blob: 9834c1a47492bec2956cebb70b46ee25b84f2acc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2018, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "aidl_to_cpp_common.h"
#include <android-base/format.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "comments.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "os.h"
using ::android::base::Join;
using ::android::base::Split;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
namespace cpp {
char kTransactionLogStruct[] = R"(struct TransactionLog {
double duration_ms;
std::string interface_name;
std::string method_name;
const void* proxy_address;
const void* stub_address;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> input_args;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> output_args;
std::string result;
std::string exception_message;
int32_t exception_code;
int32_t transaction_error;
int32_t service_specific_error_code;
bool HasDeprecatedField(const AidlParcelable& parcelable) {
return std::any_of(parcelable.GetFields().begin(), parcelable.GetFields().end(),
[](const auto& field) { return field->IsDeprecated(); });
string ClassName(const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, ClassNames type) {
string base_name = defined_type.GetName();
if (base_name.length() >= 2 && base_name[0] == 'I' && isupper(base_name[1])) {
base_name = base_name.substr(1);
switch (type) {
case ClassNames::CLIENT:
return "Bp" + base_name;
case ClassNames::SERVER:
return "Bn" + base_name;
case ClassNames::INTERFACE:
return "I" + base_name;
case ClassNames::DEFAULT_IMPL:
return "I" + base_name + "Default";
case ClassNames::BASE:
return base_name;
case ClassNames::DELEGATOR_IMPL:
return "I" + base_name + "Delegator";
case ClassNames::RAW:
return defined_type.GetName();
std::string HeaderFile(const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, ClassNames class_type,
bool use_os_sep) {
// For a nested type, we need to include its top-most parent type's header.
const AidlDefinedType* toplevel = &defined_type;
for (auto parent = toplevel->GetParentType(); parent;) {
// When including the parent's header, it should be always RAW
class_type = ClassNames::RAW;
toplevel = parent;
parent = toplevel->GetParentType();
AIDL_FATAL_IF(toplevel->GetParentType() != nullptr, defined_type)
<< "Can't find a top-level decl";
char separator = (use_os_sep) ? OS_PATH_SEPARATOR : '/';
vector<string> paths = toplevel->GetSplitPackage();
paths.push_back(ClassName(*toplevel, class_type));
return Join(paths, separator) + ".h";
// Ensures that output_file is <out_dir>/<packagename>/<typename>.cpp
bool ValidateOutputFilePath(const string& output_file, const Options& options,
const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) {
const auto& out_dir =
!options.OutputDir().empty() ? options.OutputDir() : options.OutputHeaderDir();
if (output_file.empty() || !android::base::StartsWith(output_file, out_dir)) {
// If output_file is not set (which happens in the unit tests) or is outside of out_dir, we can
// help but accepting it, because the path is what the user has requested.
return true;
string canonical_name = defined_type.GetCanonicalName();
std::replace(canonical_name.begin(), canonical_name.end(), '.', OS_PATH_SEPARATOR);
const string expected = out_dir + canonical_name + ".cpp";
if (expected != output_file) {
AIDL_ERROR(defined_type) << "Output file is expected to be at " << expected << ", but is "
<< output_file << ".\n If this is an Android platform "
<< "build, consider providing the input AIDL files using a filegroup "
<< "with `path:\"<base>\"` so that the AIDL files are located at "
<< "<base>/<packagename>/<typename>.aidl.";
return false;
return true;
void EnterNamespace(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) {
const std::vector<std::string> packages = defined_type.GetSplitPackage();
for (const std::string& package : packages) {
out << "namespace " << package << " {\n";
void LeaveNamespace(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) {
const std::vector<std::string> packages = defined_type.GetSplitPackage();
for (auto it = packages.rbegin(); it != packages.rend(); ++it) {
out << "} // namespace " << *it << "\n";
string BuildVarName(const AidlArgument& a) {
string prefix = "out_";
if (a.GetDirection() & AidlArgument::IN_DIR) {
prefix = "in_";
return prefix + a.GetName();
void WriteLogForArgument(CodeWriter& w, const AidlArgument& a, bool is_server,
const string& log_var, bool is_ndk) {
const string var_name = is_server || is_ndk ? BuildVarName(a) : a.GetName();
const bool is_pointer = a.IsOut() && !is_server;
const string value_expr = (is_pointer ? "*" : "") + var_name;
w << log_var
