blob: dd558112e1504d9d92c63c41323555a40b5ad6d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "bloaty.h"
#include "bloaty.pb.h"
#include "demangle.h"
using absl::string_view;
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define CHECK_SYSCALL(call) \
if (call < 0) { \
perror(#call " " __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)); \
exit(1); \
static void Throw(const char *str, int line) {
throw bloaty::Error(str, __FILE__, line);
#define THROW(msg) Throw(msg, __LINE__)
#define THROWF(...) Throw(absl::Substitute(__VA_ARGS__).c_str(), __LINE__)
namespace bloaty {
// Use a global since we would have to plumb it through so many call-stacks
// otherwise. We would make this thread_local but that's not supported on OS X
// right now.
int verbose_level = 0;
struct DataSourceDefinition {
DataSource number;
const char* name;
const char* description;
constexpr DataSourceDefinition data_sources[] = {
{DataSource::kArchiveMembers, "armembers", "the .o files in a .a file"},
{DataSource::kCompileUnits, "compileunits",
"source file for the .o file (translation unit). requires debug info."},
{DataSource::kInputFiles, "inputfiles",
"the filename specified on the Bloaty command-line"},
{DataSource::kInlines, "inlines",
"source line/file where inlined code came from. requires debug info."},
{DataSource::kRawRanges, "rawranges",
"raw ranges of previous data source."},
{DataSource::kSections, "sections", "object file section"},
{DataSource::kSegments, "segments", "load commands in the binary"},
{DataSource::kSymbols, "symbols",
"symbols from symbol table (configure demangling with --demangle)"},
{DataSource::kRawSymbols, "rawsymbols", "unmangled symbols"},
{DataSource::kFullSymbols, "fullsymbols", "full demangled symbols"},
{DataSource::kShortSymbols, "shortsymbols", "short demangled symbols"},
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
const char* GetDataSourceLabel(DataSource source) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data_sources); i++) {
if (data_sources[i].number == source) {
return data_sources[i].name;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown data source label: %d\n", static_cast<int>(source));
return nullptr;
int SignOf(long val) {
if (val < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (val > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
template <typename A, typename B>
void CheckedAdd(A* accum, B val) {
// We've only implemented the portable version for a subset of possible types.
static_assert(std::is_signed<A>::value, "requires signed A");
static_assert(sizeof(A) == sizeof(B), "requires integers of the same type");
#if ABSL_HAVE_BUILTIN(__builtin_add_overflow)
if (__builtin_add_overflow(*accum, val, accum)) {
THROW("integer overflow");
bool safe = *accum < 0 ? (val >= std::numeric_limits<B>::max() - *accum)
: (val <= std::numeric_limits<B>::max() - *accum);
if (!safe) {
THROW("integer overflow");
*accum += val;
std::string CSVEscape(string_view str) {
bool need_escape = false;
for (char ch : str) {
if (ch == '"' || ch == ',') {
need_escape = true;
if (need_escape) {
std::string ret = "\"";
for (char ch : str) {
if (ch == '"') {
ret += "\"\"";
} else {
ret += ch;
ret += "\"";
return ret;
} else {
return std::string(str);
// LineReader / LineIterator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Convenience code for iterating over lines of a pipe.
LineReader::LineReader(LineReader&& other) {
file_ = other.file_;
pclose_ = other.pclose_;
other.file_ = nullptr;
void LineReader::Close() {
if (!file_) return;
if (pclose_) {
} else {
void LineReader::Next() {
char buf[256];
do {
if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file_)) {
if (feof(file_)) {
eof_ = true;
} else {
std::cerr << "Error reading from file.\n";
} while(!eof_ && line_[line_.size() - 1] != '\n');
if (!eof_) {
line_.resize(line_.size() - 1);
LineIterator LineReader::begin() { return LineIterator(this); }
LineIterator LineReader::end() { return LineIterator(nullptr); }
LineReader ReadLinesFromPipe(const std::string& cmd) {
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
if (!pipe) {
std::cerr << "Failed to run command: " << cmd << "\n";
return LineReader(pipe, true);
extern "C" char* __cxa_demangle(const char* mangled_name, char* buf, size_t* n,
int* status);
std::string ItaniumDemangle(string_view symbol, DataSource source) {
if (source == DataSource::kRawSymbols) {
// No demangling.
return std::string(symbol);
string_view demangle_from = symbol;
if (absl::StartsWith(demangle_from, "__Z")) {
if (source == DataSource::kShortSymbols) {
char demangled[1024];
if (::Demangle(, demangled, sizeof(demangled))) {
return std::string(demangled);
} else {
return std::string(symbol);
} else if (source == DataSource::kFullSymbols) {
char* demangled =
__cxa_demangle(, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (demangled) {
std::string ret(demangled);
return ret;
} else {
return std::string(symbol);
} else {
printf("Unexpected source: %d\n", (int)source);
// NameMunger //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void NameMunger::AddRegex(const std::string& regex, const std::string& replacement) {
auto re2 = absl::make_unique<RE2>(regex);
regexes_.push_back(std::make_pair(std::move(re2), replacement));
std::string NameMunger::Munge(string_view name) const {
std::string name_str(name);
std::string ret(name);
for (const auto& pair : regexes_) {
if (RE2::Extract(name_str, *pair.first, pair.second, &ret)) {
return ret;
return name_str;
// Rollup //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// A Rollup is a hierarchical tally of sizes. Its graphical representation is
// something like this:
// 93.3% 93.3% 3.02M Unmapped
// 38.2% 38.2% 1.16M .debug_info
// 23.9% 62.1% 740k .debug_str
// 12.1% 74.2% 374k .debug_pubnames
// 11.7% 86.0% 363k .debug_loc
// 8.9% 94.9% 275k [Other]
// 5.1% 100.0% 158k .debug_ranges
// 6.7% 100.0% 222k LOAD [R E]
// 61.0% 61.0% 135k .text
// 21.4% 82.3% 47.5k .rodata
// 6.2% 88.5% 13.8k .gcc_except_table
// 5.9% 94.4% 13.2k .eh_frame
// 5.6% 100.0% 12.4k [Other]
// 0.0% 100.0% 1.40k [Other]
// 100.0% 3.24M TOTAL
// Rollup is the generic data structure, before we apply output massaging like
// collapsing excess elements into "[Other]" or sorting.
