blob: 9360f68dca725177d196f1f76c734807d819cdfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "aidl.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include "aidl_checkapi.h"
#include "aidl_dumpapi.h"
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "aidl_typenames.h"
#include "check_valid.h"
#include "generate_aidl_mappings.h"
#include "generate_cpp.h"
#include "generate_java.h"
#include "generate_ndk.h"
#include "generate_rust.h"
#include "import_resolver.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "preprocess.h"
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
using android::base::Join;
using android::base::Split;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
namespace {
const int kFirstCallTransaction = 1;
const int kLastCallTransaction = 0x00ffffff;
// Following IDs are all offsets from kFirstCallTransaction
// IDs for meta transactions. Most of the meta transactions are implemented in
// the framework side ( or Binder.cpp). But these are the ones that
// are auto-implemented by the AIDL compiler.
const int kFirstMetaMethodId = kLastCallTransaction - kFirstCallTransaction;
const int kGetInterfaceVersionId = kFirstMetaMethodId;
const int kGetInterfaceHashId = kFirstMetaMethodId - 1;
// Additional meta transactions implemented by AIDL should use
// kFirstMetaMethodId -1, -2, ...and so on.
// Reserve 100 IDs for meta methods, which is more than enough. If we don't reserve,
// in the future, a newly added meta transaction ID will have a chance to
// collide with the user-defined methods that were added in the past. So,
// let's prevent users from using IDs in this range from the beginning.
const int kLastMetaMethodId = kFirstMetaMethodId - 99;
// Range of IDs that is allowed for user-defined methods.
const int kMinUserSetMethodId = 0;
const int kMaxUserSetMethodId = kLastMetaMethodId - 1;
bool check_filename(const std::string& filename, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) {
const char* p;
string expected;
string fn;
size_t len;
bool valid = false;
if (!IoDelegate::GetAbsolutePath(filename, &fn)) {
return false;
const std::string package = defined_type.GetPackage();
if (!package.empty()) {
expected = package;
expected += '.';
len = expected.length();
for (size_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (expected[i] == '.') {
expected[i] = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR;
const std::string name = defined_type.GetName();
expected.append(name, 0, name.find('.'));
expected += ".aidl";
len = fn.length();
valid = (len >= expected.length());
if (valid) {
p = fn.c_str() + (len - expected.length());
#ifdef _WIN32
if (OS_PATH_SEPARATOR != '/') {
// Input filename under cygwin most likely has / separators
// whereas the expected string uses \\ separators. Adjust
// them accordingly.
for (char *c = const_cast<char *>(p); *c; ++c) {
if (*c == '/') *c = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR;
// aidl assumes case-insensitivity on Mac Os and Windows.
#if defined(__linux__)
valid = (expected == p);
valid = !strcasecmp(expected.c_str(), p);
if (!valid) {
AIDL_ERROR(defined_type) << name << " should be declared in a file called " << expected;
return valid;
bool write_dep_file(const Options& options, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type,
const vector<string>& imports, const IoDelegate& io_delegate,
const string& input_file, const string& output_file) {
string dep_file_name = options.DependencyFile();
if (dep_file_name.empty() && options.AutoDepFile()) {
dep_file_name = output_file + ".d";
if (dep_file_name.empty()) {
return true; // nothing to do
CodeWriterPtr writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(dep_file_name);
if (!writer) {
AIDL_ERROR(dep_file_name) << "Could not open dependency file.";
return false;
vector<string> source_aidl = {input_file};
for (const auto& import : imports) {
// Encode that the output file depends on aidl input files.
if (defined_type.AsUnstructuredParcelable() != nullptr &&
options.TargetLanguage() == Options::Language::JAVA) {
// Legacy behavior. For parcelable declarations in Java, don't emit output file as
// the dependency target. b/141372861
writer->Write(" : \\\n");
} else {
writer->Write("%s : \\\n", output_file.c_str());
writer->Write(" %s", Join(source_aidl, " \\\n ").c_str());
if (!options.DependencyFileNinja()) {
// Output "<input_aidl_file>: " so make won't fail if the input .aidl file
// has been deleted, moved or renamed in incremental build.