<< ".emplace_back(\"" + var_name + "\", ::android::internal::ToString(" + value_expr + "));\n";
const string GenLogBeforeExecute(const string className, const AidlMethod& method, bool isServer,
bool isNdk) {
string code;
CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code);
(*writer) << className << "::TransactionLog _transaction_log;\n";
(*writer) << "if (" << className << "::logFunc != nullptr) {\n";
for (const auto& a : method.GetInArguments()) {
WriteLogForArgument(*writer, *a, isServer, "_transaction_log.input_args", isNdk);
(*writer) << "}\n";
(*writer) << "auto _log_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();\n";
return code;
const string GenLogAfterExecute(const string className, const AidlInterface& interface,
const AidlMethod& method, const string& statusVarName,
const string& returnVarName, bool isServer, bool isNdk) {
string code;
CodeWriterPtr writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code);
(*writer) << "if (" << className << "::logFunc != nullptr) {\n";
const auto address = (isNdk && isServer) ? "_aidl_impl.get()" : "static_cast<const void*>(this)";
(*writer) << "auto _log_end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.duration_ms = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(_log_end "
"- _log_start).count();\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.interface_name = \"" << interface.GetCanonicalName() << "\";\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.method_name = \"" << method.GetName() << "\";\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.stub_address = " << (isServer ? address : "nullptr") << ";\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.proxy_address = " << (isServer ? "nullptr" : address) << ";\n";
if (isNdk) {
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.exception_code = AStatus_getExceptionCode(" << statusVarName
<< ".get());\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.exception_message = AStatus_getMessage(" << statusVarName
<< ".get());\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.transaction_error = AStatus_getStatus(" << statusVarName
<< ".get());\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.service_specific_error_code = AStatus_getServiceSpecificError("
<< statusVarName << ".get());\n";
} else {
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.exception_code = " << statusVarName << ".exceptionCode();\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.exception_message = " << statusVarName
<< ".exceptionMessage();\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.transaction_error = " << statusVarName
<< ".transactionError();\n";
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.service_specific_error_code = " << statusVarName
<< ".serviceSpecificErrorCode();\n";
for (const auto& a : method.GetOutArguments()) {
WriteLogForArgument(*writer, *a, isServer, "_transaction_log.output_args", isNdk);
if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") {
const string expr = (isServer ? "" : "*") + returnVarName;
(*writer) << "_transaction_log.result = ::android::internal::ToString(" << expr << ");\n";
// call the user-provided function with the transaction log object
(*writer) << className << "::logFunc(_transaction_log);\n";
(*writer) << "}\n";
return code;
// Returns Parent1::Parent2::Self. Namespaces are not included.
string GetQualifiedName(const AidlDefinedType& type, ClassNames class_names) {
string q_name = ClassName(type, class_names);
for (auto parent = type.GetParentType(); parent; parent = parent->GetParentType()) {
q_name = parent->GetName() + "::" + q_name;
return q_name;
// Generates enum's class declaration. This should be called in a proper scope. For example, in its
// namespace or parent type.
void GenerateEnumClassDecl(CodeWriter& out, const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl,
const std::string& backing_type, ConstantValueDecorator decorator) {
out << "enum class";
GenerateDeprecated(out, enum_decl);
out << " " << enum_decl.GetName() << " : " << backing_type << " {\n";
for (const auto& enumerator : enum_decl.GetEnumerators()) {
out << enumerator->GetName();
GenerateDeprecated(out, *enumerator);
out << " = " << enumerator->ValueString(enum_decl.GetBackingType(), decorator) << ",\n";
out << "};\n";
static bool IsEnumDeprecated(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl) {
if (enum_decl.IsDeprecated()) {
return true;
for (const auto& e : enum_decl.GetEnumerators()) {
if (e->IsDeprecated()) {
return true;
return false;
// enum_values template value is defined in its own namespace (android::internal or ndk::internal),
// so the enum_decl type should be fully qualified.