std::string others_label = "[Other]";
class Rollup {
Rollup() {}
Rollup(Rollup&& other) = default;
Rollup& operator=(Rollup&& other) = default;
void AddSizes(const std::vector<std::string> names,
uint64_t size, bool is_vmsize) {
// We start at 1 to exclude the base map (see base_map_).
AddInternal(names, 1, size, is_vmsize);
// Prints a graphical representation of the rollup.
void CreateRollupOutput(const Options& options, RollupOutput* output) const {
CreateDiffModeRollupOutput(nullptr, options, output);
output->diff_mode_ = false;
void CreateDiffModeRollupOutput(Rollup* base, const Options& options,
RollupOutput* output) const {
RollupRow* row = &output->toplevel_row_;
row->vmsize = vm_total_;
row->filesize = file_total_;
row->vmpercent = 100;
row->filepercent = 100;
output->diff_mode_ = true;
CreateRows(row, base, options, true);
// Subtract the values in "other" from this.
void Subtract(const Rollup& other) {
vm_total_ -= other.vm_total_;
file_total_ -= other.file_total_;
for (const auto& other_child : other.children_) {
auto& child = children_[other_child.first];
if (child.get() == NULL) {
child.reset(new Rollup());
// Add the values in "other" from this.
void Add(const Rollup& other) {
vm_total_ += other.vm_total_;
file_total_ += other.file_total_;
for (const auto& other_child : other.children_) {
auto& child = children_[other_child.first];
if (child.get() == NULL) {
child.reset(new Rollup());
int64_t file_total() const { return file_total_; }
int64_t vm_total_ = 0;
int64_t file_total_ = 0;
// Putting Rollup by value seems to work on some compilers/libs but not
// others.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Rollup>> ChildMap;
ChildMap children_;
static Rollup* empty_;
static Rollup* GetEmpty() {
if (!empty_) {
empty_ = new Rollup();
return empty_;
// Adds "size" bytes to the rollup under the label names[i].
// If there are more entries names[i+1, i+2, etc] add them to sub-rollups.
void AddInternal(const std::vector<std::string> names, size_t i,
uint64_t size, bool is_vmsize) {
if (is_vmsize) {
CheckedAdd(&vm_total_, size);
} else {
CheckedAdd(&file_total_, size);
if (i < names.size()) {
auto& child = children_[names[i]];
if (child.get() == nullptr) {
child.reset(new Rollup());
child->AddInternal(names, i + 1, size, is_vmsize);
static double Percent(ssize_t part, size_t whole) {
if (whole == 0) {
if (part == 0) {
return NAN;
} else if (part > 0) {
return INFINITY;
} else {
return -INFINITY;
} else {
return static_cast<double>(part) / static_cast<double>(whole) * 100;
void CreateRows(RollupRow* row, const Rollup* base, const Options& options,
bool is_toplevel) const;
void SortAndAggregateRows(RollupRow* row, const Rollup* base,
const Options& options, bool is_toplevel) const;
void Rollup::CreateRows(RollupRow* row, const Rollup* base,
const Options& options, bool is_toplevel) const {
if (base) {
// For a diff, the percentage is a comparison against the previous size of
// the same label at the same level.
row->vmpercent = Percent(vm_total_, base->vm_total_);
row->filepercent = Percent(file_total_, base->file_total_);
for (const auto& value : children_) {
if (value.second->vm_total_ != 0 || value.second->file_total_ != 0) {
RollupRow& child_row = row->sorted_children.back();
child_row.vmsize = value.second->vm_total_;
child_row.filesize = value.second->file_total_;
SortAndAggregateRows(row, base, options, is_toplevel);
Rollup* Rollup::empty_;
void Rollup::SortAndAggregateRows(RollupRow* row, const Rollup* base,
const Options& options,
bool is_toplevel) const {
std::vector<RollupRow>& child_rows = row->sorted_children;
// We don't want to output a solitary "[None]" or "[Unmapped]" row except at
// the top level.
if (!is_toplevel && child_rows.size() == 1 &&
(child_rows[0].name == "[None]" || child_rows[0].name == "[Unmapped]")) {
// We don't want to output a single row that has exactly the same size and
// label as the parent.
if (child_rows.size() == 1 && child_rows[0].name == row->name) {
if (child_rows.empty()) {
// First sort by magnitude.
for (auto& child : child_rows) {
switch (options.sort_by()) {
case Options::SORTBY_VMSIZE:
child.sortkey = std::abs(child.vmsize);
case Options::SORTBY_FILESIZE:
child.sortkey = std::abs(child.filesize);
case Options::SORTBY_BOTH:
child.sortkey =
std::max(std::abs(child.vmsize), std::abs(child.filesize));
std::sort(child_rows.begin(), child_rows.end(), &RollupRow::Compare);
RollupRow others_row(others_label);
others_row.other_count = child_rows.size() - options.max_rows_per_level(); = absl::Substitute("[$0 Others]", others_row.other_count);
Rollup others_rollup;
Rollup others_base;
// Filter out everything but the top 'row_limit'. Add rows that were filtered
// out to "others_row".
