blob: b2a211c0ed1f99faf7cfe8a748ad915f997c2181 [file] [log] [blame]
/ Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
/ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:SyncReadStream Buffer-oriented synchronous read stream requirements]
In the table below, `a` denotes a synchronous read stream object, `mb` denotes
an object satisfying [link asio.reference.MutableBufferSequence
mutable buffer sequence] requirements, and `ec` denotes an object of type
[table Buffer-oriented synchronous read stream requirements
[[operation] [type] [semantics, pre/post-conditions]]
[Equivalent to:
error_code ec;
size_t s = a.read_some(mb, ec);
if (ec) throw system_error(ec);
return s;
[`a.read_some(mb, ec);`]
Reads one or more bytes of data from the stream `a`.\n
The mutable buffer sequence `mb` specifies memory where the data should
be placed. The `read_some` operation shall always fill a buffer in the
sequence completely before proceeding to the next.\n
If successful, returns the number of bytes read and sets `ec` such that
`!ec` is true. If an error occurred, returns `0` and sets `ec` such that
`!!ec` is true.\n
If the total size of all buffers in the sequence `mb` is `0`, the
function shall return `0` immediately.