std::string GenerateEnumValues(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl,
const std::vector<std::string>& enclosing_namespaces_of_enum_decl) {
const auto fq_name =
Join(Append(enclosing_namespaces_of_enum_decl, enum_decl.GetSplitPackage()), "::") +
"::" + GetQualifiedName(enum_decl);
const auto size = enum_decl.GetEnumerators().size();
std::ostringstream code;
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic push\n";
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++17-extensions\"\n";
if (IsEnumDeprecated(enum_decl)) {
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"\n";
code << "template <>\n";
code << "constexpr inline std::array<" << fq_name << ", " << size << ">";
code << " enum_values<" << fq_name << "> = {\n";
for (const auto& enumerator : enum_decl.GetEnumerators()) {
code << " " << fq_name << "::" << enumerator->GetName() << ",\n";
code << "};\n";
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n";
return code.str();
// toString(enum_type) is defined in the same namespace of the type.
// So, if enum_decl is nested in parent type(s), it should be qualified with parent type(s).
std::string GenerateEnumToString(const AidlEnumDeclaration& enum_decl,
const std::string& backing_type) {
const auto q_name = GetQualifiedName(enum_decl);
std::ostringstream code;
bool is_enum_deprecated = IsEnumDeprecated(enum_decl);
if (is_enum_deprecated) {
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic push\n";
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"\n";
code << "[[nodiscard]] static inline std::string toString(" + q_name + " val) {\n";
code << " switch(val) {\n";
std::set<std::string> unique_cases;
for (const auto& enumerator : enum_decl.GetEnumerators()) {
std::string c = enumerator->ValueString(enum_decl.GetBackingType(), AidlConstantValueDecorator);
// Only add a case if its value has not yet been used in the switch
// statement. C++ does not allow multiple cases with the same value, but
// enums does allow this. In this scenario, the first declared
// enumerator with the given value is printed.
if (unique_cases.count(c) == 0) {
code << " case " << q_name << "::" << enumerator->GetName() << ":\n";
code << " return \"" << enumerator->GetName() << "\";\n";
code << " default:\n";
code << " return std::to_string(static_cast<" << backing_type << ">(val));\n";
code << " }\n";
code << "}\n";
if (is_enum_deprecated) {
code << "#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n";
return code.str();
std::string TemplateDecl(const AidlParcelable& defined_type) {
std::string decl = "";
if (defined_type.IsGeneric()) {
std::vector<std::string> template_params;
for (const auto& parameter : defined_type.GetTypeParameters()) {
decl = base::StringPrintf("template <typename %s>\n",
base::Join(template_params, ", typename ").c_str());
return decl;
void GenerateParcelableComparisonOperators(CodeWriter& out, const AidlParcelable& parcelable) {
std::set<string> operators{"<", ">", "==", ">=", "<=", "!="};
if (parcelable.AsUnionDeclaration() && parcelable.IsFixedSize()) {
auto name = parcelable.GetName();
auto max_tag = parcelable.GetFields().back()->GetName();
auto min_tag = parcelable.GetFields().front()->GetName();
auto tmpl = R"--(static int _cmp(const {name}& _lhs, const {name}& _rhs) {{
return _cmp_value(_lhs.getTag(), _rhs.getTag()) || _cmp_value_at<{max_tag}>(_lhs, _rhs);
template <Tag _Tag>
static int _cmp_value_at(const {name}& _lhs, const {name}& _rhs) {{
if constexpr (_Tag == {min_tag}) {{
return _cmp_value(_lhs.get<_Tag>(), _rhs.get<_Tag>());
}} else {{
return (_lhs.getTag() == _Tag)
? _cmp_value(_lhs.get<_Tag>(), _rhs.get<_Tag>())
: _cmp_value_at<static_cast<Tag>(static_cast<size_t>(_Tag)-1)>(_lhs, _rhs);
template <typename _Type>
static int _cmp_value(const _Type& _lhs, const _Type& _rhs) {{
return (_lhs == _rhs) ? 0 : (_lhs < _rhs) ? -1 : 1;
