blob: 251c154bc53ceb4db1884f62fa4b647476d8b839 [file] [log] [blame]
/ Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
/ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[library Asio
[quickbook 1.4]
[copyright 2003 - 2017 Christopher M. Kohlhoff]
[purpose Networking library]
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[category template]
[category generic]
[template mdash[] '''— ''']
[template half_open_range[text] '''['''[text])]
[template indexterm1[id term1] '''<indexterm id="'''[id]'''"><primary>'''[term1]'''</primary></indexterm>''']
[template indexterm2[id term1 term2] '''<indexterm id="'''[id]'''"><primary>'''[term1]'''</primary><secondary>'''[term2]'''</secondary></indexterm>''']
[template inline_note[text] \[['Note:] [text] '''&mdash;'''['end note]\] ]
[template ticket[number]'''<ulink url="'''[number]'''">'''#[number]'''</ulink>''']
[def __POSIX__ /POSIX/]
[def __Windows__ /Windows/]
[def __accept__ [@ `accept()`]]
[def __connect__ [@ `connect()`]]
[def __getpeername__ [@ `getpeername()`]]
[def __getsockname__ [@ `getsockname()`]]
[def __getsockopt__ [@ `getsockopt()`]]
[def __ioctl__ [@ `ioctl()`]]
[def __poll__ [@ `poll()`]]
[def __recvfrom__ [@ `recvfrom()`]]
[def __sendto__ [@ `sendto()`]]
[def __setsockopt__ [@ `setsockopt()`]]
[def __shutdown__ [@ `shutdown()`]]
[def __socket__ [@ `socket()`]]
Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern
C++ approach.
[link asio.overview Overview]
An overview of the features included in Asio, plus rationale and design information.
[link asio.using Using Asio]
How to use Asio in your applications. Includes information on
library dependencies and supported platforms.
[link asio.tutorial Tutorial]
A tutorial that introduces the fundamental concepts required to use
Asio, and shows how to use Asio to develop simple client and
server programs.
[link asio.examples Examples]
Examples that illustrate the use of Asio in more complex applications.
[link asio.reference Reference]
Detailed class and function reference.
[link asio.net_ts Networking TS Compatibility]
Description of changes to provide compatibility with the "C++ Extensions
for Networking" Technical Specification.
[link asio.history Revision History]
Log of Asio changes made in each release.
[link asio.index Index]
Book-style text index of Asio documentation.
[include overview.qbk]
[include using.qbk]
[include tutorial.qbk]
[include examples.qbk]
[include reference.qbk]
[include net_ts.qbk]
[include history.qbk]
[xinclude index.xml]