blob: 235303fd32a7799c20ce77b8d263826943d7b187 [file] [log] [blame]
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
cc_defaults {
name: "libbatterymonitor_defaults",
cflags: ["-Wall", "-Werror"],
vendor_available: true,
recovery_available: true,
export_include_dirs: ["include"],
shared_libs: [
// Need HealthInfo definition from headers of these shared
// libraries. Clients don't need to link to these.
header_libs: ["libhealthd_headers"],
export_header_lib_headers: ["libhealthd_headers"],
cc_defaults {
name: "libhealthd_charger_ui_defaults",
vendor_available: true,
export_include_dirs: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: [
srcs: [
target: {
vendor: {
exclude_static_libs: [
cc_library_headers {
name: "libhealthd_headers",
vendor_available: true,
recovery_available: true,
export_include_dirs: ["include"],
header_libs: ["libbatteryservice_headers"],
export_header_lib_headers: ["libbatteryservice_headers"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libbatterymonitor",
defaults: ["libbatterymonitor_defaults"],
srcs: ["BatteryMonitor.cpp"],
static_libs: [
whole_static_libs: [
// Need to translate HIDL to AIDL to support legacy APIs in
// BatteryMonitor.
// TODO(b/251425963): remove when is upgraded to V2.
cc_library_static {
name: "libbatterymonitor-V1",
defaults: ["libbatterymonitor_defaults"],
srcs: ["BatteryMonitor_v1.cpp"],
static_libs: [
whole_static_libs: [
// Need to translate HIDL to AIDL to support legacy APIs in
// BatteryMonitor.
cc_defaults {
name: "",
cflags: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
cc_binary {
name: "",
defaults: [""],
vendor: true,
relative_install_path: "hw",
init_rc: [""],
srcs: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libhealthd_charger_nops",
recovery_available: true,
srcs: [
cflags: [
header_libs: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
sysprop_library {
name: "charger_sysprop",
recovery_available: true,
srcs: ["charger.sysprop"],
property_owner: "Platform",
api_packages: ["android.sysprop"],
cc_library_static {
name: "libhealthd_draw",
vendor_available: true,
export_include_dirs: ["."],
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
header_libs: ["libbatteryservice_headers"],
srcs: ["healthd_draw.cpp"],
target: {
vendor: {
exclude_static_libs: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libhealthd_charger_ui",
defaults: ["libhealthd_charger_ui_defaults"],
static_libs: [
export_static_lib_headers: [
// TODO(b/251425963): remove when is upgraded to V2.
cc_library_static {
name: "libhealthd_charger_ui-V1",
defaults: ["libhealthd_charger_ui_defaults"],
static_libs: [
export_static_lib_headers: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libhealthd_charger",
export_include_dirs: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
srcs: [
cc_defaults {
name: "charger_defaults",
local_include_dirs: [
cflags: [
shared_libs: [
// common
// system charger only
static_libs: [
// common
// system charger only
cc_binary {
name: "charger",
defaults: ["charger_defaults"],
recovery_available: true,
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
target: {
recovery: {
// No UI and libsuspend for recovery charger.
cflags: [
exclude_shared_libs: [
exclude_static_libs: [
cc_test {
name: "charger_test",
defaults: ["charger_defaults"],
srcs: ["charger_test.cpp"],
static_libs: [
cc_test {
name: "libhealthd_charger_test",
defaults: ["charger_defaults"],
srcs: [
static_libs: [
test_suites: [
data: [
require_root: true,
// /system/etc/res/images/charger/battery_fail.png
prebuilt_etc {
name: "system_core_charger_res_images_battery_fail.png",
src: "images/battery_fail.png",
relative_install_path: "res/images/charger",
filename: "battery_fail.png",
// /system/etc/res/images/charger/battery_scale.png
prebuilt_etc {
name: "system_core_charger_res_images_battery_scale.png",
src: "images/battery_scale.png",
relative_install_path: "res/images/charger",
filename: "battery_scale.png",
phony {
name: "charger_res_images",
required: [
// /vendor/etc/res/images/default/charger/battery_fail.png
prebuilt_etc {
name: "system_core_charger_res_images_battery_fail.png_default_vendor",
src: "images/battery_fail.png",
relative_install_path: "res/images/default/charger",
vendor: true,
filename: "battery_fail.png",
// /vendor/etc/res/images/default/charger/battery_scale.png
prebuilt_etc {
name: "system_core_charger_res_images_battery_scale.png_default_vendor",
src: "images/battery_scale.png",
relative_install_path: "res/images/default/charger",
vendor: true,
filename: "battery_scale.png",
phony {
name: "charger_res_images_vendor",
required: [