Add instructions for how to use ANGLE

Test: read
Change-Id: Ia405c475ea04a7122617d4e32a47be67a9a934c9
diff --git a/opengl/ b/opengl/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f353a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opengl/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Download
+## Chrome
+Some high-level instructions are [here](
+Here’s a shorter version:
+export CHROMIUM_DIR=<location_for_chromium>
+git clone
+# Modify your $PATH to include ~/depot_tools
+mkdir ~/chromium && cd ~/chromium
+fetch --nohooks android
+The following will checkout the specific version of ANGLE used with these
+AOSP sources. The interface is expected to change over time.
+cd $CHROMIUM_DIR/third_party/angle
+git checkout 95277a300f52bf89b7a8c14ada10e4dd3c5962b5
+## AOSP
+Google docs on downloading, building and installing AOSP [here](
+Choose the “angle-preview” branch (which is based on “aosp-android-9.0.0_r8”), based on available vendor binaries posted [here]( List of tagged branches [here](
+cd <location_for_aosp_build>
+mkdir pie-angle-preview-dev
+cd pie-angle-preview-dev
+repo init --depth=1 -u -b angle-preview && repo sync -q -j$(nproc)
+## Pixel Binaries
+The example downloads bits to build AOSP on a Google Pixel XL.
+Download vendor and google binaries [here]( into the top-level directory of your build (the angle-preview branch that you created above).
+These must match the version of source being built.
+Untar and extract binaries:
+tar xvf qcom-marlin-ppr2.180905.006.a1-d11de9e0.tgz
+tar xvf google_devices-marlin-ppr2.180905.006.a1-1090e880.tgz
+# Build
+# Note: If the above step fails, you may need to manually install some packages yourself, using “sudo apt-get install”.  Then, re-run the above command to ensure it succeeds
+gclient runhooks
+gn gen out/Default64
+gn args out/Default64
+Manually edit the file: $CHROMIUM_DIR/out/ANGLEDebug/ to set the following arguments:
+target_os = "android"
+target_cpu = "arm64"
+is_debug = true
+android32_ndk_api_level = 26
+android64_ndk_api_level = 26
+build_angle_deqp_tests = false
+dcheck_always_on = true
+ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"
+is_component_build = false
+is_debug = true             # for debug build
+proprietary_codecs = true
+symbol_level = 1
+angle_enable_vulkan = true
+angle_enable_vulkan_validation_layers = false
+angle_libs_suffix = "_angle"
+build_apk_secondary_abi = true
+dcheck_always_on = true
+angle_enable_null = false
+ninja -v -C out/Debug64 third_party/angle:angle_apk
+The above will create the ANGLE APK in the following location:
+ls $CHROMIUM_DIR/out/ANGLEDebug/apks/ANGLEPrebuilt.apk
+## AOSP
+lunch targets documented [here]( (Note: Pixel XL is marlin, Pixel 2 is “walleye” and Pixel 2 XL is “taimen”).
+source build/
+lunch aosp_marlin-userdebug
+make -j dist
+# Install
+We need to add the ANGLEPrebuilt.apk package to the system image. That can be done by creating the appropriate folder in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT and putting the apk there and it will put into the appropriate system folder.
+mkdir -p $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/app/ANGLEPrebuilt
+cp ANGLEPrebuilt.apk $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/app/ANGLEPrebuilt
+## AOSP
+Now flash the image on to the device.
+adb reboot bootloader
+fastboot flashall -w
+The following is needed to put the ANGLEPrebuilt package on the device. Can also use this to update the package on the device.
+<wait for device to boot>
+adb root
+adb disable-verity
+adb reboot
+# wait for device to boot
+adb root
+adb remount
+adb shell stop
+adb sync
+adb reboot
+## Apps
+Due to missing the Play Store on AOSP, for applications that can run on AOSP,
+the user needs to download the apk from another device and install them on
+their AOSP device.
+For example, on a Pixel running Android Pie, connect the device to a computer,
+install the desired application and use adb to download the apk.
+Find the install location for the app. Should be in ```/data/apps/<random string>```
+adb pull /data/apps/ ./app.apk
+# Disconnect Android Pie device and connect AOSP device.
+adb install app.apk
+Use the same process for other applications that you want to test with ANGLE.
+## Enable
+In order to test out this Tech Preview of ANGLE, your AOSP build must disable preload of OpenGL ES drivers. To do that:
+adb root
+adb shell setprop ro.zygote.disable_gl_preload 1
+adb shell stop && adb shell start
+## Build-time selection
+If you know at build time that you want your app to use ANGLE instead of native GLES libraries, there are two ways to do that.
+Manifest method
+Placing the following inside the <application> section of your AndroidManifest.xml will inform the GLES loader of your preference:
+       android:name=""
+       android:value="angle" />
+## Rules method
+The ANGLE apk contains a file with rules in it:
+Modifying this file will influence the choice made by the GLES loader.
+# Run-time selection
+To enable ANGLE for an application you have two options.
+ 1. Open Settings -> System -> Developer Options -> Select ANGLE enabled app and pick the app you want to test with ANGLE. Only one application can be selected at a time.
+ 2. Set that setting via adb command:
+    ``` adb shell settings put global angle_enabled_app <package-name> ```
+    i.e.
+    ```bash
+    adb shell settings put global angle_enabled_app
+    ```
+    Note that settings persist across reboot. To disable this setting:
+    ```bash
+    adb shell settings delete global angle_enabled_app
+    ```
+# Verify
+To verify that the application is using ANGLE check logcat:
+adb logcat
+Check for the text: GraphicsEnvironment: <package-name> opted in for ANGLE via Developer Setting
+That indicates that the named application was started and that the system saw that it was enabled to use ANGLE.
+Applications that use GLSurfaceView use OpenGL in multiple threads. This has known issues and can cause an application to fail when ANGLE is enabled. A workaround that usually helps is to configure the GLSurfaceView to use Vulkan as it's render engine instead of OpenGL. This can be done with this command:
+adb shell setprop debug.hwui.renderer skiavk