blob: 1346964b269b87bc2df80c309ec0a991a9e39458 [file] [log] [blame]
// go.hpp
// ~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifndef ASIO_GO_HPP
#define ASIO_GO_HPP
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
#include "asio/detail/config.hpp"
#include "asio/coroutine.hpp"
#include "asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp"
#include "asio/detail/wrapped_handler.hpp"
#include "asio/io_service.hpp"
#include "asio/strand.hpp"
# include "asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp"
// A macro that should expand to:
// template <typename T1, ..., typename Tn>
// void complete(const T1& x1, ..., const Tn& xn);
// This macro should only persist within this file.
#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
namespace asio {
namespace detail {
template <typename Handler, typename Signature> class stackless_impl_base;
} // namespace detail
/// Context object the represents the currently executing coroutine.
* The basic_stackless_context class is used to represent the currently
* executing stackless coroutine. A basic_stackless_context may be passed as a
* handler to an asynchronous operation. For example:
* @code template <typename Handler>
* void my_coroutine(basic_stackless_context<Handler> ctx)
* {
* reenter (ctx)
* {
* ...
* yield my_socket.async_read_some(buffer, ctx);
* ...
* }
* } @endcode
* The initiating function (@c async_read_some in the above example) suspends
* the current coroutine. The coroutine is resumed when the asynchronous
* operation completes.
template <typename Handler, typename Signature = void ()>
class basic_stackless_context
/// Return a coroutine context that sets the specified error_code.
* By default, when a coroutine context is used with an asynchronous operation, a
* non-success error_code is converted to system_error and thrown. This
* operator may be used to specify an error_code object that should instead be
* set with the asynchronous operation's result. For example:
* @code template <typename Handler>
* void my_coroutine(basic_stackless_context<Handler> ctx)
* {
* reenter (ctx)
* {
* ...
* yield my_socket.async_read_some(buffer, ctx[ec]);
* if (ec)
* {
* // An error occurred.
* }
* ...
* }
* } @endcode
basic_stackless_context operator[](asio::error_code& ec) const
basic_stackless_context tmp(*this);
tmp.ec_ = &ec;
return tmp;
/// Invoke the completion handler with the specified arguments.
* This function is used to invoke the coroutine's associated completion
* handler. It should be called at most once, immediately prior to the
* termination of the coroutine. Additional calls will be ignored.
* For completion handlers with the signature <tt>void()</tt>, and if @c
* complete() is not explicitly called, the completion handler will be
* automatically invoked after coroutine termination.
template <typename... T>
void complete(T&&... args);
void complete();
detail::stackless_impl_base<Handler, Signature>** impl_;
asio::error_code* ec_;
/// Context object that represents the currently executing coroutine.
typedef basic_stackless_context<unspecified> stackless_context;
typedef basic_stackless_context<
io_service::strand, void (*)(),
detail::is_continuation_if_running> > stackless_context;
* @defgroup go asio::go
* @brief Start a new stackless coroutine.
* The go() function is a high-level wrapper over the asio::coroutine
* class. This function enables programs to implement asynchronous logic in a
* synchronous manner, as illustrated by the following example:
* @code asio::go(my_strand, do_echo);
* // ...
* char data[128];
* std::size_t length;
* // ...
* void do_echo(asio::stackless_context ctx)
* {
* try
* {
* reenter (ctx)
* {
* for (;;)
* {
* await length = my_socket.async_read_some(
* asio::buffer(data), ctx);
* await asio::async_write(my_socket,
* asio::buffer(data, length), ctx);
* }
* }
* }
* catch (std::exception& e)
* {
* // ...
* }
* } @endcode
/// Start a new stackless coroutine with an associated completion handler.
* This function is used to launch a new coroutine.
* @param handler The handler associated with the coroutine. The handler may be
* explicitly called via the context's @c complete() function, but will be
* invoked automatically after coroutine termination if not called first. More
* importantly, the handler provides an execution context (via the the handler
* invocation hook) for the coroutine. The handler must have the signature:
* @code void handler(); @endcode
* @param function The coroutine function. The function must have the signature:
* @code void function(basic_stackless_context<Handler> c); @endcode
template <typename Handler, typename Function>
go(ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler,
ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function);
/// Start a new stackless coroutine with an associated completion handler.
* This function is used to launch a new coroutine.
* @param handler The handler associated with the coroutine. The handler may be
* explicitly called via the context's @c complete() function. Furthermore, the
* handler provides an execution context (via the the handler invocation hook)
* for the coroutine.
* @param function The coroutine function. The function must have the signature:
* @code void function(basic_stackless_context<Handler, Signature> c); @endcode
template <typename Signature, typename Handler, typename Function>
go(ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler,
ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function);
/// Start a new stackless coroutine, inheriting the execution context of another.
* This function is used to launch a new coroutine.
* @param ctx Identifies the current coroutine as a parent of the new
* coroutine. This specifies that the new coroutine should inherit the
* execution context of the parent. For example, if the parent coroutine is
* executing in a particular strand, then the new coroutine will execute in the
* same strand.
* @param function The coroutine function. The function must have the signature:
* @code void function(basic_stackless_context<Handler> yield); @endcode
template <typename Handler, typename Function>
void go(basic_stackless_context<Handler> ctx,
ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function);
/// Start a new stackless coroutine that executes in the context of a strand.
* This function is used to launch a new coroutine.
* @param strand Identifies a strand. By starting multiple coroutines on the
* same strand, the implementation ensures that none of those coroutines can
* execute simultaneously.
* @param function The coroutine function. The function must have the signature:
* @code void function(stackless_context yield); @endcode
template <typename Function>
void go(asio::io_service::strand strand,
ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function);
/// Start a new stackless coroutine that executes on a given io_service.
* This function is used to launch a new coroutine.
* @param io_service Identifies the io_service that will run the coroutine. The
* new coroutine is implicitly given its own strand within this io_service.
* @param function The coroutine function. The function must have the signature:
* @code void function(stackless_context yield); @endcode
template <typename Function>
void go(asio::io_service& io_service,
ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function);
} // namespace asio
#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"
#include "asio/impl/go.hpp"
#endif // ASIO_GO_HPP