size_t i = child_rows.size() - 1;
while (i >= options.max_rows_per_level()) {
CheckedAdd(&others_row.vmsize, child_rows[i].vmsize);
CheckedAdd(&others_row.filesize, child_rows[i].filesize);
if (base) {
auto it = base->children_.find(child_rows[i].name);
if (it != base->children_.end()) {
CheckedAdd(&others_base.vm_total_, it->second->vm_total_);
CheckedAdd(&others_base.file_total_, it->second->file_total_);
child_rows.erase(child_rows.end() - 1);
if (std::abs(others_row.vmsize) > 0 || std::abs(others_row.filesize) > 0) {
CheckedAdd(&others_rollup.vm_total_, others_row.vmsize);
CheckedAdd(&others_rollup.file_total_, others_row.filesize);
// Now sort by actual value (positive or negative).
for (auto& child : child_rows) {
switch (options.sort_by()) {
case Options::SORTBY_VMSIZE:
child.sortkey = child.vmsize;
case Options::SORTBY_FILESIZE:
child.sortkey = child.filesize;
case Options::SORTBY_BOTH:
if (std::abs(child.vmsize) > std::abs(child.filesize)) {
child.sortkey = child.vmsize;
} else {
child.sortkey = child.filesize;
std::sort(child_rows.begin(), child_rows.end(), &RollupRow::Compare);
// For a non-diff, the percentage is compared to the total size of the parent.
if (!base) {
for (auto& child_row : child_rows) {
child_row.vmpercent = Percent(child_row.vmsize, row->vmsize);
child_row.filepercent = Percent(child_row.filesize, row->filesize);
// Recurse into sub-rows, (except "Other", which isn't a real row).
for (auto& child_row : child_rows) {
const Rollup* child_rollup;
const Rollup* child_base = nullptr;
if (child_row.other_count > 0) {
child_rollup = &others_rollup;
if (base) {
child_base = &others_base;
} else {
auto it = children_.find(;
if (it == children_.end()) {
THROWF("internal error, couldn't find name $0",;
child_rollup = it->second.get();
if (base) {
auto it = base->children_.find(;
if (it == base->children_.end()) {
child_base = GetEmpty();
} else {
child_base = it->second.get();
child_rollup->CreateRows(&child_row, child_base, options, false);
// RollupOutput ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// RollupOutput represents rollup data after we have applied output massaging
// like collapsing excess rows into "[Other]" and sorted the output. Once the
// data is in this format, we can print it to the screen (or verify the output
// in unit tests).
void PrintSpaces(size_t n, std::ostream* out) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
*out << " ";
std::string FixedWidthString(const std::string& input, size_t size) {
if (input.size() < size) {
std::string ret = input;
while (ret.size() < size) {
ret += " ";
return ret;
} else {
return input.substr(0, size);
std::string LeftPad(const std::string& input, size_t size) {
std::string ret = input;
while (ret.size() < size) {
ret = " " + ret;
return ret;
std::string DoubleStringPrintf(const char *fmt, double d) {
char buf[1024];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, d);
return std::string(buf);
std::string SiPrint(ssize_t size, bool force_sign) {
const char *prefixes[] = {"", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti"};
size_t num_prefixes = 5;
size_t n = 0;
double size_d = size;
while (fabs(size_d) > 1024 && n < num_prefixes - 2) {
size_d /= 1024;
std::string ret;
if (fabs(size_d) > 100 || n == 0) {
ret = std::to_string(static_cast<ssize_t>(size_d)) + prefixes[n];
if (force_sign && size > 0) {
ret = "+" + ret;
} else if (fabs(size_d) > 10) {
if (force_sign) {
ret = DoubleStringPrintf("%+0.1f", size_d) + prefixes[n];
} else {
ret = DoubleStringPrintf("%0.1f", size_d) + prefixes[n];
} else {
if (force_sign) {
ret = DoubleStringPrintf("%+0.2f", size_d) + prefixes[n];
} else {
ret = DoubleStringPrintf("%0.2f", size_d) + prefixes[n];
return LeftPad(ret, 7);
std::string PercentString(double percent, bool diff_mode) {
if (diff_mode) {
if (percent == 0 || std::isnan(percent)) {
return " [ = ]";
} else if (percent == -100) {
return " [DEL]";
} else if (std::isinf(percent)) {
return " [NEW]";
} else {
// We want to keep this fixed-width even if the percent is very large.
std::string str;
if (percent > 1000) {
int digits = log10(percent) - 1;
str = DoubleStringPrintf("%+2.0f", percent / pow(10, digits)) + "e" +
std::to_string(digits) + "%";
} else if (percent > 10) {
str = DoubleStringPrintf("%+4.0f%%", percent);
} else {
str = DoubleStringPrintf("%+5.1F%%", percent);
return LeftPad(str, 6);
} else {
return DoubleStringPrintf("%5.1F%%", percent);
void RollupOutput::PrettyPrintRow(const RollupRow& row, size_t indent,
size_t longest_label,
std::ostream* out) const {
*out << FixedWidthString("", indent) << " "
<< PercentString(row.vmpercent, diff_mode_) << " "
<< SiPrint(row.vmsize, diff_mode_) << " "
<< FixedWidthString(, longest_label) << " "
<< SiPrint(row.filesize, diff_mode_) << " "
<< PercentString(row.filepercent, diff_mode_) << "\n";
void RollupOutput::PrettyPrintTree(const RollupRow& row, size_t indent,
size_t longest_label,
std::ostream* out) const {
// Rows are printed before their sub-rows.