out << fmt::format(tmpl, fmt::arg("name", name), fmt::arg("min_tag", min_tag),
fmt::arg("max_tag", max_tag));
for (const auto& op : operators) {
out << "inline bool operator" << op << "(const " << name << "&_rhs) const {\n";
out << " return _cmp(*this, _rhs) " << op << " 0;\n";
out << "}\n";
bool is_empty = false;
auto comparable = [&](const string& prefix) {
vector<string> fields;
if (auto p = parcelable.AsStructuredParcelable(); p != nullptr) {
is_empty = p->GetFields().empty();
for (const auto& f : p->GetFields()) {
fields.push_back(prefix + f->GetName());
return "std::tie(" + Join(fields, ", ") + ")";
} else if (auto p = parcelable.AsUnionDeclaration(); p != nullptr) {
return prefix + "_value";
} else {
AIDL_FATAL(parcelable) << "Unknown paracelable type";
string lhs = comparable("");
string rhs = comparable("rhs.");
for (const auto& op : operators) {
out << "inline bool operator" << op << "(const " << parcelable.GetName() << "&"
<< (is_empty ? "" : " rhs") << ") const {\n"
<< " return " << lhs << " " << op << " " << rhs << ";\n"
<< "}\n";
out << "\n";
// Output may look like:
// inline std::string toString() const {
// std::ostringstream os;
// os << "MyData{";
// os << "field1: " << field1;
// os << ", field2: " << v.field2;
// ...
// os << "}";
// return os.str();
// }
void GenerateToString(CodeWriter& out, const AidlStructuredParcelable& parcelable) {
out << "inline std::string toString() const {\n";
out << "std::ostringstream os;\n";
out << "os << \"" << parcelable.GetName() << "{\";\n";
bool first = true;
for (const auto& f : parcelable.GetFields()) {
if (first) {
out << "os << \"";
first = false;
} else {
out << "os << \", ";
out << f->GetName() << ": \" << ::android::internal::ToString(" << f->GetName() << ");\n";
out << "os << \"}\";\n";
out << "return os.str();\n";
out << "}\n";
// Output may look like:
// inline std::string toString() const {
// std::ostringstream os;
// os << "MyData{";
// switch (v.getTag()) {
// case MyData::field: os << "field: " << v.get<MyData::field>(); break;
// ...
// }
// os << "}";
// return os.str();
// }
void GenerateToString(CodeWriter& out, const AidlUnionDecl& parcelable) {
out << "inline std::string toString() const {\n";
out << "std::ostringstream os;\n";
out << "os << \"" + parcelable.GetName() + "{\";\n";
out << "switch (getTag()) {\n";
for (const auto& f : parcelable.GetFields()) {
const string tag = f->GetName();
out << "case " << tag << ": os << \"" << tag << ": \" << "
<< "::android::internal::ToString(get<" + tag + ">()); break;\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "os << \"}\";\n";
out << "return os.str();\n";
out << "}\n";
std::string GetDeprecatedAttribute(const AidlCommentable& type) {
if (auto deprecated = FindDeprecated(type.GetComments()); deprecated.has_value()) {
if (deprecated->note.empty()) {
return "__attribute__((deprecated))";
return "__attribute__((deprecated(" + QuotedEscape(deprecated->note) + ")))";
return "";
size_t AlignmentOf(const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const AidlTypenames& typenames) {
static map<string, size_t> alignment = {
{"boolean", 1}, {"byte", 1}, {"char", 2}, {"double", 8},
{"float", 4}, {"int", 4}, {"long", 8},
string name = type.GetName();
if (auto enum_decl = typenames.GetEnumDeclaration(type); enum_decl) {
name = enum_decl->GetBackingType().GetName();
// default to 0 for parcelable types
return alignment[name];
std::set<std::string> UnionWriter::GetHeaders(const AidlUnionDecl& decl) {
std::set<std::string> union_headers = {
"cassert", // __assert for logging
"type_traits", // std::is_same_v
"utility", // std::mode/forward for value
"variant", // union's impl
if (decl.IsFixedSize()) {
union_headers.insert("tuple"); // fixed-sized union's typelist
return union_headers;
// fixed-sized union class looks like:
// class Union {
// public:
// enum Tag : uint8_t {
// field1 = 0,
// field2,
// };
// ... methods ...
