blob: 08cca1b1a772c81616b92b94208a0c622c795e08 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct DvrVirtualTouchpad DvrVirtualTouchpad;
enum {
// Creates a new virtual touchpad client.
// @return Pointer to the created virtual touchpad client; nullptr on failure.
DvrVirtualTouchpad* dvrVirtualTouchpadCreate();
// Destroys a virtual touchpad client.
// @param client Pointer to the virtual touchpad client to be destroyed.
void dvrVirtualTouchpadDestroy(DvrVirtualTouchpad* client);
// Initialize the virtual touchpad.
// In the current server implementation, attachment creates and configures
// the kernel virtual touchpad device(s). A single client may be attached
// and detached repeatedly, e.g. on entering and leaving VR mode.
// @param client Pointer to the virtual touchpad client to be attached.
// @return Zero on success, status_t-style error code on failure.
int dvrVirtualTouchpadAttach(DvrVirtualTouchpad* client);
// Shut down the virtual touchpad.
// @param client Pointer to the virtual touchpad client to be detached.
// @return Zero on success, status_t-style error code on failure.
int dvrVirtualTouchpadDetach(DvrVirtualTouchpad* client);
// Generate a simulated touch event.
// @param client Pointer to the virtual touchpad client.
// @param touchpad Selects touchpad.
// @param x Horizontal touch position.
// @param y Vertical touch position.
// @param pressure Touch pressure; use 0.0 for no touch (lift or hover).
// @return Zero on success, status_t-style error code on failure.
int dvrVirtualTouchpadTouch(DvrVirtualTouchpad* client, int touchpad, float x,
float y, float pressure);
// Generate a simulated touchpad button state event.
// @param client Pointer to the virtual touchpad client.
// @param touchpad Selects touchpad.
// @param buttons A union of MotionEvent BUTTON_* values.
// @return Zero on success, status_t-style error code on failure.
int dvrVirtualTouchpadButtonState(DvrVirtualTouchpad* client, int touchpad,
int buttons);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"