got stripped.
// While this is true, we don't yield any LineInfo entries, because the
// "address" value is garbage.
bool shadow_;
LineInfo info_;
void DoAdvance(uint64_t advance, uint8_t max_per_instr) {
info_.address += params_.minimum_instruction_length *
((info_.op_index + advance) / max_per_instr);
info_.op_index = (info_.op_index + advance) % max_per_instr;
void Advance(uint64_t amount) {
if (params_.maximum_operations_per_instruction == 1) {
// This is by far the common case (only false on VLIW architectuers),
// and this inlining/specialization avoids a costly division.
DoAdvance(amount, 1);
} else {
DoAdvance(amount, params_.maximum_operations_per_instruction);
uint8_t AdjustedOpcode(uint8_t op) { return op - params_.opcode_base; }
void SpecialOpcodeAdvance(uint8_t op) {
Advance(AdjustedOpcode(op) / params_.line_range);
void LineInfoReader::SeekToOffset(uint64_t offset, uint8_t address_size) {
string_view data = file_.debug_line;
SkipBytes(offset, &data);
sizes_.address_size = address_size;
data = sizes_.ReadInitialLength(&data);
uint16_t version = ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(&data);
uint64_t header_length = sizes_.ReadDWARFOffset(&data);
string_view program = data;
SkipBytes(header_length, &program);
params_.minimum_instruction_length = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
if (version == 4) {
params_.maximum_operations_per_instruction = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
} else {
params_.maximum_operations_per_instruction = 1;
params_.default_is_stmt = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
params_.line_base = ReadMemcpy<int8_t>(&data);
params_.line_range = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
params_.opcode_base = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
if (params_.line_range == 0) {
THROW("line_range of zero will cause divide by zero");
for (size_t i = 1; i < params_.opcode_base; i++) {
standard_opcode_lengths_[i] = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
// Read include_directories.
// Implicit current directory entry.
while (true) {
string_view dir = ReadNullTerminated(&data);
if (dir.empty()) {
// Read file_names.
// Filename 0 is unused.
while (true) {
FileName file_name; = ReadNullTerminated(&data);
if ( {
file_name.directory_index = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
file_name.modified_time = ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(&data);
file_name.file_size = ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(&data);
if (file_name.directory_index >= include_directories_.size()) {
THROW("directory index out of range");
info_ = LineInfo(params_.default_is_stmt);
remaining_ = program;
shadow_ = false;
bool LineInfoReader::ReadLineInfo() {
// Final step of last DW_LNS_copy / special opcode.
info_.discriminator = 0;
info_.basic_block = false;
info_.prologue_end = false;
info_.epilogue_begin = false;
// Final step of DW_LNE_end_sequence.
info_.end_sequence = false;
string_view data = remaining_;
while (true) {
if (data.empty()) {
remaining_ = data;
return false;
uint8_t op = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
if (op >= params_.opcode_base) {
info_.line +=
params_.line_base + (AdjustedOpcode(op) % params_.line_range);
if (!shadow_) {
remaining_ = data;
return true;
} else {
switch (op) {
case DW_LNS_extended_op: {
uint16_t len = ReadLEB128<uint16_t>(&data);
uint8_t extended_op = ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
switch (extended_op) {
case DW_LNE_end_sequence: {
// Preserve address and set end_sequence, but reset everything
// else.
uint64_t addr = info_.address;
info_ = LineInfo(params_.default_is_stmt);
info_.address = addr;
info_.end_sequence = true;
if (!shadow_) {
remaining_ = data;
return true;
case DW_LNE_set_address:
info_.address = sizes_.ReadAddress(&data);
info_.op_index = 0;
shadow_ = (info_.address == 0);
case DW_LNE_define_file: {
FileName file_name; = ReadNullTerminated(&data);
file_name.directory_index = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
file_name.modified_time = ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(&data);
file_name.file_size = ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(&data);
if (file_name.directory_index >= include_directories_.size()) {
THROW("directory index out of range");
case DW_LNE_set_discriminator:
info_.discriminator = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
// We don't understand this opcode, skip it.
