This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'gdb-csl-morpho-

Sprout from gdb-csl-20060226-branch 2006-04-29 00:38:42 UTC Mark Mitchell <> '	* gdb/mt-tdep.c (mt_register_name): Correct out-of-range logic to'
diff --git a/gdb/features/ b/gdb/features/
deleted file mode 100644
index c757d61..0000000
--- a/gdb/features/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-if test -z "$output" || test -z "$1"; then
-  echo "Usage: $0 OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILE..."
-  exit 1
-if test -e "$output"; then
-  echo "Output file \"$output\" already exists; refusing to overwrite."
-  exit 1
-for input in dummy "$@"; do
-  if test $input != dummy; then
-    arrayname=xml_feature_`echo $input | sed 's,.*/,,; s/[-.]/_/g'`
-    gawk 'BEGIN { n = 0
-      print "static const char '$arrayname'[] = {"
-      for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
-        _ord_[sprintf("%c", i)] = i
-    } {
-      split($0, line, "");
-      printf "  "
-      for (i = 1; i <= length($0); i++) {
-        c = line[i]
-        if (c == "'\''") {
-          printf "'\''\\'\'''\'', "
-        } else if (c == "\\") {
-          printf "'\''\\\\'\'', "
-        } else if (match (c, "[[:print:]]") != 0) {
-          printf "'\''" c "'\'', "
-        } else {
-          printf "'\''\\%03o'\'', ", _ord_[c]
-        }
-        if (i % 10 == 0)
-          printf "\n   "
-      }
-      printf "'\''\\n'\'', \n"
-    } END {
-      print "  0 };"
-    }' < $input >> $output
-  fi
-echo >> $output
-echo "const char *const xml_builtin[][2] = {" >> $output
-for input in dummy "$@"; do
-  if test $input != dummy; then
-    basename=`echo $input | sed 's,.*/,,'`
-    arrayname=xml_feature_`echo $input | sed 's,.*/,,; s/[-.]/_/g'`
-    echo "  { \"$basename\", $arrayname }," >> $output
-  fi
-echo "  { 0, 0 }" >> $output
-echo "};" >> $output
diff --git a/gdb/features/gdb-target.dtd b/gdb/features/gdb-target.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e01b70..0000000
--- a/gdb/features/gdb-target.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!-- The root element of a GDB target description is <target>.  It
-     contains a list of feature definitions, followed by a feature-set.
-     This is also the only point at which xi:include is supported;
-     it must be used with xpointer to fetch a feature, from a
-     document whose root element is either target or feature.  -->
-<!ELEMENT target	(feature*, feature-set)>
-<!ATTLIST target
-	xmlns:xi	CDATA	#FIXED "">
-<!ELEMENT feature-set	(description*, feature-ref+)>
-<!-- QUESTION: Is there any reason for feature-ref to have its own
-     descriptions?  Or a short name field (descriptive)?  -->
-<!ELEMENT feature-ref	EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST feature-ref
-	base-regnum	CDATA	#IMPLIED>
-<!-- TODO: Handle arch_data, maybe as unvalidated fields; do we want
-    to define a namespace for arch-specific fields?  Issue for feature
-    and for reg.  -->
-<!-- QUESTION: Should the feature also have a short description to identify
-     it?  The format of its "name" field is restricted and probably not
-     user-appropriate.  -->
-<!ELEMENT feature	(description*, reg*)>
-<!ATTLIST feature
-	name		ID	#REQUIRED>
-<!-- TODO: GDB does not yet support descriptions.  -->
-<!-- Registers are not required to have an explicit register number field;
-     they are numbered sequentially starting at zero.  If a register does
-     have an explicit number, the next register will be assigned the next
-     sequential number by default.  When the feature is referenced, register
-     numbers are adjusted by the reference's base-regnum.  -->
-<!-- arch_data; see above -->
-<!-- TODO: Allow save-restore default to be specified by the feature?
-     Computation coprocessors should generally be saved and restored,
-     but system control coprocessors generally shouldn't.  -->
-<!ELEMENT reg		(description*)>
-<!ATTLIST reg
-	bitsize		CDATA	#REQUIRED
-	regnum		CDATA	#IMPLIED
-	save-restore	(yes | no) 'yes'
-	type		CDATA	'int'
-	>
-<!ELEMENT description	(#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST description
-	xml:lang	CDATA	#IMPLIED>