blob: fd7eaeee9b0e6f9d69df04d1bcf73120b458dbc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "adb_unique_fd.h"
#include "fastdeploy/proto/ApkEntry.pb.h"
* This class is responsible for creating a patch that can be accepted by the deployagent. The
* patch format is documented in GeneratePatch.
class DeployPatchGenerator {
using APKEntry = com::android::fastdeploy::APKEntry;
using APKMetaData = com::android::fastdeploy::APKMetaData;
* Simple struct to hold mapping between local metadata and device metadata.
struct SimpleEntry {
const APKEntry* localEntry;
const APKEntry* deviceEntry;
* If |is_verbose| is true ApkEntries that are similar between device and host are written to
* the console.
explicit DeployPatchGenerator(bool is_verbose) : is_verbose_(is_verbose) {}
* Given a |localApkPath|, and the |deviceApkMetadata| from an installed APK this function
* writes a patch to the given |output|.
bool CreatePatch(const char* localApkPath, APKMetaData deviceApkMetadata,
android::base::borrowed_fd output);
bool is_verbose_;
* Log function only logs data to stdout when |is_verbose_| is true.
void Log(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3)));
* Helper function to log the APKMetaData structure. If |is_verbose_| is false this function
* early outs. This function is used for debugging / information.
void APKMetaDataToLog(const APKMetaData& metadata);
* Helper function to log APKEntry.
void APKEntryToLog(const APKEntry& entry);
* Given the |localApkMetadata| metadata, and the |deviceApkMetadata| from an installed APK this
* function writes a patch to the given |output|.
bool CreatePatch(APKMetaData localApkMetadata, APKMetaData deviceApkMetadata,
android::base::borrowed_fd output);
* Helper function to report savings by fastdeploy. This function prints out savings even with
* |is_verbose_| set to false. |totalSize| is used to show a percentage of savings. Note:
* |totalSize| is the size of the ZipEntries. Not the size of the entire file. The metadata of
* the zip data needs to be sent across with every iteration.
* [Patch format]
* |Fixed String| Signature
* |long| New Size of Apk
* |Packets[]| Array of Packets
* [Packet Format]
* |long| Size of data to use from patch
* |byte[]| Patch data
* |long| Offset of data to use already on device
* |long| Length of data to read from device APK
* TODO(b/138306784): Move the patch format to a proto.
void ReportSavings(const std::vector<SimpleEntry>& identicalEntries, uint64_t totalSize);
* This enumerates each entry in |entriesToUseOnDevice| and builds a patch file copying data
* from |localApkPath| where we are unable to use entries already on the device. The new patch
* is written to |output|. The entries are expected to be sorted by data offset from lowest to
* highest.
void GeneratePatch(const std::vector<SimpleEntry>& entriesToUseOnDevice,
const std::string& localApkPath, const std::string& deviceApkPath,
android::base::borrowed_fd output);
uint64_t BuildIdenticalEntries(std::vector<SimpleEntry>& outIdenticalEntries,
const APKMetaData& localApkMetadata,
const APKMetaData& deviceApkMetadata);