for (const auto& src : source_aidl) {
writer->Write("%s :\n", src.c_str());
if (options.IsCppOutput()) {
if (!options.DependencyFileNinja()) {
using ::android::aidl::cpp::ClassNames;
using ::android::aidl::cpp::HeaderFile;
vector<string> headers;
for (ClassNames c : {ClassNames::CLIENT, ClassNames::SERVER, ClassNames::RAW}) {
headers.push_back(options.OutputHeaderDir() +
HeaderFile(defined_type, c, false /* use_os_sep */));
// Generated headers also depend on the source aidl files.
writer->Write("%s : \\\n %s\n", Join(headers, " \\\n ").c_str(),
Join(source_aidl, " \\\n ").c_str());
return true;
// Returns the path to the destination file of `defined_type`.
string GetOutputFilePath(const Options& options, const AidlDefinedType& defined_type) {
string result = options.OutputDir();
// add the package
string package = defined_type.GetPackage();
if (!package.empty()) {
for (auto& c : package) {
if (c == '.') {
result += package;
// add the filename
result += defined_type.GetName();
if (options.TargetLanguage() == Options::Language::JAVA) {
result += ".java";
} else if (options.IsCppOutput()) {
result += ".cpp";
} else if (options.TargetLanguage() == Options::Language::RUST) {
result += ".rs";
} else {
AIDL_FATAL("Unknown target language");
return "";
return result;
bool CheckAndAssignMethodIDs(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlMethod>>& items) {
// Check whether there are any methods with manually assigned id's and any
// that are not. Either all method id's must be manually assigned or all of
// them must not. Also, check for uplicates of user set ID's and that the
// ID's are within the proper bounds.
set<int> usedIds;
bool hasUnassignedIds = false;
bool hasAssignedIds = false;
int newId = kMinUserSetMethodId;
for (const auto& item : items) {
// However, meta transactions that are added by the AIDL compiler are
// exceptions. They have fixed IDs but allowed to be with user-defined
// methods having auto-assigned IDs. This is because the Ids of the meta
// transactions must be stable during the entire lifetime of an interface.
// In other words, their IDs must be the same even when new user-defined
// methods are added.
if (!item->IsUserDefined()) {
if (item->HasId()) {
hasAssignedIds = true;
} else {
hasUnassignedIds = true;
if (hasAssignedIds && hasUnassignedIds) {
AIDL_ERROR(item) << "You must either assign id's to all methods or to none of them.";
return false;
// Ensure that the user set id is not duplicated.
if (usedIds.find(item->GetId()) != usedIds.end()) {
// We found a duplicate id, so throw an error.
AIDL_ERROR(item) << "Found duplicate method id (" << item->GetId() << ") for method "
<< item->GetName();
return false;
// Ensure that the user set id is within the appropriate limits
if (item->GetId() < kMinUserSetMethodId || item->GetId() > kMaxUserSetMethodId) {
AIDL_ERROR(item) << "Found out of bounds id (" << item->GetId() << ") for method "
<< item->GetName() << ". Value for id must be between "
<< kMinUserSetMethodId << " and " << kMaxUserSetMethodId << " inclusive.";
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateAnnotationContext(const AidlDocument& doc) {
struct AnnotationValidator : AidlVisitor {
bool success = true;
void Check(const AidlAnnotatable& annotatable, AidlAnnotation::TargetContext context) {
for (const auto& annot : annotatable.GetAnnotations()) {
if (!annot->CheckContext(context)) {
success = false;
void Visit(const AidlInterface& m) override {
Check(m, AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_INTERFACE);
void Visit(const AidlParcelable& m) override {
void Visit(const AidlStructuredParcelable& m) override {
void Visit(const AidlEnumDeclaration& m) override {
Check(m, AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_ENUM);
void Visit(const AidlUnionDecl& m) override { Check(m, AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_UNION); }
void Visit(const AidlMethod& m) override {
Check(m.GetType(), AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_SPECIFIER | AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_METHOD);
for (const auto& arg : m.GetArguments()) {
Check(arg->GetType(), AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_SPECIFIER);
void Visit(const AidlConstantDeclaration& m) override {
Check(m.GetType(), AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_SPECIFIER | AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_CONST);
void Visit(const AidlVariableDeclaration& m) override {