// private:
// Tag _tag;
// union {
// type1 field1;
// type2 field2;
// } _value;
// };
void UnionWriter::PrivateFields(CodeWriter& out) const {
if (decl.IsFixedSize()) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(decl.GetFields().empty(), decl) << "Union '" << decl.GetName() << "' is empty.";
const auto& first_field = decl.GetFields()[0];
const auto& default_name = first_field->GetName();
const auto& default_value = name_of(first_field->GetType(), typenames) + "(" +
first_field->ValueString(decorator) + ")";
out << "Tag _tag = " << default_name << ";\n";
out << "union _value_t {\n";
out << "_value_t() {}\n";
out << "~_value_t() {}\n";
for (const auto& f : decl.GetFields()) {
const auto& fn = f->GetName();
out << name_of(f->GetType(), typenames) << " " << fn;
if (decl.IsFixedSize()) {
int alignment = AlignmentOf(f->GetType(), typenames);
if (alignment > 0) {
out << " __attribute__((aligned (" << std::to_string(alignment) << ")))";
if (fn == default_name) {
out << " = " << default_value;
out << ";\n";
out << "} _value;\n";
} else {
vector<string> field_types;
for (const auto& f : decl.GetFields()) {
field_types.push_back(name_of(f->GetType(), typenames));
out << "std::variant<" + Join(field_types, ", ") + "> _value;\n";
void UnionWriter::PublicFields(CodeWriter& out) const {
out << "// Expose tag symbols for legacy code\n";
for (const auto& f : decl.GetFields()) {
out << "static const inline Tag";
GenerateDeprecated(out, *f);
out << " " << f->GetName() << " = Tag::" << f->GetName() << ";\n";
const auto& name = decl.GetName();
if (decl.IsFixedSize()) {
vector<string> field_types;
for (const auto& f : decl.GetFields()) {
field_types.push_back(name_of(f->GetType(), typenames));
auto typelist = Join(field_types, ", ");
auto tmpl = R"--(
template <Tag _Tag>
using _at = typename std::tuple_element<static_cast<size_t>(_Tag), std::tuple<{typelist}>>::type;
template <Tag _Tag, typename _Type>
static {name} make(_Type&& _arg) {{
{name} _inst;
return _inst;
constexpr Tag getTag() const {{
return _tag;
template <Tag _Tag>
const _at<_Tag>& get() const {{
if (_Tag != _tag) {{ __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "bad access: a wrong tag"); }}
return *(_at<_Tag>*)(&_value);
template <Tag _Tag>
_at<_Tag>& get() {{
if (_Tag != _tag) {{ __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "bad access: a wrong tag"); }}
return *(_at<_Tag>*)(&_value);
template <Tag _Tag, typename _Type>
void set(_Type&& _arg) {{
_tag = _Tag;
get<_Tag>() = std::forward<_Type>(_arg);
out << fmt::format(tmpl, fmt::arg("name", name), fmt::arg("typelist", typelist));
} else {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(decl.GetFields().empty(), decl) << "Union '" << name << "' is empty.";
const auto& first_field = decl.GetFields()[0];
const auto& default_name = first_field->GetName();
const auto& default_value = name_of(first_field->GetType(), typenames) + "(" +
first_field->ValueString(decorator) + ")";
auto tmpl = R"--(
template<typename _Tp>
static constexpr bool _not_self = !std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<_Tp>>, {name}>;
{name}() : _value(std::in_place_index<static_cast<size_t>({default_name})>, {default_value}) {{ }}
template <typename _Tp, typename = std::enable_if_t<_not_self<_Tp>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr {name}(_Tp&& _arg)
: _value(std::forward<_Tp>(_arg)) {{}}
template <size_t _Np, typename... _Tp>
constexpr explicit {name}(std::in_place_index_t<_Np>, _Tp&&... _args)
: _value(std::in_place_index<_Np>, std::forward<_Tp>(_args)...) {{}}
template <Tag _tag, typename... _Tp>
static {name} make(_Tp&&... _args) {{
return {name}(std::in_place_index<static_cast<size_t>(_tag)>, std::forward<_Tp>(_args)...);
template <Tag _tag, typename _Tp, typename... _Up>
static {name} make(std::initializer_list<_Tp> _il, _Up&&... _args) {{
return {name}(std::in_place_index<static_cast<size_t>(_tag)>, std::move(_il), std::forward<_Up>(_args)...);
Tag getTag() const {{
return static_cast<Tag>(_value.index());
template <Tag _tag>
const auto& get() const {{
if (getTag() != _tag) {{ __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "bad access: a wrong tag"); }}
