blob: 16793288c73c1740c7f3bdc5f6125807b94cfe3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package bloaty;
message Options {
// The files to analyze. At least one file must be provided.
repeated string filename = 1;
// If non-empty, we are in diff mode and these files should provide the
// baseline.
repeated string base_filename = 2;
// Files to use for debug information. We will match these to files from
// filename or base_filename by build id. Files that are only in
// debug_filename will *not* have their file size counted.
repeated string debug_filename = 10;
// The data sources to scan in each file. At least one data source must be
// specified. If more than one source is specified, the output is
// hierarchical.
// These can be built-in data sources or custom data sources.
repeated string data_source = 3;
// The maximum number of rows to show at each level before collapsing the rest
// into '[Other]'.
optional int64 max_rows_per_level = 4 [default = 20];
enum Demangle {
optional Demangle demangle = 5 [default = DEMANGLE_SHORT];
// What to sort the output by.
enum SortBy {
optional SortBy sort_by = 6 [default = SORTBY_BOTH];
// When greater than zero, Bloaty will print verbose output to stdout.
// TODO(haberman): should this be in the output object instead?
optional int32 verbose_level = 7;
// If set, these will print verbose information pertaining to the given
// vm address and/or file offset.
optional uint64 debug_vmaddr = 11;
optional uint64 debug_fileoff = 12;
// Custom data sources for this analysis.
repeated CustomDataSource custom_data_source = 8;
// Disassemble this function.
optional string disassemble_function = 9;
// Regex with which to filter names in the data sources.
optional string source_filter = 13;
// Dump raw memory map instead of printing normal output.
optional bool dump_raw_map = 14;
// A custom data source allows users to create their own label space by
// rewriting a set of existing labels according to a set of regexes.
message CustomDataSource {
// The name of this data source.
optional string name = 1;
// The underlying data source. We will scan this data source and apply
// rewrites to define the new data source. This must be a built-in data
// source, not another custom data source.
optional string base_data_source = 2;
// The rewrites that we will apply to the underlying labels to define the new
// data source.
repeated Regex rewrite = 3;
// For rewriting labels from a data source. If the regex matches, then the
// entire string is replaced with the replacement. Any groups captured from the
// pattern can be substituted into the replacement with \1, \2, etc. and \0
// refers to the entire match.
message Regex {
optional string pattern = 1;
optional string replacement = 2;