Check(m.GetType(), AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_SPECIFIER | AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_FIELD);
void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& m) override {
// nested generic type parameters are checked as well
if (m.IsGeneric()) {
for (const auto& tp : m.GetTypeParameters()) {
Check(*tp, AidlAnnotation::CONTEXT_TYPE_SPECIFIER);
AnnotationValidator validator;
VisitTopDown(validator, doc);
return validator.success;
bool ValidateCppHeader(const AidlDocument& doc) {
struct CppHeaderVisitor : AidlVisitor {
bool success = true;
void Visit(const AidlParcelable& p) override {
if (p.GetCppHeader().empty()) {
AIDL_ERROR(p) << "Unstructured parcelable \"" << p.GetName()
<< "\" must have C++ header defined.";
success = false;
void Visit(const AidlTypeSpecifier& m) override {
auto type = m.GetDefinedType();
if (type) {
auto unstructured = type->AsUnstructuredParcelable();
if (unstructured && unstructured->GetCppHeader().empty()) {
AIDL_ERROR(m) << "Unstructured parcelable \"" << m.GetUnresolvedName()
<< "\" must have C++ header defined.";
success = false;
CppHeaderVisitor validator;
VisitTopDown(validator, doc);
return validator.success;
} // namespace
namespace internals {
AidlError load_and_validate_aidl(const std::string& input_file_name, const Options& options,
const IoDelegate& io_delegate, AidlTypenames* typenames,
vector<string>* imported_files) {
AidlError err = AidlError::OK;
// Loading phase
// Parse the main input file
const AidlDocument* document = Parser::Parse(input_file_name, io_delegate, *typenames);
if (document == nullptr) {
return AidlError::PARSE_ERROR;
int num_top_level_decls = 0;
for (const auto& type : document->DefinedTypes()) {
if (type->AsUnstructuredParcelable() == nullptr) {
if (num_top_level_decls > 1) {
AIDL_ERROR(*type) << "You must declare only one type per file.";
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
// Import the preprocessed file
for (const string& filename : options.PreprocessedFiles()) {
auto preprocessed = Parser::Parse(filename, io_delegate, *typenames, /*is_preprocessed=*/true);
if (!preprocessed) {
// Find files to import and parse them
vector<string> import_paths;
ImportResolver import_resolver{io_delegate, input_file_name, options.ImportDirs()};
for (const auto& import : document->Imports()) {
if (typenames->IsIgnorableImport(import)) {
// There are places in the Android tree where an import doesn't resolve,
// but we'll pick the type up through the preprocessed types.
// This seems like an error, but legacy support demands we support it...
string import_path = import_resolver.FindImportFile(import);
if (import_path.empty()) {
AIDL_ERROR(input_file_name) << "Couldn't find import for class " << import;
err = AidlError::BAD_IMPORT;
auto imported_doc = Parser::Parse(import_path, io_delegate, *typenames);
if (imported_doc == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(import_path) << "error while importing " << import_path << " for " << import;
err = AidlError::BAD_IMPORT;
if (err != AidlError::OK) {
return err;
TypeResolver resolver = [&](const AidlDefinedType* scope, AidlTypeSpecifier* type) {
// resolve with already loaded types
if (type->Resolve(*typenames, scope)) {
return true;
const string import_path = import_resolver.FindImportFile(scope->ResolveName(type->GetName()));
if (import_path.empty()) {
return false;
auto imported_doc = Parser::Parse(import_path, io_delegate, *typenames);
if (imported_doc == nullptr) {
AIDL_ERROR(import_path) << "error while importing " << import_path << " for " << import_path;
return false;
// now, try to resolve it again
if (!type->Resolve(*typenames, scope)) {
AIDL_ERROR(type) << "Can't resolve " << type->GetName();
return false;
return true;
// Resolve the unresolved references
if (!ResolveReferences(*document, resolver)) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if (!typenames->Autofill()) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
// Validation phase
const auto& types = document->DefinedTypes();
const int num_defined_types = types.size();
for (const auto& defined_type : types) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(defined_type == nullptr, document);
// Ensure type is exactly one of the following:
AidlInterface* interface = defined_type->AsInterface();
AidlStructuredParcelable* parcelable = defined_type->AsStructuredParcelable();
AidlParcelable* unstructured_parcelable = defined_type->AsUnstructuredParcelable();
AidlEnumDeclaration* enum_decl = defined_type->AsEnumDeclaration();
AidlUnionDecl* union_decl = defined_type->AsUnionDeclaration();
