blob: d2c2e29a2ff9b0f444b3629233ae2b5b4c182606 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// TODO(b/129481165): remove the #pragma below and fix conversion issues
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "TransactionCallbackInvoker"
#include "TransactionCallbackInvoker.h"
#include "BackgroundExecutor.h"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <binder/IInterface.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
namespace android {
// Returns 0 if they are equal
// <0 if the first id that doesn't match is lower in c2 or all ids match but c2 is shorter
// >0 if the first id that doesn't match is greater in c2 or all ids match but c2 is longer
// See CallbackIdsHash for a explanation of why this works
static int compareCallbackIds(const std::vector<CallbackId>& c1,
const std::vector<CallbackId>& c2) {
if (c1.empty()) {
return !c2.empty();
return c1.front().id - c2.front().id;
static bool containsOnCommitCallbacks(const std::vector<CallbackId>& callbacks) {
return !callbacks.empty() && callbacks.front().type == CallbackId::Type::ON_COMMIT;
void TransactionCallbackInvoker::addEmptyTransaction(const ListenerCallbacks& listenerCallbacks) {
auto& [listener, callbackIds] = listenerCallbacks;
auto& transactionStatsDeque = mCompletedTransactions[listener];
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::addOnCommitCallbackHandles(
const std::deque<sp<CallbackHandle>>& handles,
std::deque<sp<CallbackHandle>>& outRemainingHandles) {
if (handles.empty()) {
return NO_ERROR;
const std::vector<JankData>& jankData = std::vector<JankData>();
for (const auto& handle : handles) {
if (!containsOnCommitCallbacks(handle->callbackIds)) {
status_t err = addCallbackHandle(handle, jankData);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
return err;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::addCallbackHandles(
const std::deque<sp<CallbackHandle>>& handles, const std::vector<JankData>& jankData) {
if (handles.empty()) {
return NO_ERROR;
for (const auto& handle : handles) {
status_t err = addCallbackHandle(handle, jankData);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
return err;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::registerUnpresentedCallbackHandle(
const sp<CallbackHandle>& handle) {
return addCallbackHandle(handle, std::vector<JankData>());
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::findOrCreateTransactionStats(
const sp<IBinder>& listener, const std::vector<CallbackId>& callbackIds,
TransactionStats** outTransactionStats) {
auto& transactionStatsDeque = mCompletedTransactions[listener];
// Search back to front because the most recent transactions are at the back of the deque
auto itr = transactionStatsDeque.rbegin();
for (; itr != transactionStatsDeque.rend(); itr++) {
if (compareCallbackIds(itr->callbackIds, callbackIds) == 0) {
*outTransactionStats = &(*itr);
return NO_ERROR;
*outTransactionStats = &transactionStatsDeque.emplace_back(callbackIds);
return NO_ERROR;
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::addCallbackHandle(const sp<CallbackHandle>& handle,
const std::vector<JankData>& jankData) {
// If we can't find the transaction stats something has gone wrong. The client should call
// startRegistration before trying to add a callback handle.
TransactionStats* transactionStats;
status_t err =
findOrCreateTransactionStats(handle->listener, handle->callbackIds, &transactionStats);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
return err;
transactionStats->latchTime = handle->latchTime;
// If the layer has already been destroyed, don't add the SurfaceControl to the callback.
// The client side keeps a sp<> to the SurfaceControl so if the SurfaceControl has been
// destroyed the client side is dead and there won't be anyone to send the callback to.
sp<IBinder> surfaceControl = handle->surfaceControl.promote();
if (surfaceControl) {
sp<Fence> prevFence = nullptr;
for (const auto& future : handle->previousReleaseFences) {
sp<Fence> currentFence = future.get().value_or(Fence::NO_FENCE);
if (prevFence == nullptr && currentFence->getStatus() != Fence::Status::Invalid) {
prevFence = std::move(currentFence);
handle->previousReleaseFence = prevFence;
} else if (prevFence != nullptr) {
// If both fences are signaled or both are unsignaled, we need to merge
// them to get an accurate timestamp.
if (prevFence->getStatus() != Fence::Status::Invalid &&
prevFence->getStatus() == currentFence->getStatus()) {
char fenceName[32] = {};
snprintf(fenceName, 32, "%.28s", handle->name.c_str());
sp<Fence> mergedFence = Fence::merge(fenceName, prevFence, currentFence);
if (mergedFence->isValid()) {
handle->previousReleaseFence = std::move(mergedFence);
prevFence = handle->previousReleaseFence;
} else if (currentFence->getStatus() == Fence::Status::Unsignaled) {
// If one fence has signaled and the other hasn't, the unsignaled
// fence will approximately correspond with the correct timestamp.
// There's a small race if both fences signal at about the same time
// and their statuses are retrieved with unfortunate timing. However,
// by this point, they will have both signaled and only the timestamp
// will be slightly off; any dependencies after this point will
// already have been met.
handle->previousReleaseFence = std::move(currentFence);
FrameEventHistoryStats eventStats(handle->frameNumber,
handle->compositorTiming, handle->refreshStartTime,
transactionStats->surfaceStats.emplace_back(surfaceControl, handle->acquireTimeOrFence,
eventStats, jankData,
return NO_ERROR;
void TransactionCallbackInvoker::addPresentFence(const sp<Fence>& presentFence) {
mPresentFence = presentFence;
void TransactionCallbackInvoker::sendCallbacks(bool onCommitOnly) {
// For each listener
auto completedTransactionsItr = mCompletedTransactions.begin();
BackgroundExecutor::Callbacks callbacks;
while (completedTransactionsItr != mCompletedTransactions.end()) {
auto& [listener, transactionStatsDeque] = *completedTransactionsItr;
ListenerStats listenerStats;
listenerStats.listener = listener;
// For each transaction
auto transactionStatsItr = transactionStatsDeque.begin();
while (transactionStatsItr != transactionStatsDeque.end()) {
auto& transactionStats = *transactionStatsItr;
if (onCommitOnly && !containsOnCommitCallbacks(transactionStats.callbackIds)) {
// If the transaction has been latched
if (transactionStats.latchTime >= 0 &&
!containsOnCommitCallbacks(transactionStats.callbackIds)) {
transactionStats.presentFence = mPresentFence;
// Remove the transaction from completed to the callback
transactionStatsItr = transactionStatsDeque.erase(transactionStatsItr);
// If the listener has completed transactions
if (!listenerStats.transactionStats.empty()) {
// If the listener is still alive
if (listener->isBinderAlive()) {
// Send callback. The listener stored in listenerStats
// comes from the cross-process setTransactionState call to
// SF. This MUST be an ITransactionCompletedListener. We
// keep it as an IBinder due to consistency reasons: if we
// interface_cast at the IPC boundary when reading a Parcel,
// we get pointers that compare unequal in the SF process.
callbacks.emplace_back([stats = std::move(listenerStats)]() {
if (mPresentFence) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CallbackHandle::CallbackHandle(const sp<IBinder>& transactionListener,
const std::vector<CallbackId>& ids, const sp<IBinder>& sc)
: listener(transactionListener), callbackIds(ids), surfaceControl(sc) {}
} // namespace android
// TODO(b/129481165): remove the #pragma below and fix conversion issues
#pragma clang diagnostic pop // ignored "-Wconversion"