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/ Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
/ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:DescriptorService Descriptor service requirements]
A descriptor service must meet the requirements for an [link
asio.reference.IoObjectService I/O object service] with support for movability,
as well as the additional requirements listed below.
In the table below, `X` denotes a descriptor service class, `a` and `ao` denote
values of type `X`, `b` and `c` denote values of type `X::implementation_type`,
`n` denotes a value of type `X::native_handle_type`, `ec` denotes a value of type
`error_code`, `i` denotes a value meeting [link asio.reference.IoControlCommand
`IoControlCommand`] requirements, and `u` and `v` denote identifiers.
[table DescriptorService requirements
[[expression] [return type] [assertion/note\npre/post-condition]]
The implementation-defined native representation of a descriptor. Must
satisfy the requirements of `CopyConstructible` types (C++ Std, 20.1.3),
and the requirements of `Assignable` types (C++ Std, 23.1).
From [link asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService]
post: `!a.is_open(b)`.
From [link asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService]
requirements. Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations, as if by calling
`a.close(b, ec)`.
a.move_construct(b, c);
From [link asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements.
The underlying native representation is moved from `c` to `b`.
a.move_assign(b, ao, c);
From [link asio.reference.IoObjectService IoObjectService] requirements.
Implicitly cancels asynchronous operations associated with `b`, as if by
calling `a.close(b, ec)`. Then the underlying native representation is
moved from `c` to `b`.
a.assign(b, n, ec);
pre: `!a.is_open(b)`.\n
post: `!!ec || a.is_open(b)`.
const X& u = a;
const X::implementation_type& v = b;
a.close(b, ec);
If `a.is_open()` is true, causes any outstanding asynchronous operations
to complete as soon as possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall
be passed the error code `error::operation_aborted`.\n
post: `!a.is_open(b)`.
a.cancel(b, ec);
pre: `a.is_open(b)`.\n
Causes any outstanding asynchronous operations to complete as soon as
possible. Handlers for cancelled operations shall be passed the error
code `error::operation_aborted`.
a.io_control(b, i, ec);
pre: `a.is_open(b)`.