SkipBytes(len, &data);
if (verbose_level > 0) {
"bloaty: warning: unknown DWARF line table extended "
"opcode: %d\n",
case DW_LNS_copy:
if (!shadow_) {
remaining_ = data;
return true;
case DW_LNS_advance_pc:
case DW_LNS_advance_line:
info_.line += ReadLEB128<int32_t>(&data);
case DW_LNS_set_file:
info_.file = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
if (info_.file >= filenames_.size()) {
THROW("filename index too big");
case DW_LNS_set_column:
info_.column = ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&data);
case DW_LNS_negate_stmt:
info_.is_stmt = !info_.is_stmt;
case DW_LNS_set_basic_block:
info_.basic_block = true;
case DW_LNS_const_add_pc:
case DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc:
info_.address += ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(&data);
info_.op_index = 0;
case DW_LNS_set_prologue_end:
info_.prologue_end = true;
case DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin:
info_.epilogue_begin = true;
case DW_LNS_set_isa:
info_.isa = ReadLEB128<uint8_t>(&data);
// Unknown opcode, but we know its length so can skip it.
SkipBytes(standard_opcode_lengths_[op], &data);
if (verbose_level > 0) {
"bloaty: warning: unknown DWARF line table opcode: %d\n",
} // namespace dwarf
// Bloaty DWARF Data Sources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The DWARF .debug_aranges section should, in theory, give us exactly the
// information we need to map file ranges in linked binaries to compilation
// units from where that code came. However, .debug_aranges is often incomplete
// or missing completely, so we use it as just one of several data sources for
// the "compileunits" data source.
static bool ReadDWARFAddressRanges(const dwarf::File& file, RangeSink* sink) {
// Maps compilation unit offset -> source filename
// Lazily initialized.
class FilenameMap {
FilenameMap(const dwarf::File& file)
: die_reader_(file),
missing_("[DWARF is missing filename]") {
DW_AT_name, [](string_view* s, dwarf::AttrValue data) {
if (!data.IsString()) return;
*s = data.GetString();
std::string GetFilename(uint64_t compilation_unit_offset) {
auto& name = map_[compilation_unit_offset];
if (name.empty()) {
name = LookupFilename(compilation_unit_offset);
return name;
std::string LookupFilename(uint64_t compilation_unit_offset) {
auto section = dwarf::DIEReader::Section::kDebugInfo;
string_view name;
if (die_reader_.SeekToCompilationUnit(section, compilation_unit_offset) &&
die_reader_.GetTag() == DW_TAG_compile_unit &&
(attr_reader_.ReadAttributes(&die_reader_, &name),
!name.empty())) {
return std::string(name);
} else {
return missing_;
dwarf::DIEReader die_reader_;
dwarf::AttrReader<string_view> attr_reader_;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> map_;
std::string missing_;
} map(file);
dwarf::AddressRanges ranges(file.debug_aranges);
while (ranges.NextUnit()) {
std::string filename = map.GetFilename(ranges.debug_info_offset());
while (ranges.NextRange()) {
if (ranges.address() != 0) {
sink->AddVMRangeIgnoreDuplicate("dwarf_aranges", ranges.address(),
ranges.length(), filename);
return true;
// TODO(haberman): make these into real protobufs once proto supports
// string_view.
class GeneralDIE {
bool has_name() const { return has_name_; }
bool has_linkage_name() const { return has_linkage_name_; }
bool has_location_string() const { return has_location_string_; }
bool has_low_pc() const { return has_low_pc_; }
bool has_high_pc() const { return has_high_pc_; }
bool has_location_uint64() const { return has_location_uint64_; }
bool has_stmt_list() const { return has_stmt_list_; }
bool has_ranges() const { return has_ranges_; }
bool has_start_scope() const { return has_start_scope_; }
string_view name() const { return name_; }
string_view linkage_name() const { return linkage_name_; }
string_view location_string() const { return location_string_; }
uint64_t low_pc() const { return low_pc_; }
uint64_t high_pc() const { return high_pc_; }