!!interface + !!parcelable + !!unstructured_parcelable + !!enum_decl + !!union_decl != 1,
// Ensure that is defined in <some_path>/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl
if (num_defined_types == 1 && !check_filename(input_file_name, *defined_type)) {
return AidlError::BAD_PACKAGE;
bool valid_type = true;
if (!defined_type->CheckValid(*typenames)) {
valid_type = false;
if (!defined_type->LanguageSpecificCheckValid(options.TargetLanguage())) {
valid_type = false;
if (!valid_type) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if (unstructured_parcelable != nullptr) {
auto lang = options.TargetLanguage();
bool isStable = unstructured_parcelable->IsStableApiParcelable(lang);
if (options.IsStructured() && !isStable) {
<< "Cannot declare unstructured parcelable in a --structured interface. Parcelable "
"must be defined in AIDL directly.";
return AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED;
if (options.FailOnParcelable() || lang == Options::Language::NDK ||
lang == Options::Language::RUST) {
<< "Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables. Declared parcelables "
"should be in their own file and/or cannot be used with --structured interfaces.";
return AidlError::FOUND_PARCELABLE;
if (defined_type->IsVintfStability()) {
bool success = true;
if (options.GetStability() != Options::Stability::VINTF) {
<< "Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface 'stability: \"vintf\"'";
success = false;
if (!options.IsStructured()) {
<< "Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface --structured";
success = false;
if (!success) return AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED;
// Add meta methods and assign method IDs to each interface
typenames->IterateTypes([&](const AidlDefinedType& type) {
auto interface = const_cast<AidlInterface*>(type.AsInterface());
if (interface != nullptr) {
// add the meta-method 'int getInterfaceVersion()' if version is specified.
if (options.Version() > 0) {
auto ret = typenames->MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "int", false);
vector<unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>* args = new vector<unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>();
auto method = std::make_unique<AidlMethod>(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, false, ret.release(),
"getInterfaceVersion", args, Comments{},
// add the meta-method 'string getInterfaceHash()' if hash is specified.
if (!options.Hash().empty()) {
auto ret = typenames->MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "String", false);
vector<unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>* args = new vector<unique_ptr<AidlArgument>>();
auto method =
std::make_unique<AidlMethod>(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, false, ret.release(),
kGetInterfaceHash, args, Comments{}, kGetInterfaceHashId);
if (!CheckAndAssignMethodIDs(interface->GetMethods())) {
err = AidlError::BAD_METHOD_ID;
if (err != AidlError::OK) {
return err;
for (const auto& doc : typenames->AllDocuments()) {
VisitTopDown([](const AidlNode& n) { n.MarkVisited(); }, *doc);
if (!CheckValid(*document, options)) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if (!ValidateAnnotationContext(*document)) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if ((options.TargetLanguage() == Options::Language::CPP ||
options.TargetLanguage() == Options::Language::NDK) &&
!ValidateCppHeader(*document)) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if (!Diagnose(*document, options.GetDiagnosticMapping())) {
return AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
typenames->IterateTypes([&](const AidlDefinedType& type) {
if (!type.LanguageSpecificCheckValid(options.TargetLanguage())) {
err = AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
if (options.IsStructured() && type.AsUnstructuredParcelable() != nullptr &&
!type.AsUnstructuredParcelable()->IsStableApiParcelable(options.TargetLanguage())) {
err = AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED;
AIDL_ERROR(type) << type.GetCanonicalName()
<< " is not structured, but this is a structured interface.";
if (options.GetStability() == Options::Stability::VINTF && !type.IsVintfStability()) {
err = AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED;
AIDL_ERROR(type) << type.GetCanonicalName()
<< " does not have VINTF level stability, but this interface requires it.";
// Ensure that untyped List/Map is not used in a parcelable, a union and a stable interface.
