Merge cherrypicks of [13045621, 13045608, 13045392, 13045622, 13045623, 13045624, 13045638, 13045639, 13045640, 13045641, 13045642, 13045643, 13046336, 13046337, 13046338, 13045644, 13045758, 13045759, 13045761, 13045762, 13045763, 13045609, 13045610, 13045611, 13045612, 13045764, 13046417, 13045645, 13046456, 13045632, 13045646, 13046457, 13046458, 13046459, 13046460, 13046461, 13046420, 13046346, 13046421, 13046347, 13046422, 13046496, 13046349, 13046423, 13046424, 13046497, 13044632, 13046462, 13045613, 13045647, 13045347, 13045614, 13045615, 13046425, 13046357, 13046358, 13046516, 13046517, 13046518, 13045633, 13045634, 13045635, 13045648, 13046359, 13045649, 13046519, 13046520, 13046521, 13046427, 13046428, 13046429, 13046430, 13046431, 13046432, 13046433, 13046435, 13046536, 13046537, 13046538, 13046539, 13046540, 13046541, 13046543, 13045766, 13045767, 13045768, 13046556, 13046557, 13046558, 13046522, 13046523, 13046524, 13046525, 13046526, 13046091, 13046527, 13046528, 13046529, 13046530, 13046531, 13046532, 13046360, 13046361, 13046362, 13046559, 13046560, 13046353, 13046465, 13046544, 13046533, 13045769, 13046363, 13046466, 13046561, 13046562, 13046364, 13045652, 13046534, 13046563] into rvc-qpr1-d-release

Change-Id: I847e820a8a4093d9d7a7164d49a10653eda71abc
diff --git a/aidl_typenames.cpp b/aidl_typenames.cpp
index ad89c1c..51c26d7 100644
--- a/aidl_typenames.cpp
+++ b/aidl_typenames.cpp
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
 bool AidlTypenames::IsIgnorableImport(const string& import) const {
-  static set<string> ignore_import = {"android.os.IInterface",   "android.os.IBinder",
-                                      "android.os.Parcelable",   "android.os.Parcel",
-                                      "android.content.Context", "java.lang.String"};
+  static set<string> ignore_import = {
+      "android.os.IInterface",   "android.os.IBinder", "android.os.Parcelable", "android.os.Parcel",
+      "android.content.Context", "java.lang.String",   "java.lang.CharSequence"};
   // these known built-in types don't need to be imported
   const bool in_ignore_import = ignore_import.find(import) != ignore_import.end();
   // an already defined type doesn't need to be imported again unless it is from