uint64_t location_uint64() const { return location_uint64_; }
uint64_t stmt_list() const { return stmt_list_; }
uint64_t ranges() const { return ranges_; }
uint64_t start_scope() const { return start_scope_; }
void set_name(string_view val) {
has_name_ = true;
name_ = val;
void set_linkage_name(string_view val) {
has_linkage_name_ = true;
location_string_ = val;
void set_location_string(string_view val) {
has_location_string_ = true;
location_string_ = val;
void set_low_pc(uint64_t val) {
has_low_pc_ = true;
low_pc_ = val;
void set_high_pc(uint64_t val) {
has_high_pc_ = true;
high_pc_ = val;
void set_location_uint64(uint64_t val) {
has_location_uint64_ = true;
location_uint64_ = val;
void set_stmt_list(uint64_t val) {
has_stmt_list_ = true;
stmt_list_ = val;
void set_ranges(uint64_t val) {
has_ranges_ = true;
ranges_ = val;
void set_start_scope(uint64_t val) {
has_start_scope_ = true;
start_scope_ = val;
bool has_name_ = false;
bool has_linkage_name_ = false;
bool has_location_string_ = false;
bool has_low_pc_ = false;
bool has_high_pc_ = false;
bool has_location_uint64_ = false;
bool has_stmt_list_ = false;
bool has_ranges_ = false;
bool has_start_scope_ = false;
string_view name_;
string_view linkage_name_;
string_view location_string_;
uint64_t low_pc_ = 0;
uint64_t high_pc_ = 0;
uint64_t location_uint64_ = 0;
uint64_t stmt_list_ = 0;
uint64_t ranges_ = 0;
uint64_t start_scope_ = 0;
class InlinesDIE {
bool has_stmt_list() const { return has_stmt_list_; }
uint64_t stmt_list() const { return stmt_list_; }
void set_stmt_list(uint64_t val) {
has_stmt_list_ = true;
stmt_list_ = val;
bool has_stmt_list_ = false;
uint64_t stmt_list_ = 0;
void AddDIE(const dwarf::File& file, const std::string& name,
const GeneralDIE& die, const SymbolTable& symtab,
const DualMap& symbol_map, const dwarf::CompilationUnitSizes& sizes,
RangeSink* sink) {
// Some DIEs mark address ranges with high_pc/low_pc pairs (especially
// functions).
if (die.has_low_pc() && die.has_high_pc() && die.low_pc() != 0) {
uint64_t high_pc = die.high_pc();
// It appears that some compilers make high_pc a size, and others make it an
// address.
if (high_pc >= die.low_pc()) {
high_pc -= die.low_pc();
sink->AddVMRangeIgnoreDuplicate("dwarf_pcpair", die.low_pc(), high_pc,
// Sometimes a DIE has a linkage_name, which we can look up in the symbol
// table.
if (die.has_linkage_name()) {
auto it = symtab.find(die.linkage_name());
if (it != symtab.end()) {
sink->AddVMRangeIgnoreDuplicate("dwarf_linkagename", it->second.first,
it->second.second, name);
// Sometimes the DIE has a "location", which gives the location as an address.
// This parses a very small subset of the overall DWARF expression grammar.
if (die.has_location_string()) {
string_view location = die.location_string();
if (location.size() == sizes.address_size + 1 &&
location[0] == DW_OP_addr) {
uint64_t addr;
// TODO(haberman): endian?
if (sizes.address_size == 4) {
addr = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(&location);
} else if (sizes.address_size == 8) {
addr = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(&location);
} else {
THROW("Unexpected address size");
// Unfortunately the location doesn't include a size, so we look that part
// up in the symbol map.
uint64_t size;
if (symbol_map.vm_map.TryGetSize(addr, &size)) {
sink->AddVMRangeIgnoreDuplicate("dwarf_location", addr, size, name);
} else {
if (verbose_level > 0) {
"bloaty: warning: couldn't find DWARF location in symbol "
"table, address: %" PRIx64 "\n",
// Sometimes a location is given as an offset into debug_loc.
if (die.has_location_uint64()) {
absl::string_view loc_range = file.debug_loc.substr(die.location_uint64());
loc_range = GetLocationListRange(sizes, loc_range);
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_locrange", name, loc_range);
uint64_t ranges_offset = UINT64_MAX;
// There are two different attributes that sometimes contain an offset into
// debug_ranges.