PrettyPrintRow(row, indent, longest_label, out);
if (row.vmsize || row.filesize) {
for (const auto& child : row.sorted_children) {
PrettyPrintTree(child, indent + 4, longest_label, out);
size_t RollupOutput::CalculateLongestLabel(const RollupRow& row,
int indent) const {
size_t ret = indent +;
for (const auto& child : row.sorted_children) {
ret = std::max(ret, CalculateLongestLabel(child, indent + 4));
return ret;
void RollupOutput::PrettyPrint(size_t max_label_len, std::ostream* out) const {
size_t longest_label =;
for (const auto& child : toplevel_row_.sorted_children) {
longest_label = std::max(longest_label, CalculateLongestLabel(child, 0));
longest_label = std::min(longest_label, max_label_len);
*out << " VM SIZE ";
PrintSpaces(longest_label, out);
*out << " FILE SIZE";
*out << "\n";
*out << " -------------- ";
PrintSpaces(longest_label, out);
*out << " --------------";
*out << "\n";
for (const auto& child : toplevel_row_.sorted_children) {
PrettyPrintTree(child, 0, longest_label, out);
// The "TOTAL" row comes after all other rows.
PrettyPrintRow(toplevel_row_, 0, longest_label, out);
void RollupOutput::PrintRowToCSV(const RollupRow& row,
std::vector<std::string> parent_labels,
std::ostream* out) const {
while (parent_labels.size() < source_names_.size()) {
// If this label had no data at this level, append an empty string.
*out << absl::StrJoin(parent_labels, ",") << "\n";
void RollupOutput::PrintTreeToCSV(const RollupRow& row,
std::vector<std::string> parent_labels,
std::ostream* out) const {
if (row.sorted_children.size() > 0) {
for (const auto& child_row : row.sorted_children) {
PrintTreeToCSV(child_row, parent_labels, out);
} else {
PrintRowToCSV(row, parent_labels, out);
void RollupOutput::PrintToCSV(std::ostream* out) const {
std::vector<std::string> names(source_names_);
*out << absl::StrJoin(names, ",") << "\n";
for (const auto& child_row : toplevel_row_.sorted_children) {
PrintTreeToCSV(child_row, std::vector<std::string>(), out);
// RangeMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// MmapInputFile ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class MmapInputFile : public InputFile {
MmapInputFile(const std::string& filename);
~MmapInputFile() override;
class FileDescriptor {
FileDescriptor(int fd) : fd_(fd) {}
~FileDescriptor() {
if (fd_ >= 0 && close(fd_) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "bloaty: error calling close(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
int fd() { return fd_; }
int fd_;
MmapInputFile::MmapInputFile(const std::string& filename)
: InputFile(filename) {
FileDescriptor fd(open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
struct stat buf;
const char *map;
if (fd.fd() < 0) {
THROWF("couldn't open file '$0': $1", filename, strerror(errno));
if (fstat(fd.fd(), &buf) < 0) {
THROWF("couldn't stat file '$0': $1", filename, strerror(errno));
map = static_cast<char*>(
mmap(nullptr, buf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd.fd(), 0));
if (map == MAP_FAILED) {
THROWF("couldn't mmap file '$0': $1", filename, strerror(errno));
data_ = string_view(map, buf.st_size);
MmapInputFile::~MmapInputFile() {
if ( != nullptr &&
munmap(const_cast<char*>(, data_.size()) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "bloaty: error calling munmap(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
std::unique_ptr<InputFile> MmapInputFileFactory::OpenFile(
const std::string& filename) const {
return absl::make_unique<MmapInputFile>(filename);
// RangeSink ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RangeSink::RangeSink(const InputFile* file, DataSource data_source,
const DualMap* translator)
: file_(file),
translator_(translator) {}
RangeSink::~RangeSink() {}
void RangeSink::AddOutput(DualMap* map, const NameMunger* munger) {
outputs_.push_back(std::make_pair(map, munger));
void RangeSink::AddFileRange(const char* analyzer, string_view name,
uint64_t fileoff, uint64_t filesize) {
if (verbose_level > 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "[%s, %s] AddFileRange(%.*s, %" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64 ")\n",
GetDataSourceLabel(data_source_), analyzer, (int)name.size(),, fileoff, filesize);
for (auto& pair : outputs_) {
const std::string label = pair.second->Munge(name);
if (translator_) {
bool ok = pair.first->file_map.AddRangeWithTranslation(
fileoff, filesize, label, translator_->file_map, &pair.first->vm_map);
if (!ok) {
THROWF("File range ($0, $1) for label $2 extends beyond base map",
fileoff, filesize, name);
} else {
pair.first->file_map.AddRange(fileoff, filesize, label);
void RangeSink::AddFileRangeFor(const char* analyzer,
uint64_t label_from_vmaddr,
string_view file_range) {
uint64_t file_offset = - file_->data().data();
if (verbose_level > 2) {
"[%s, %s] AddFileRangeFor(%" PRIx64 ", [%" PRIx64
", %zx])\n",
GetDataSourceLabel(data_source_), analyzer, label_from_vmaddr,
file_offset, file_range.size());
for (auto& pair : outputs_) {
std::string label;
uint64_t offset;
if (pair.first->vm_map.TryGetLabel(label_from_vmaddr, &label, &offset)) {
