blob: a924d0c1f2178283c8b1083e7715b83a1b878c9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "generate_java.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include "code_writer.h"
#include "type_java.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
using ::android::aidl::java::Variable;
using std::string;
using android::base::StringPrintf;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
// =================================================
VariableFactory::VariableFactory(const string& base)
: base_(base),
index_(0) {
Variable* VariableFactory::Get(const Type* type) {
Variable* v = new Variable(
type, StringPrintf("%s%d", base_.c_str(), index_));
return v;
Variable* VariableFactory::Get(int index) {
return vars_[index];
namespace java {
int generate_java_interface(const string& filename, const string& original_src,
const AidlInterface* iface, JavaTypeNamespace* types,
const IoDelegate& io_delegate, const JavaOptions& options) {
Class* cl = generate_binder_interface_class(iface, types, options);
Document* document =
new Document("" /* no comment */, iface->GetPackage(), original_src, unique_ptr<Class>(cl));
CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename);
return 0;
int generate_java_parcel(const std::string& filename, const std::string& original_src,
const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel, JavaTypeNamespace* types,
const IoDelegate& io_delegate, const JavaOptions& options) {
Class* cl = generate_parcel_class(parcel, types, options);
Document* document =
new Document("" /* no comment */, parcel->GetPackage(), original_src, unique_ptr<Class>(cl));
CodeWriterPtr code_writer = io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(filename);
return 0;
int generate_java(const std::string& filename, const std::string& original_src,
const AidlDefinedType* defined_type, JavaTypeNamespace* types,
const IoDelegate& io_delegate, const JavaOptions& options) {
const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcelable = defined_type->AsStructuredParcelable();
if (parcelable != nullptr) {
return generate_java_parcel(filename, original_src, parcelable, types, io_delegate, options);
const AidlInterface* interface = defined_type->AsInterface();
if (interface != nullptr) {
return generate_java_interface(filename, original_src, interface, types, io_delegate, options);
CHECK(false) << "Unrecognized type sent for cpp generation.";
return false;
android::aidl::java::Class* generate_parcel_class(const AidlStructuredParcelable* parcel,
java::JavaTypeNamespace* types,
const JavaOptions& /*options*/) {
const ParcelType* parcelType = parcel->GetLanguageType<ParcelType>();
Class* parcel_class = new Class;
parcel_class->comment = parcel->GetComments();
parcel_class->modifiers = PUBLIC;
parcel_class->what = Class::CLASS;
parcel_class->type = parcelType;
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
const Type* type = variable->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>();
Variable* variable_element =
new Variable(type, variable->GetName(), variable->GetType().IsArray() ? 1 : 0);
parcel_class->elements.push_back(new Field(PUBLIC, variable_element));
std::ostringstream out;
out << "public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<" << parcel->GetName() << "> CREATOR = "
<< "new android.os.Parcelable.Creator<" << parcel->GetName() << ">() {\n";
out << " public " << parcel->GetName()
<< " createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel _aidl_source) {\n";
out << " " << parcel->GetName() << " _aidl_out = new " << parcel->GetName() << "();\n";
out << " _aidl_out.readFromParcel(_aidl_source);\n";
out << " return _aidl_out;\n";
out << " }\n";
out << " public " << parcel->GetName() << "[] newArray(int _aidl_size) {\n";
out << " return new " << parcel->GetName() << "[_aidl_size];\n";
out << " }\n";
out << "};\n";
parcel_class->elements.push_back(new LiteralClassElement(out.str()));
Variable* flag_variable = new Variable(new Type(types, "int", 0, false, false), "_aidl_flag");
Variable* parcel_variable =
new Variable(new Type(types, "android.os.Parcel", 0, false, false), "_aidl_parcel");
Method* write_method = new Method;
write_method->modifiers = PUBLIC;
write_method->returnType = new Type(types, "void", 0, false, false);
write_method->name = "writeToParcel";
write_method->statements = new StatementBlock();
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
const Type* type = variable->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>();
Variable* variable_element =
new Variable(type, variable->GetName(), variable->GetType().IsArray() ? 1 : 0);
type->WriteToParcel(write_method->statements, variable_element, parcel_variable, 0 /*flags*/);
Method* read_method = new Method;
read_method->modifiers = PUBLIC;
read_method->returnType = new Type(types, "void", 0, false, false);
read_method->name = "readFromParcel";
read_method->statements = new StatementBlock();
for (const auto& variable : parcel->GetFields()) {
const Type* type = variable->GetType().GetLanguageType<Type>();
Variable* variable_element =
new Variable(type, variable->GetName(), variable->GetType().IsArray() ? 1 : 0);
type->CreateFromParcel(read_method->statements, variable_element, parcel_variable, 0 /*flags*/);
return parcel_class;
} // namespace java
} // namespace android
} // namespace aidl