return std::get<static_cast<size_t>(_tag)>(_value);
template <Tag _tag>
auto& get() {{
if (getTag() != _tag) {{ __assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "bad access: a wrong tag"); }}
return std::get<static_cast<size_t>(_tag)>(_value);
template <Tag _tag, typename... _Tp>
void set(_Tp&&... _args) {{
out << fmt::format(tmpl, fmt::arg("name", name), fmt::arg("default_name", default_name),
fmt::arg("default_value", default_value));
void UnionWriter::ReadFromParcel(CodeWriter& out, const ParcelWriterContext& ctx) const {
// Even though @FixedSize union may use a smaller type than int32_t, we need to read/write it
// as if it is int32_t for compatibility with other bckends.
auto tag_type = typenames.MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "int", /* is_array= */ false);
const string tag = "_aidl_tag";
const string value = "_aidl_value";
const string status = "_aidl_ret_status";
auto read_var = [&](const string& var, const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) {
out << fmt::format("{} {};\n", name_of(type, typenames), var);
out << fmt::format("if (({} = ", status);
ctx.read_func(out, var, type);
out << fmt::format(") != {}) return {};\n", ctx.status_ok, status);
out << fmt::format("{} {};\n", ctx.status_type, status);
read_var(tag, *tag_type);
out << fmt::format("switch (static_cast<Tag>({})) {{\n", tag);
for (const auto& variable : decl.GetFields()) {
out << fmt::format("case {}: {{\n", variable->GetName());
const auto& type = variable->GetType();
read_var(value, type);
out << fmt::format("if constexpr (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<{}>) {{\n",
name_of(type, typenames));
out << fmt::format("set<{}>({});\n", variable->GetName(), value);
out << "} else {\n";
// Even when the `if constexpr` is false, the compiler runs the tidy check for the
// next line, which doesn't make sense. Silence the check for the unreachable code.
out << "// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-move-const-arg)\n";
out << fmt::format("set<{}>(std::move({}));\n", variable->GetName(), value);
out << "}\n";
out << fmt::format("return {}; }}\n", ctx.status_ok);
out << "}\n";
out << fmt::format("return {};\n", ctx.status_bad);
void UnionWriter::WriteToParcel(CodeWriter& out, const ParcelWriterContext& ctx) const {
// Even though @FixedSize union may use a smaller type than int32_t, we need to read/write it
// as if it is int32_t for compatibility with other bckends.
auto tag_type = typenames.MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "int", /* is_array= */ false);
const string tag = "_aidl_tag";
const string value = "_aidl_value";
const string status = "_aidl_ret_status";
out << fmt::format("{} {} = ", ctx.status_type, status);
ctx.write_func(out, "static_cast<int32_t>(getTag())", *tag_type);
out << ";\n";
out << fmt::format("if ({} != {}) return {};\n", status, ctx.status_ok, status);
out << "switch (getTag()) {\n";
for (const auto& variable : decl.GetFields()) {
if (variable->IsDeprecated()) {
out << "#pragma clang diagnostic push\n";
out << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"\n";
out << fmt::format("case {}: return ", variable->GetName());
ctx.write_func(out, "get<" + variable->GetName() + ">()", variable->GetType());
out << ";\n";
if (variable->IsDeprecated()) {
out << "#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n";
out << "}\n";
out << "__assert2(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, \"can't reach here\");\n";
std::string CppConstantValueDecorator(
const AidlTypeSpecifier& type,
const std::variant<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>& raw_value, bool is_ndk) {
if (type.IsArray()) {
auto values = std::get<std::vector<std::string>>(raw_value);
// Hexadecimal literals for byte arrays should be casted to uint8_t
if (type.GetName() == "byte" &&
std::any_of(values.begin(), values.end(),
[](const auto& value) { return !value.empty() && value[0] == '-'; })) {
for (auto& value : values) {
// cast only if necessary
if (value[0] == '-') {
value = "uint8_t(" + value + ")";
std::string value = "{" + Join(values, ", ") + "}";
if (type.IsFixedSizeArray()) {
// For arrays, use double braces because arrays can be nested.