bool ok = pair.first->file_map.AddRangeWithTranslation(
file_offset, file_range.size(), label, translator_->file_map,
if (!ok) {
THROWF("File range ($0, $1) for label $2 extends beyond base map",
offset, file_range.size(), label);
} else if (verbose_level > 2) {
printf("No label found for vmaddr %" PRIx64 "\n", label_from_vmaddr);
void RangeSink::AddVMRangeFor(const char* analyzer, uint64_t label_from_vmaddr,
uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) {
if (verbose_level > 2) {
"[%s, %s] AddVMRangeFor(%" PRIx64 ", [%" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64 "])\n",
GetDataSourceLabel(data_source_), analyzer, label_from_vmaddr, addr,
for (auto& pair : outputs_) {
std::string label;
uint64_t offset;
if (pair.first->vm_map.TryGetLabel(label_from_vmaddr, &label, &offset)) {
bool ok = pair.first->vm_map.AddRangeWithTranslation(
addr, size, label, translator_->vm_map, &pair.first->file_map);
if (!ok) {
THROWF("VM range ($0, $1) for label $2 extends beyond base map", addr,
size, label);
} else if (verbose_level > 2) {
printf("No label found for vmaddr %" PRIx64 "\n", label_from_vmaddr);
void RangeSink::AddVMRange(const char* analyzer, uint64_t vmaddr,
uint64_t vmsize, const std::string& name) {
if (verbose_level > 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "[%s, %s] AddVMRange(%.*s, %" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64 ")\n",
GetDataSourceLabel(data_source_), analyzer, (int)name.size(),, vmaddr, vmsize);
for (auto& pair : outputs_) {
const std::string label = pair.second->Munge(name);
bool ok = pair.first->vm_map.AddRangeWithTranslation(
vmaddr, vmsize, label, translator_->vm_map, &pair.first->file_map);
if (!ok) {
THROWF("VM range ($0, $1) for label $2 extends beyond base map", vmaddr,
vmsize, name);
void RangeSink::AddVMRangeAllowAlias(const char* analyzer, uint64_t vmaddr,
uint64_t size, const std::string& name) {
// TODO: maybe track alias (but what would we use it for?)
// TODO: verify that it is in fact an alias.
AddVMRange(analyzer, vmaddr, size, name);
void RangeSink::AddVMRangeIgnoreDuplicate(const char* analyzer, uint64_t vmaddr,
uint64_t vmsize,
const std::string& name) {
// TODO suppress warning that AddVMRange alone might trigger.
AddVMRange(analyzer, vmaddr, vmsize, name);
void RangeSink::AddRange(const char* analyzer, string_view name,
uint64_t vmaddr, uint64_t vmsize, uint64_t fileoff,
uint64_t filesize) {
if (verbose_level > 2) {
"[%s, %s] AddRange(%.*s, %" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64
", %" PRIx64 ")\n",
GetDataSourceLabel(data_source_), analyzer, (int)name.size(),, vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize);
if (translator_) {
if (!translator_->vm_map.CoversRange(vmaddr, vmsize) ||
!translator_->file_map.CoversRange(fileoff, filesize)) {
THROW("Tried to add range that is not covered by base map.");
for (auto& pair : outputs_) {
const std::string label = pair.second->Munge(name);
uint64_t common = std::min(vmsize, filesize);
pair.first->vm_map.AddDualRange(vmaddr, common, fileoff, label);
pair.first->file_map.AddDualRange(fileoff, common, vmaddr, label);
pair.first->vm_map.AddRange(vmaddr + common, vmsize - common, label);
pair.first->file_map.AddRange(fileoff + common, filesize - common, label);
uint64_t RangeSink::TranslateFileToVM(const char* ptr) {
uint64_t offset = ptr - file_->data().data();
uint64_t translated;
if (!FileContainsPointer(ptr) ||
!translator_->file_map.Translate(offset, &translated)) {
THROWF("Can't translate file offset ($0) to VM, contains: $1, map:\n$2",
offset, FileContainsPointer(ptr),
return translated;
absl::string_view RangeSink::TranslateVMToFile(uint64_t address) {
uint64_t translated;
if (!translator_->vm_map.Translate(address, &translated) ||
translated > file_->data().size()) {
THROW("Can't translate VM pointer to file");
return file_->data().substr(translated);
// ThreadSafeIterIndex /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class ThreadSafeIterIndex {
ThreadSafeIterIndex(int max) : index_(0), max_(max) {}
bool TryGetNext(int* index) {
int ret = index_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (ret >= max_) {
return false;
} else {
*index = ret;
return true;
void Abort(string_view error) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
index_ = max_;
error_ = std::string(error);
bool TryGetError(std::string* error) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (error_.empty()) {
return false;
} else {
*error = error_;
return true;
std::atomic<int> index_;
std::string error_;
std::mutex mutex_;
const int max_;
// Bloaty //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Represents a program execution and associated state.
struct ConfiguredDataSource {
ConfiguredDataSource(const DataSourceDefinition& definition_)
: definition(definition_),
munger(new NameMunger()) {}
const DataSourceDefinition& definition;
// This will differ from definition.number for kSymbols, where we use the
// --demangle flag to set the true/effective source.
