blob: c1056a78a5b93aa458cf43534b12dd20e143445a [file] [log] [blame]
// Build the ETC1 library
cc_library {
name: "libETC1",
srcs: ["ETC1/etc1.cpp"],
host_supported: true,
target: {
android: {
static: {
enabled: false,
host: {
shared: {
enabled: false,
windows: {
enabled: true,
// The headers modules are in frameworks/native/opengl/Android.bp.
ndk_library {
name: "libEGL",
symbol_file: "",
first_version: "9",
unversioned_until: "current",
ndk_library {
name: "libGLESv1_CM",
symbol_file: "",
first_version: "9",
unversioned_until: "current",
ndk_library {
name: "libGLESv2",
symbol_file: "",
first_version: "9",
unversioned_until: "current",
ndk_library {
name: "libGLESv3",
symbol_file: "",
first_version: "18",
unversioned_until: "current",
cc_defaults {
name: "gl_libs_defaults",
cflags: [
shared_libs: [
// we need to access the private Bionic header <bionic_tls.h>
include_dirs: ["bionic/libc/private"],
// Build META EGL library
cc_defaults {
name: "egl_libs_defaults",
defaults: ["gl_libs_defaults"],
cflags: [
shared_libs: [
cc_library_static {
name: "libEGL_getProcAddress",
defaults: ["egl_libs_defaults"],
srcs: ["EGL/getProcAddress.cpp"],
arch: {
arm: {
instruction_set: "arm",
cc_library_shared {
name: "libEGL",
defaults: ["egl_libs_defaults"],
srcs: [
static_libs: ["libEGL_getProcAddress"],
ldflags: ["-Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL"],
required: ["egl.cfg"],
cc_defaults {
name: "gles_libs_defaults",
defaults: ["gl_libs_defaults"],
arch: {
arm: {
instruction_set: "arm",
// TODO: This is to work around b/20093774. Remove after root cause is fixed
ldflags: ["-Wl,--hash-style,both"],
shared_libs: ["libEGL"],
// Build the wrapper OpenGL ES 1.x library
cc_library_shared {
name: "libGLESv1_CM",
defaults: ["gles_libs_defaults"],
srcs: ["GLES_CM/gl.cpp"],
cflags: ["-DLOG_TAG=\"libGLESv1\""],
// Build the wrapper OpenGL ES 2.x library
cc_library_shared {
name: "libGLESv2",
defaults: ["gles_libs_defaults"],
srcs: ["GLES2/gl2.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libutils"],
cflags: ["-DLOG_TAG=\"libGLESv2\""],
// Build the wrapper OpenGL ES 3.x library (this is just different name for v2)
cc_library_shared {
name: "libGLESv3",
defaults: ["gles_libs_defaults"],
srcs: ["GLES2/gl2.cpp"],
shared_libs: ["libutils"],
cflags: ["-DLOG_TAG=\"libGLESv3\""],