if (die.has_ranges()) {
ranges_offset = die.ranges();
} else if (die.has_start_scope()) {
ranges_offset = die.start_scope();
if (ranges_offset != UINT64_MAX) {
absl::string_view ranges_range = file.debug_ranges.substr(ranges_offset);
ranges_range = GetRangeListRange(sizes, ranges_range);
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_debugrange", name, ranges_range);
static void ReadDWARFPubNames(const dwarf::File& file, string_view section,
RangeSink* sink) {
dwarf::DIEReader die_reader(file);
dwarf::AttrReader<string_view> attr_reader;
string_view remaining = section;
DW_AT_name, [](string_view* s, dwarf::AttrValue data) {
if (data.type() == dwarf::AttrValue::Type::kString) {
*s = data.GetString();
while (remaining.size() > 0) {
dwarf::CompilationUnitSizes sizes;
string_view full_unit = remaining;
string_view unit = sizes.ReadInitialLength(&remaining);
full_unit =
full_unit.substr(0, unit.size() + ( -;
dwarf::SkipBytes(2, &unit);
uint64_t debug_info_offset = sizes.ReadDWARFOffset(&unit);
bool ok = die_reader.SeekToCompilationUnit(
dwarf::DIEReader::Section::kDebugInfo, debug_info_offset);
if (!ok) {
THROW("Couldn't seek to debug_info section");
string_view compileunit_name;
attr_reader.ReadAttributes(&die_reader, &compileunit_name);
if (!compileunit_name.empty()) {
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_pubnames", compileunit_name, full_unit);
uint64_t ReadEncodedPointer(uint8_t encoding, bool is_64bit, string_view* data,
const char* data_base, RangeSink* sink) {
uint64_t value;
const char* ptr = data->data();
uint8_t format = encoding & DW_EH_PE_FORMAT_MASK;
switch (format) {
case DW_EH_PE_omit:
return 0;
case DW_EH_PE_absptr:
if (is_64bit) {
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data);
} else {
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_uleb128:
value = dwarf::ReadLEB128<uint64_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_udata2:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint16_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_udata4:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_udata8:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_sleb128:
value = dwarf::ReadLEB128<int64_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_sdata2:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<int16_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_sdata4:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<int32_t>(data);
case DW_EH_PE_sdata8:
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<int64_t>(data);
THROWF("Unexpected eh_frame format value: $0", format);
uint8_t application = encoding & DW_EH_PE_APPLICATION_MASK;
switch (application) {
case 0:
case DW_EH_PE_pcrel:
value += sink->TranslateFileToVM(ptr);
case DW_EH_PE_datarel:
if (data_base == nullptr) {
THROW("datarel requested but no data_base provided");
value += sink->TranslateFileToVM(data_base);
case DW_EH_PE_textrel:
case DW_EH_PE_funcrel:
case DW_EH_PE_aligned:
THROWF("Unimplemented eh_frame application value: $0", application);
if (encoding & DW_EH_PE_indirect) {
string_view location = sink->TranslateVMToFile(value);
if (is_64bit) {
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint64_t>(&location);
} else {
value = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(&location);
return value;
// Code to read the .eh_frame section. This is not technically DWARF, but it
// is similar to .debug_frame (which is DWARF) so it's convenient to put it
// here.
// The best documentation I can find for this format comes from:
// *
// *
// However these are both under-specified. Some details are not mentioned in
// either of these (for example, the fact that the function length uses the FDE
// encoding, but always absolute). libdwarf's implementation contains a comment
// saying "It is not clear if this is entirely correct". Basically the only
// thing you can trust for some of these details is the code that actually
// implements unwinding in production:
// * libunwind
// * LLVM libunwind (a different project!!)
// * libgcc
void ReadEhFrame(string_view data, RangeSink* sink) {
string_view remaining = data;
struct CIEInfo {
int version = 0;
uint32_t code_align = 0;
int32_t data_align = 0;
uint8_t fde_encoding = 0;
uint8_t lsda_encoding = 0;
bool is_signal_handler = false;
bool has_augmentation_length = false;
uint64_t personality_function = 0;
uint32_t return_address_reg = 0;
std::unordered_map<const void*, CIEInfo> cie_map;
while (remaining.size() > 0) {
dwarf::CompilationUnitSizes sizes;
string_view full_entry = remaining;
string_view entry = sizes.ReadInitialLength(&remaining);
if (entry.size() == 0 && remaining.size() == 0) {
full_entry =
full_entry.substr(0, entry.size() + ( -;
uint32_t id = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint32_t>(&entry);
if (id == 0) {
// CIE, we don't attribute this yet.