DataSource effective_source;
std::unique_ptr<NameMunger> munger;
class Bloaty {
Bloaty(const InputFileFactory& factory, const Options& options);
void AddFilename(const std::string& filename, bool base_file);
void AddDebugFilename(const std::string& filename);
size_t GetSourceCount() const { return sources_.size(); }
void DefineCustomDataSource(const CustomDataSource& source);
void AddDataSource(const std::string& name);
void ScanAndRollup(const Options& options, RollupOutput* output);
void DisassembleFunction(string_view function, const Options& options,
RollupOutput* output);
template <size_t T>
void AddBuiltInSources(const DataSourceDefinition (&sources)[T],
const Options& options) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < T; i++) {
const DataSourceDefinition& source = sources[i];
auto configured_source = absl::make_unique<ConfiguredDataSource>(source);
if (configured_source->effective_source == DataSource::kSymbols) {
configured_source->effective_source = EffectiveSymbolSource(options);
all_known_sources_[] = std::move(configured_source);
static DataSource EffectiveSymbolSource(const Options& options) {
switch (options.demangle()) {
case Options::DEMANGLE_NONE:
return DataSource::kRawSymbols;
case Options::DEMANGLE_SHORT:
return DataSource::kShortSymbols;
case Options::DEMANGLE_FULL:
return DataSource::kFullSymbols;
void ScanAndRollupFiles(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>>& files,
std::vector<std::string>* build_ids,
Rollup* rollup) const;
void ScanAndRollupFile(ObjectFile* file, Rollup* rollup,
std::string* out_build_id) const;
const InputFileFactory& file_factory_;
// All data sources, indexed by name.
// Contains both built-in sources and custom sources.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ConfiguredDataSource>>
// Sources the user has actually selected, in the order selected.
// Points to entries in all_known_sources_.
std::vector<ConfiguredDataSource*> sources_;
std::vector<std::string> source_names_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> input_files_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> base_files_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> debug_files_;
Bloaty::Bloaty(const InputFileFactory& factory, const Options& options)
: file_factory_(factory) {
AddBuiltInSources(data_sources, options);
void Bloaty::AddFilename(const std::string& filename, bool is_base) {
std::unique_ptr<InputFile> file(file_factory_.OpenFile(filename));
auto object_file = TryOpenELFFile(file);
if (!object_file.get()) {
object_file = TryOpenMachOFile(file);
if (!object_file.get()) {
THROWF("unknown file type for file '$0'", filename.c_str());
if (is_base) {
} else {
void Bloaty::AddDebugFilename(const std::string& filename) {
std::unique_ptr<InputFile> file(file_factory_.OpenFile(filename));
auto object_file = TryOpenELFFile(file);
if (!object_file.get()) {
object_file = TryOpenMachOFile(file);
if (!object_file.get()) {
THROWF("unknown file type for file '$0'", filename);
std::string build_id = object_file->GetBuildId();
if (build_id.size() == 0) {
THROWF("File '$0' has no build ID, cannot be used as a debug file",
debug_files_[build_id] = std::move(object_file);
void Bloaty::DefineCustomDataSource(const CustomDataSource& source) {
if (source.base_data_source() == "symbols") {
"For custom data sources, use one of {rawsymbols, shortsymbols, "
"fullsymbols} for base_data_source instead of 'symbols', so you aren't "
"sensitive to the --demangle parameter.");
auto iter = all_known_sources_.find(source.base_data_source());
if (iter == all_known_sources_.end()) {
THROWF("custom data source '$0': no such base source '$1'",,
} else if (!iter->second->munger->IsEmpty()) {
THROWF("custom data source '$0' tries to depend on custom data source '$1'",, source.base_data_source());
all_known_sources_[] =
NameMunger* munger = all_known_sources_[]->munger.get();
for (const auto& regex : source.rewrite()) {
munger->AddRegex(regex.pattern(), regex.replacement());
void Bloaty::AddDataSource(const std::string& name) {
auto it = all_known_sources_.find(name);
if (it == all_known_sources_.end()) {
THROWF("no such data source: $0", name);
// All of the DualMaps for a given file.
struct DualMaps {
DualMaps() {
// Base map.
DualMap* AppendMap() {
maps_.emplace_back(new DualMap);
return maps_.back().get();
void ComputeRollup(Rollup* rollup) {
RangeMap::ComputeRollup(VmMaps(), [=](const std::vector<std::string>& keys,
uint64_t addr, uint64_t end) {
return rollup->AddSizes(keys, end - addr, true);
[=](const std::vector<std::string>& keys, uint64_t addr, uint64_t end) {
return rollup->AddSizes(keys, end - addr, false);
void PrintMaps(const std::vector<const RangeMap*> maps) {
uint64_t last = 0;
RangeMap::ComputeRollup(maps, [&](const std::vector<std::string>& keys,
uint64_t addr, uint64_t end) {
if (addr > last) {
PrintMapRow("NO ENTRY", last, addr);
PrintMapRow(KeysToString(keys), addr, end);
last = end;
void PrintFileMaps() { PrintMaps(FileMaps()); }
void PrintVMMaps() { PrintMaps(VmMaps()); }
std::string KeysToString(const std::vector<std::string>& keys) {
std::string ret;
for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
ret += ", ";
ret += keys[i];
return ret;
void PrintMapRow(string_view str, uint64_t start, uint64_t end) {
printf("[%" PRIx64 ", %" PRIx64 "] %.*s\n", start, end, (int)str.size(),;
DualMap* base_map() { return maps_[0].get(); }
std::vector<const RangeMap*> VmMaps() const {
std::vector<const RangeMap*> ret;
for (const auto& map : maps_) {
return ret;
std::vector<const RangeMap*> FileMaps() const {
std::vector<const RangeMap*> ret;
for (const auto& map : maps_) {
return ret;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DualMap>> maps_;
void Bloaty::ScanAndRollupFile(ObjectFile* file, Rollup* rollup,
std::string* out_build_id) const {
DualMaps maps;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RangeSink>> sinks;
std::vector<RangeSink*> sink_ptrs;
std::vector<RangeSink*> filename_sink_ptrs;
// Base map always goes first.
