blob: b05f09d8bc747b822bb4f503963628545c4021c5 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -d --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn
#name: RL78: correct display of SP-relative movw instructions
.*: +file format .*rl78.*
Disassembly of section .text:
0x0+000 cb f8 34 12[ ]+movw sp, #0x1234
0x0+004 ae f8[ ]+movw ax, sp
0x0+006 be f8[ ]+movw sp, ax
0x0+008 af f8 ff[ ]+movw ax, !0x000ffff8
0x0+00b bf f8 ff[ ]+movw !0x000ffff8, ax
0x0+00e fb f8 ff[ ]+movw hl, sp
0x0+011 db f8 ff[ ]+movw bc, sp
0x0+014 eb f8 ff[ ]+movw de, sp