std::function<void(const AidlTypeSpecifier&, const AidlNode*)> check_untyped_container =
[&err, &check_untyped_container](const AidlTypeSpecifier& type, const AidlNode* node) {
if (type.IsGeneric()) {
std::for_each(type.GetTypeParameters().begin(), type.GetTypeParameters().end(),
[&node, &check_untyped_container](auto& nested) {
check_untyped_container(*nested, node);
if (type.GetName() == "List" || type.GetName() == "Map") {
err = AidlError::BAD_TYPE;
<< "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is prohibited "
<< "because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in "
<< "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.";
if (type.AsInterface() && options.IsStructured()) {
for (const auto& method : type.GetMethods()) {
check_untyped_container(method->GetType(), method.get());
for (const auto& arg : method->GetArguments()) {
check_untyped_container(arg->GetType(), method.get());
for (const auto& field : type.GetFields()) {
check_untyped_container(field->GetType(), field.get());
if (err != AidlError::OK) {
return err;
if (imported_files != nullptr) {
*imported_files = import_paths;
return AidlError::OK;
} // namespace internals
bool compile_aidl(const Options& options, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
const Options::Language lang = options.TargetLanguage();
for (const string& input_file : options.InputFiles()) {
AidlTypenames typenames;
vector<string> imported_files;
AidlError aidl_err = internals::load_and_validate_aidl(input_file, options, io_delegate,
&typenames, &imported_files);
if (aidl_err != AidlError::OK) {
return false;
for (const auto& defined_type : typenames.MainDocument().DefinedTypes()) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(defined_type == nullptr, input_file);
string output_file_name = options.OutputFile();
// if needed, generate the output file name from the base folder
if (output_file_name.empty() && !options.OutputDir().empty()) {
output_file_name = GetOutputFilePath(options, *defined_type);
if (output_file_name.empty()) {
return false;
if (!write_dep_file(options, *defined_type, imported_files, io_delegate, input_file,
output_file_name)) {
return false;
bool success = false;
if (lang == Options::Language::CPP) {
success =
cpp::GenerateCpp(output_file_name, options, typenames, *defined_type, io_delegate);
} else if (lang == Options::Language::NDK) {
ndk::GenerateNdk(output_file_name, options, typenames, *defined_type, io_delegate);
success = true;
} else if (lang == Options::Language::JAVA) {
if (defined_type->AsUnstructuredParcelable() != nullptr) {
// Legacy behavior. For parcelable declarations in Java, don't generate output file.
success = true;
} else {
java::GenerateJava(output_file_name, options, typenames, *defined_type, io_delegate);
success = true;
} else if (lang == Options::Language::RUST) {
rust::GenerateRust(output_file_name, options, typenames, *defined_type, io_delegate);
success = true;
} else {
AIDL_FATAL(input_file) << "Should not reach here.";
if (!success) {
return false;
return true;
bool dump_mappings(const Options& options, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
android::aidl::mappings::SignatureMap all_mappings;
for (const string& input_file : options.InputFiles()) {
AidlTypenames typenames;
vector<string> imported_files;
AidlError aidl_err = internals::load_and_validate_aidl(input_file, options, io_delegate,
&typenames, &imported_files);
if (aidl_err != AidlError::OK) {
return false;
for (const auto& defined_type : typenames.MainDocument().DefinedTypes()) {
auto mappings = mappings::generate_mappings(defined_type.get());
all_mappings.insert(mappings.begin(), mappings.end());
std::stringstream mappings_str;
for (const auto& mapping : all_mappings) {
mappings_str << mapping.first << "\n" << mapping.second << "\n";
auto code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(options.OutputFile());
code_writer->Write("%s", mappings_str.str().c_str());
return true;
int aidl_entry(const Options& options, const IoDelegate& io_delegate) {
bool success = false;
if (options.Ok()) {
switch (options.GetTask()) {
case Options::Task::HELP:
success = true;
case Options::Task::COMPILE:
success = android::aidl::compile_aidl(options, io_delegate);
case Options::Task::PREPROCESS:
success = android::aidl::Preprocess(options, io_delegate);
case Options::Task::DUMP_API:
success = android::aidl::dump_api(options, io_delegate);
case Options::Task::CHECK_API:
success = android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate);
case Options::Task::DUMP_MAPPINGS:
success = android::aidl::dump_mappings(options, io_delegate);
<< "Unrecognized task: " << static_cast<size_t>(options.GetTask());
} else {
AIDL_ERROR(options.GetErrorMessage()) << options.GetUsage();
const bool reportedError = AidlErrorLog::hadError();
AIDL_FATAL_IF(success == reportedError, AIDL_LOCATION_HERE)
<< "Compiler returned success " << success << " but did" << (reportedError ? "" : " not")
<< " emit error logs";
if (success) {
auto locations = AidlNode::GetLocationsOfUnvisitedNodes();
if (!locations.empty()) {
for (const auto& location : locations) {
AIDL_ERROR(location) << "AidlNode at location was not visited!";
<< "The AIDL AST was not processed fully. Please report an issue.";
return success ? 0 : 1;
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android