&file->file_data(), DataSource::kSegments, nullptr));
NameMunger empty_munger;
sinks.back()->AddOutput(maps.base_map(), &empty_munger);
for (auto source : sources_) {
&file->file_data(), source->effective_source, maps.base_map()));
sinks.back()->AddOutput(maps.AppendMap(), source->munger.get());
// We handle the kInputFiles data source internally, without handing it off
// to the file format implementation. This seems slightly simpler, since
// the file format has to deal with armembers too.
if (source->effective_source == DataSource::kRawRanges) {
// Do nothing, we'll fill this in later.
} else if (source->effective_source == DataSource::kInputFiles) {
} else {
std::string build_id = file->GetBuildId();
if (!build_id.empty()) {
auto iter = debug_files_.find(build_id);
if (iter != debug_files_.end()) {
*out_build_id = build_id;
int64_t filesize_before = rollup->file_total();
// kInputFile source: Copy the base map to the filename sink(s).
for (auto sink : filename_sink_ptrs) {
[sink](uint64_t start, uint64_t length) {
sink->AddVMRange("inputfile_vmcopier", start, length,
[sink](uint64_t start, uint64_t length) {
sink->input_file().filename(), start, length);
// kRawRange source: add the directly preceding map's ranges, with labels
// indicating the range.
for (size_t i = 1; i < sinks.size(); i++) {
if (sinks[i]->data_source() == DataSource::kRawRanges) {
RangeSink* ranges_sink = sinks[i].get();
RangeSink* from = sinks[i - 1].get();
from->MapAtIndex(0).vm_map.ForEachRange([ranges_sink](uint64_t start,
uint64_t length) {
ranges_sink->AddVMRange("rawrange_vmcopier", start, length,
absl::StrCat("vm: [", absl::Hex(start), ", ",
absl::Hex(start + length), "]"));
[ranges_sink](uint64_t start, uint64_t length) {
absl::StrCat("file: [", absl::Hex(start), ", ",
absl::Hex(start + length), "]"),
start, length);
// The ObjectFile implementation must guarantee this.
int64_t filesize = rollup->file_total() - filesize_before;
assert(filesize == file->file_data().data().size());
if (verbose_level > 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "FILE MAP:\n");
fprintf(stdout, "VM MAP:\n");
void Bloaty::ScanAndRollupFiles(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>>& files,
std::vector<std::string>* build_ids,
Rollup * rollup) const {
int num_cpus = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
int num_threads = std::min(num_cpus, static_cast<int>(files.size()));
struct PerThreadData {
Rollup rollup;
std::string build_id;
std::vector<PerThreadData> thread_data(num_threads);
std::vector<std::thread> threads(num_threads);
ThreadSafeIterIndex index(files.size());
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
threads[i] = std::thread([this, &index, &files](PerThreadData* data) {
try {
int j;
while (index.TryGetNext(&j)) {
ScanAndRollupFile(files[j].get(), &data->rollup, &data->build_id);
} catch (const bloaty::Error& e) {
}, &thread_data[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
PerThreadData* data = &thread_data[i];
if (i == 0) {
*rollup = std::move(data->rollup);
} else {
if (!data->build_id.empty()) {
std::string error;
if (index.TryGetError(&error)) {
void Bloaty::ScanAndRollup(const Options& options, RollupOutput* output) {
if (input_files_.empty()) {
THROW("no filename specified");
for (const auto& name : source_names_) {
Rollup rollup;
std::vector<std::string> build_ids;
ScanAndRollupFiles(input_files_, &build_ids, &rollup);
if (!base_files_.empty()) {
Rollup base;
ScanAndRollupFiles(base_files_, &build_ids, &base);
rollup.CreateDiffModeRollupOutput(&base, options, output);
} else {
rollup.CreateRollupOutput(options, output);
for (const auto& build_id : build_ids) {
// Error out if some --debug-files were not used.
if (!debug_files_.empty()) {
std::string input_files;
std::string unused_debug;
for (const auto& pair : debug_files_) {
unused_debug += absl::Substitute(
"$0 $1\n",
for (const auto& file : input_files_) {
input_files += absl::Substitute(
"$0 $1\n", absl::BytesToHexString(file->GetBuildId()).c_str(),
for (const auto& file : base_files_) {
input_files += absl::Substitute(
"$0 $1\n", absl::BytesToHexString(file->GetBuildId()).c_str(),
"Debug file(s) did not match any input file:\n$0\nInput Files:\n$1",
unused_debug.c_str(), input_files.c_str());
void Bloaty::DisassembleFunction(string_view function, const Options& options,
RollupOutput* output) {
DisassemblyInfo info;
for (auto& file : input_files_) {
if (file->GetDisassemblyInfo(function, EffectiveSymbolSource(options),
&info)) {
THROWF("Couldn't find function $0 to disassemble", function);
const char usage[] = R"(Bloaty McBloatface: a size profiler for binaries.
USAGE: bloaty [OPTION]... FILE... [-- BASE_FILE...]
--csv Output in CSV format instead of human-readable.
-c FILE Load configuration from <file>.
-d SOURCE,SOURCE Comma-separated list of sources to scan.
--debug-file=FILE Use this file for debug symbols and/or symbol table.
-C MODE How to demangle symbols. Possible values are:
--demangle=MODE --demangle=none no demangling, print raw symbols
--demangle=short demangle, but omit arg/return types
--demangle=full print full demangled type
The default is --demangle=short.
Disassemble this function (EXPERIMENTAL)
-n NUM How many rows to show per level before collapsing
other keys into '[Other]'. Set to '0' for unlimited.
Defaults to 20.