// e.g.) array<array<int, 2>, 3> ints = {{ {{1,2}}, {{3,4}}, {{5,6}} }};
// Vectors might need double braces, but since we don't have nested vectors (yet)
// single brace would work even for optional vectors.
value = "{" + value + "}";
if (!type.IsMutated() && type.IsNullable()) {
// For outermost std::optional<>, we need an additional brace pair to initialize its value.
value = "{" + value + "}";
return value;
const std::string& value = std::get<std::string>(raw_value);
if (AidlTypenames::IsBuiltinTypename(type.GetName())) {
if (type.GetName() == "boolean") {
return value;
} else if (type.GetName() == "byte") {
return value;
} else if (type.GetName() == "char") {
// TODO: consider 'L'-prefix for wide char literal
return value;
} else if (type.GetName() == "double") {
return value;
} else if (type.GetName() == "float") {
return value; // value has 'f' suffix
} else if (type.GetName() == "int") {
return value;
} else if (type.GetName() == "long") {
return value + "L";
} else if (type.GetName() == "String") {
if (is_ndk || type.IsUtf8InCpp()) {
return value;
} else {
return "::android::String16(" + value + ")";
AIDL_FATAL(type) << "Unknown built-in type: " << type.GetName();
auto defined_type = type.GetDefinedType();
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!defined_type, type) << "Invalid type for \"" << value << "\"";
auto enum_type = defined_type->AsEnumDeclaration();
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!enum_type, type) << "Invalid type for \"" << value << "\"";
auto cpp_type_name = "::" + Join(Split(enum_type->GetCanonicalName(), "."), "::");
if (is_ndk) {
cpp_type_name = "::aidl" + cpp_type_name;
return cpp_type_name + "::" + value.substr(value.find_last_of('.') + 1);
// Collect all forward declarations for the type's interface header.
// Nested types are visited as well via VisitTopDown.
void GenerateForwardDecls(CodeWriter& out, const AidlDefinedType& root_type, bool is_ndk) {
struct Visitor : AidlVisitor {
using PackagePath = std::vector<std::string>;
struct ClassDeclInfo {
std::string template_decl;
std::map<PackagePath, std::map<std::string, ClassDeclInfo>> classes;
// Collect class names for each interface or parcelable type
void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& type) override {
const auto defined_type = type.GetDefinedType();
if (defined_type && !defined_type->GetParentType()) {
// Forward declarations are not supported for nested types
auto package = defined_type->GetSplitPackage();
if (defined_type->AsInterface() != nullptr) {
auto name = ClassName(*defined_type, ClassNames::INTERFACE);
classes[package][std::move(name)] = ClassDeclInfo();
} else if (auto* p = defined_type->AsStructuredParcelable(); p != nullptr) {
auto name = defined_type->GetName();
ClassDeclInfo info;
info.template_decl = TemplateDecl(*p);
classes[package][std::move(name)] = std::move(info);
} v;
VisitTopDown(v, root_type);
if (v.classes.empty()) {
for (const auto& it : v.classes) {
auto package = it.first;
auto& classes = it.second;
if (is_ndk) {
package.insert(package.begin(), "aidl");
std::string namespace_name = Join(package, "::");
if (!namespace_name.empty()) {
out << "namespace " << namespace_name << " {\n";
for (const auto& [name, info] : classes) {
out << info.template_decl << "class " << name << ";\n";
if (!namespace_name.empty()) {
out << "} // namespace " << namespace_name << "\n";
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android