blob: 8cbbdde3ac613d34c0776df1502a5d5b1ad3780c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Minimal debug/trace/assert driver definitions for
* Broadcom 802.11 Networking Adapter.
* Copyright 1999-2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All rights reserved,
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided by the copyright holder "as is" and any express or
* implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
* merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event
* shall copyright holder be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
* exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement
* of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
* interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
* contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising
* in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility
* of such damage
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Open:>>
* $Id: wl_dbg.h 519338 2014-12-05 21:23:30Z $
#ifndef _wl_dbg_h_
#define _wl_dbg_h_
/* wl_msg_level is a bit vector with defs in wlioctl.h */
extern uint32 wl_msg_level;
extern uint32 wl_msg_level2;
#define WL_TIMESTAMP()
#define WL_PRINT(args) do { WL_TIMESTAMP(); printf args; } while (0)
#if defined(EVENT_LOG_COMPILE) && defined(WLMSG_SRSCAN)
#define _WL_SRSCAN(fmt, ...) EVENT_LOG(EVENT_LOG_TAG_SRSCAN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define WL_SRSCAN(args) _WL_SRSCAN args
#define WL_SRSCAN(args)
/* Ideally this should be some include file that vendors can include to conditionalize logging */
/* DBGONLY() macro to reduce ifdefs in code for statements that are only needed when
* BCMDBG is defined.
#define DBGONLY(x)
/* To disable a message completely ... until you need it again */
#define WL_NONE(args)
#define WL_ERROR(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_ERROR_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_TRACE(args)
#define WL_PRHDRS_MSG(args)
#define WL_PRHDRS(i, p, f, t, r, l)
#define WL_PRPKT(m, b, n)
#define WL_INFORM(args)
#define WL_TMP(args)
#define WL_OID(args)
#define WL_RATE(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_RATE_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_ASSOC(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_ASSOC_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_PRUSR(m, b, n)
#define WL_PS(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_PS_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_PORT(args)
#define WL_DUAL(args)
#define WL_REGULATORY(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_REGULATORY_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_MPC(args)
#define WL_APSTA(args)
#define WL_APSTA_BCN(args)
#define WL_APSTA_TX(args)
#define WL_APSTA_TSF(args)
#define WL_APSTA_BSSID(args)
#define WL_BA(args)
#define WL_MBSS(args)
#define WL_PROTO(args)
#define WL_CAC(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_CAC_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_AMSDU(args)
#define WL_AMPDU(args)
#define WL_FFPLD(args)
#define WL_MCHAN(args)
#define WL_DFS(args)
#define WL_WOWL(args)
#define WL_DPT(args)
#define WL_ASSOC_OR_DPT(args)
#define WL_SCAN(args) do {if (wl_msg_level2 & WL_SCAN_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_COEX(args)
#define WL_RTDC(w, s, i, j)
#define WL_RTDC2(w, s, i, j)
#define WL_CHANINT(args)
#define WL_BTA(args)
#define WL_P2P(args)
#define WL_ITFR(args)
#define WL_TDLS(args)
#define WL_MCNX(args)
#define WL_PROT(args)
#define WL_PSTA(args)
#define WL_WFDS(m, b, n)
#define WL_TRF_MGMT(args)
#define WL_L2FILTER(args)
#define WL_MQ(args)
#define WL_TXBF(args)
#define WL_P2PO(args)
#define WL_ROAM(args)
#define WL_WNM(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_UPDN(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_RX(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_ERR(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_TX(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_CTL(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_HW(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_HWTXS(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_HWDBG(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_STAT(args)
#define WL_AMPDU_ERR_ON() 0
#define WL_AMPDU_HW_ON() 0
#define WL_AMPDU_HWTXS_ON() 0
#define WL_APSTA_UPDN(args)
#define WL_APSTA_RX(args)
#define WL_WSEC(args)
#define WL_WSEC_DUMP(args)
#define WL_PCIE(args)
#define WL_TSLOG(w, s, i, j)
#define WL_FBT(args)
#define WL_ERROR_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_ERROR_VAL)
#define WL_TRACE_ON() 0
#define WL_PRHDRS_ON() 0
#define WL_PRPKT_ON() 0
#define WL_INFORM_ON() 0
#define WL_TMP_ON() 0
#define WL_OID_ON() 0
#define WL_RATE_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_RATE_VAL)
#define WL_ASSOC_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_ASSOC_VAL)
#define WL_PRUSR_ON() 0
#define WL_PS_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_PS_VAL)
#define WL_PORT_ON() 0
#define WL_WSEC_ON() 0
#define WL_WSEC_DUMP_ON() 0
#define WL_MPC_ON() 0
#define WL_REGULATORY_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_REGULATORY_VAL)
#define WL_APSTA_ON() 0
#define WL_DFS_ON() 0
#define WL_MBSS_ON() 0
#define WL_CAC_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_CAC_VAL)
#define WL_AMPDU_ON() 0
#define WL_DPT_ON() 0
#define WL_WOWL_ON() 0
#define WL_SCAN_ON() (wl_msg_level2 & WL_SCAN_VAL)
#define WL_BTA_ON() 0
#define WL_P2P_ON() 0
#define WL_ITFR_ON() 0
#define WL_MCHAN_ON() 0
#define WL_TDLS_ON() 0
#define WL_MCNX_ON() 0
#define WL_PROT_ON() 0
#define WL_PSTA_ON() 0
#define WL_TRF_MGMT_ON() 0
#define WL_LPC_ON() 0
#define WL_L2FILTER_ON() 0
#define WL_TXBF_ON() 0
#define WL_P2PO_ON() 0
#define WL_TSLOG_ON() 0
#define WL_WNM_ON() 0
#define WL_PCIE_ON() 0
#else /* !BCMDBG */
/* DBGONLY() macro to reduce ifdefs in code for statements that are only needed when
* BCMDBG is defined.
#define DBGONLY(x)
/* To disable a message completely ... until you need it again */
#define WL_NONE(args)
#define WL_ERROR(args)
#define WL_TRACE(args)
#define WL_APSTA_UPDN(args)
#define WL_APSTA_RX(args)
#define WL_WSEC(args) WL_PRINT(args)
#define WL_WSEC_DUMP(args) WL_PRINT(args)
#define WL_WSEC(args)
#define WL_WSEC_DUMP(args)
#define WL_PCIE(args) do {if (wl_msg_level2 & WL_PCIE_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_PCIE_ON() (wl_msg_level2 & WL_PCIE_VAL)
#define WL_PFN(args) do {if (wl_msg_level & WL_PFN_VAL) WL_PRINT(args);} while (0)
#define WL_PFN_ON() (wl_msg_level & WL_PFN_VAL)
extern uint32 wl_msg_level;
extern uint32 wl_msg_level2;
#endif /* _wl_dbg_h_ */