-s SORTBY Whether to sort by VM or File size. Possible values
-s vm
-s file
-s both (the default: sorts by max(vm, file)).
-v Verbose output. Dumps warnings encountered during
processing and full VM/file maps at the end.
Add more v's (-vv, -vvv) for even more.
-w Wide output; don't truncate long labels.
--help Display this message and exit.
--list-sources Show a list of available sources and exit.
class ArgParser {
ArgParser(int* argc, char** argv[])
: argc_(*argc),
argv_(*argv, *argv + *argc),
out_argv_(argv) {
*out_argc_ = 0;
ConsumeAndSaveArg(); // Executable name.
bool IsDone() { return index_ == argc_; }
string_view Arg() {
return string_view(argv_[index_]);
string_view ConsumeArg() {
string_view ret = Arg();
return ret;
void ConsumeAndSaveArg() {
(*out_argv_)[(*out_argc_)++] = argv_[index_++];
// Singular flag like --csv or -v.
bool TryParseFlag(string_view flag) {
if (Arg() == flag) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Option taking an argument, for example:
// -n 20
// --config=file.bloaty
// For --long-options we accept both:
// --long_option value
// --long_option=value
bool TryParseOption(string_view flag, string_view* val) {
assert(flag.size() > 1);
bool is_long = flag[1] == '-';
string_view arg = Arg();
if (TryParseFlag(flag)) {
if (IsDone()) {
THROWF("option '$0' requires an argument", flag);
*val = ConsumeArg();
return true;
} else if (is_long && absl::ConsumePrefix(&arg, std::string(flag) + "=")) {
*val = arg;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool TryParseIntegerOption(string_view flag, int* val) {
string_view val_str;
return TryParseOption(flag, &val_str) && absl::SimpleAtoi(val_str, val);
int argc_;
std::vector<char*> argv_;
int* out_argc_;
char*** out_argv_;
int index_ = 0;
bool DoParseOptions(bool skip_unknown, int* argc, char** argv[],
Options* options, OutputOptions* output_options) {
bool saw_separator = false;
ArgParser args(argc, argv);
string_view option;
int int_option;
while (!args.IsDone()) {
if (args.TryParseFlag("--")) {
if (saw_separator) {
THROW("'--' option should only be specified once");
saw_separator = true;
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("--csv")) {
output_options->output_format = OutputFormat::kCSV;
} else if (args.TryParseOption("-c", &option)) {
std::ifstream input_file(std::string(option), std::ios::in);
if (!input_file.is_open()) {
THROWF("couldn't open file $0", option);
google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream stream(&input_file);
if (!google::protobuf::TextFormat::Merge(&stream, options)) {
THROWF("error parsing configuration out of file $0", option);
} else if (args.TryParseOption("-d", &option)) {
std::vector<std::string> names = absl::StrSplit(option, ',');
for (const auto& name : names) {
} else if (args.TryParseOption("-C", &option) ||
args.TryParseOption("--demangle", &option)) {
if (option == "none") {
} else if (option == "short") {
} else if (option == "full") {
} else {
THROWF("unknown value for --demangle: $0", option);
} else if (args.TryParseOption("--debug-file", &option)) {
} else if (args.TryParseOption("--disassemble", &option)) {
} else if (args.TryParseIntegerOption("-n", &int_option)) {
if (int_option == 0) {
} else {
} else if (args.TryParseOption("-s", &option)) {
if (option == "vm") {
} else if (option == "file") {
} else if (option == "both") {
} else {
THROWF("unknown value for -s: $0", option);
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("-v")) {
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("-vv")) {
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("-vvv")) {
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("-w")) {
output_options->max_label_len = SIZE_MAX;
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("--list-sources")) {
for (const auto& source : data_sources) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", FixedWidthString(, 15).c_str(),
return false;
} else if (args.TryParseFlag("--help")) {
fputs(usage, stderr);
return false;
} else if (absl::StartsWith(args.Arg(), "-")) {
if (skip_unknown) {
} else {
THROWF("Unknown option: $0", args.Arg());
} else {
if (saw_separator) {
} else {
if (options->data_source_size() == 0 &&
!options->has_disassemble_function()) {
// Default when no sources are specified.
return true;
bool ParseOptions(bool skip_unknown, int* argc, char** argv[], Options* options,
OutputOptions* output_options, std::string* error) {
try {
return DoParseOptions(skip_unknown, argc, argv, options, output_options);
} catch (const bloaty::Error& e) {
return false;
void BloatyDoMain(const Options& options, const InputFileFactory& file_factory,
RollupOutput* output) {
bloaty::Bloaty bloaty(file_factory, options);
if (options.filename_size() == 0) {
THROW("must specify at least one file");
if (options.max_rows_per_level() < 1) {
THROW("max_rows_per_level must be at least 1");
for (auto& filename : options.filename()) {
bloaty.AddFilename(filename, false);
for (auto& base_filename : options.base_filename()) {
bloaty.AddFilename(base_filename, true);
for (auto& debug_filename : options.debug_filename()) {
for (const auto& custom_data_source : options.custom_data_source()) {
for (const auto& data_source : options.data_source()) {
verbose_level = options.verbose_level();
if (options.data_source_size() > 0) {
bloaty.ScanAndRollup(options, output);
} else if (options.has_disassemble_function()) {
bloaty.DisassembleFunction(options.disassemble_function(), options, output);
bool BloatyMain(const Options& options, const InputFileFactory& file_factory,
RollupOutput* output, std::string* error) {
try {
BloatyDoMain(options, file_factory, output);
return true;
} catch (const bloaty::Error& e) {
return false;
} // namespace bloaty