CIEInfo& cie_info = cie_map[];
cie_info.version = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&entry);
string_view aug_string = dwarf::ReadNullTerminated(&entry);
cie_info.code_align = dwarf::ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&entry);
cie_info.data_align = dwarf::ReadLEB128<int32_t>(&entry);
switch (cie_info.version) {
case 1:
cie_info.return_address_reg = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&entry);
case 3:
cie_info.return_address_reg = dwarf::ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&entry);
THROW("Unexpected eh_frame CIE version");
while (aug_string.size() > 0) {
switch (aug_string[0]) {
case 'z':
// Length until the end of augmentation data.
cie_info.has_augmentation_length = true;
case 'L':
cie_info.lsda_encoding = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&entry);
case 'R':
cie_info.fde_encoding = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&entry);
case 'S':
cie_info.is_signal_handler = true;
case 'P': {
uint8_t encoding = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&entry);
cie_info.personality_function =
ReadEncodedPointer(encoding, true, &entry, nullptr, sink);
THROW("Unexepcted augmentation character");
} else {
auto iter = cie_map.find( - id - 4);
if (iter == cie_map.end()) {
THROW("Couldn't find CIE for FDE");
const CIEInfo& cie_info = iter->second;
// TODO(haberman): don't hard-code 64-bit.
uint64_t address = ReadEncodedPointer(cie_info.fde_encoding, true, &entry,
nullptr, sink);
// TODO(haberman); Technically the FDE addresses could span a
// function/compilation unit? They can certainly span inlines.
uint64_t length =
ReadEncodedPointer(cie_info.fde_encoding & 0xf, true, &entry, sink);
if (cie_info.has_augmentation_length) {
uint32_t augmentation_length = dwarf::ReadLEB128<uint32_t>(&entry);
uint64_t lsda =
ReadEncodedPointer(cie_info.lsda_encoding, true, &entry, sink);
if (lsda) {
sink->AddFileRangeFor("dwarf_fde", address, full_entry);
// See documentation here:
void ReadEhFrameHdr(string_view data, RangeSink* sink) {
const char* base =;
uint8_t version = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
uint8_t eh_frame_ptr_enc = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
uint8_t fde_count_enc = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
uint8_t table_enc = dwarf::ReadMemcpy<uint8_t>(&data);
if (version != 1) {
THROWF("Unknown eh_frame_hdr version: $0", version);
// TODO(haberman): don't hard-code 64-bit.
uint64_t eh_frame_ptr =
ReadEncodedPointer(eh_frame_ptr_enc, true, &data, base, sink);
uint64_t fde_count =
ReadEncodedPointer(fde_count_enc, true, &data, base, sink);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < fde_count; i++) {
string_view entry_data = data;
uint64_t initial_location =
ReadEncodedPointer(table_enc, true, &data, base, sink);
uint64_t fde_addr = ReadEncodedPointer(table_enc, true, &data, base, sink);
sink->AddFileRangeFor("dwarf_fde_table", initial_location, entry_data);
// We could add fde_addr with an unknown length if we wanted to skip reading
// eh_frame. We can't count on this table being available though, so we
// don't want to remove the eh_frame reading code altogether.
static void ReadDWARFStmtListRange(const dwarf::File& file, uint64_t offset,
string_view unit_name, RangeSink* sink) {
string_view data = file.debug_line;
dwarf::SkipBytes(offset, &data);
string_view data_with_length = data;
dwarf::CompilationUnitSizes sizes;
data = sizes.ReadInitialLength(&data);
data = data_with_length.substr(
0, data.size() + ( -;
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_stmtlistrange", unit_name, data);
// The DWARF debug info can help us get compileunits info. DIEs for compilation
// units, functions, and global variables often have attributes that will
// resolve to addresses.
static void ReadDWARFDebugInfo(
const dwarf::File& file, dwarf::DIEReader::Section section,
const SymbolTable& symtab, const DualMap& symbol_map, RangeSink* sink,
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string>* stmt_list_map) {
dwarf::DIEReader die_reader(file);
dwarf::AttrReader<GeneralDIE> attr_reader;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsString()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsString()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (val.IsString()) {
} else {
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsUint()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsUint()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsUint()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsUint()) return;
[](GeneralDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue val) {
if (!val.IsUint()) return;
if (!die_reader.SeekToStart(section)) {
do {
GeneralDIE compileunit_die;
attr_reader.ReadAttributes(&die_reader, &compileunit_die);
std::string compileunit_name = std::string(;
if (compileunit_die.has_stmt_list()) {
uint64_t stmt_list = compileunit_die.stmt_list();
if (compileunit_name.empty()) {
auto iter = stmt_list_map->find(stmt_list);
if (iter != stmt_list_map->end()) {
compileunit_name = iter->second;
} else {
(*stmt_list_map)[stmt_list] = compileunit_name;
if (compileunit_name.empty()) {
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_debuginfo", compileunit_name,
AddDIE(file, compileunit_name, compileunit_die, symtab, symbol_map,
die_reader.unit_sizes(), sink);
if (compileunit_die.has_stmt_list()) {
uint64_t offset = compileunit_die.stmt_list();
ReadDWARFStmtListRange(file, offset, compileunit_name, sink);
string_view abbrev_data = file.debug_abbrev;
dwarf::SkipBytes(die_reader.debug_abbrev_offset(), &abbrev_data);
dwarf::AbbrevTable unit_abbrev;
abbrev_data = unit_abbrev.ReadAbbrevs(abbrev_data);
sink->AddFileRange("dwarf_abbrev", compileunit_name, abbrev_data);
while (die_reader.NextDIE()) {
GeneralDIE die;
attr_reader.ReadAttributes(&die_reader, &die);
// low_pc == 0 is a signal that this routine was stripped out of the
// final binary. Skip this DIE and all of its children.
if (die.has_low_pc() && die.low_pc() == 0) {
} else {
AddDIE(file, compileunit_name, die, symtab, symbol_map,
die_reader.unit_sizes(), sink);
} while (die_reader.NextCompilationUnit());
void ReadDWARFCompileUnits(const dwarf::File& file, const SymbolTable& symtab,
const DualMap& symbol_map, RangeSink* sink) {
if (!file.debug_info.size()) {
THROW("missing debug info");
if (file.debug_aranges.size()) {
ReadDWARFAddressRanges(file, sink);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> stmt_list_map;
ReadDWARFDebugInfo(file, dwarf::DIEReader::Section::kDebugInfo, symtab,
symbol_map, sink, &stmt_list_map);
ReadDWARFDebugInfo(file, dwarf::DIEReader::Section::kDebugTypes, symtab,
symbol_map, sink, &stmt_list_map);
ReadDWARFPubNames(file, file.debug_pubnames, sink);
ReadDWARFPubNames(file, file.debug_pubtypes, sink);
static std::string LineInfoKey(const std::string& file, uint32_t line,
bool include_line) {
if (include_line) {
return file + ":" + std::to_string(line);
} else {
return file;
static void ReadDWARFStmtList(bool include_line,
dwarf::LineInfoReader* line_info_reader,
RangeSink* sink) {
uint64_t span_startaddr = 0;
std::string last_source;
while (line_info_reader->ReadLineInfo()) {
const auto& line_info = line_info_reader->lineinfo();
auto addr = line_info.address;
auto number = line_info.line;
auto name =
? last_source
: LineInfoKey(line_info_reader->GetExpandedFilename(line_info.file),
number, include_line);
if (!span_startaddr) {
span_startaddr = addr;
} else if (line_info.end_sequence ||
(!last_source.empty() && name != last_source)) {
sink->AddVMRange("dwarf_stmtlist", span_startaddr, addr - span_startaddr,
if (line_info.end_sequence) {
span_startaddr = 0;
} else {
span_startaddr = addr;
last_source = name;
void ReadDWARFInlines(const dwarf::File& file, RangeSink* sink,
bool include_line) {
if (!file.debug_info.size() || !file.debug_line.size()) {
THROW("no debug info");
dwarf::DIEReader die_reader(file);
dwarf::LineInfoReader line_info_reader(file);
dwarf::AttrReader<InlinesDIE> attr_reader;
DW_AT_stmt_list, [](InlinesDIE* die, dwarf::AttrValue data) {
if (!data.IsUint()) return;
if (!die_reader.SeekToStart(dwarf::DIEReader::Section::kDebugInfo)) {
THROW("debug info is present, but empty");
while (true) {
InlinesDIE die;
attr_reader.ReadAttributes(&die_reader, &die);
if (die.has_stmt_list()) {
uint64_t offset = die.stmt_list();
ReadDWARFStmtList(include_line, &line_info_reader, sink);
if (!die_reader.NextCompilationUnit()) {
} // namespace bloaty