blob: 5bde7db28779b61a866e4fb0bdc55d88bb8c7a25 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android/os/BnDumpstate.h>
#include <android/os/BnDumpstateListener.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include <binder/ProcessState.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <ziparchive/zip_archive.h>
#include "dumpstate.h"
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace dumpstate {
using ::testing::Test;
using ::std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s;
using android::base::unique_fd;
class DumpstateListener;
namespace {
sp<IDumpstate> GetDumpstateService() {
return android::interface_cast<IDumpstate>(
int OpenForWrite(const std::string& filename) {
return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(filename.c_str(),
} // namespace
struct SectionInfo {
std::string name;
status_t status;
int32_t size_bytes;
int32_t duration_ms;
* Listens to bugreport progress and updates the user by writing the progress to STDOUT. All the
* section details generated by dumpstate are added to a vector to be used by Tests later.
class DumpstateListener : public BnDumpstateListener {
DumpstateListener(int fd, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<SectionInfo>> sections)
: out_fd_(fd), sections_(sections) {
DumpstateListener(int fd) : out_fd_(fd) {
binder::Status onProgress(int32_t progress) override {
dprintf(out_fd_, "\rIn progress %d", progress);
return binder::Status::ok();
binder::Status onError(int32_t error_code) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
error_code_ = error_code;
dprintf(out_fd_, "\rError code %d", error_code);
return binder::Status::ok();
binder::Status onFinished() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
is_finished_ = true;
dprintf(out_fd_, "\rFinished");
return binder::Status::ok();
binder::Status onProgressUpdated(int32_t progress) override {
dprintf(out_fd_, "\rIn progress %d/%d", progress, max_progress_);
return binder::Status::ok();
binder::Status onMaxProgressUpdated(int32_t max_progress) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
max_progress_ = max_progress;
return binder::Status::ok();
binder::Status onSectionComplete(const ::std::string& name, int32_t status, int32_t size_bytes,
int32_t duration_ms) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
if (sections_.get() != nullptr) {
sections_->push_back({name, status, size_bytes, duration_ms});
return binder::Status::ok();
bool getIsFinished() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
return is_finished_;
int getErrorCode() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
return error_code_;
int out_fd_;
int max_progress_ = 5000;
int error_code_ = -1;
bool is_finished_ = false;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<SectionInfo>> sections_;
std::mutex lock_;
* Generates bug report and provide access to the bug report file and other info for other tests.
* Since bug report generation is slow, the bugreport is only generated once.
class ZippedBugreportGenerationTest : public Test {
static std::shared_ptr<std::vector<SectionInfo>> sections;
static Dumpstate& ds;
static std::chrono::milliseconds duration;
static void SetUpTestCase() {
property_set("dumpstate.options", "bugreportplus");
// clang-format off
char* argv[] = {
// clang-format on
sp<DumpstateListener> listener(new DumpstateListener(dup(fileno(stdout)), sections));
ds.listener_ = listener;
ds.listener_name_ = "Smokey";
ds.report_section_ = true;
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
ds.ParseCommandlineAndRun(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv);
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start);
static const char* getZipFilePath() {
return ds.GetPath(".zip").c_str();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<SectionInfo>> ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::sections =
Dumpstate& ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::ds = Dumpstate::GetInstance();
std::chrono::milliseconds ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::duration = 0s;
TEST_F(ZippedBugreportGenerationTest, IsGeneratedWithoutErrors) {
EXPECT_EQ(access(getZipFilePath(), F_OK), 0);
TEST_F(ZippedBugreportGenerationTest, Is3MBto30MBinSize) {
struct stat st;
EXPECT_EQ(stat(getZipFilePath(), &st), 0);
EXPECT_GE(st.st_size, 3000000 /* 3MB */);
EXPECT_LE(st.st_size, 30000000 /* 30MB */);
TEST_F(ZippedBugreportGenerationTest, TakesBetween30And150Seconds) {
EXPECT_GE(duration, 30s) << "Expected completion in more than 30s. Actual time "
<< duration.count() << " s.";
EXPECT_LE(duration, 150s) << "Expected completion in less than 150s. Actual time "
<< duration.count() << " s.";
* Run tests on contents of zipped bug report.
class ZippedBugReportContentsTest : public Test {
ZipArchiveHandle handle;
void SetUp() {
ASSERT_EQ(OpenArchive(ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::getZipFilePath(), &handle), 0);
void TearDown() {
void FileExists(const char* filename, uint32_t minsize, uint32_t maxsize) {
ZipEntry entry;
EXPECT_EQ(FindEntry(handle, filename, &entry), 0);
EXPECT_GT(entry.uncompressed_length, minsize);
EXPECT_LT(entry.uncompressed_length, maxsize);
TEST_F(ZippedBugReportContentsTest, ContainsMainEntry) {
ZipEntry mainEntryLoc;
// contains main entry name file
EXPECT_EQ(FindEntry(handle, "main_entry.txt", &mainEntryLoc), 0);
char* buf = new char[mainEntryLoc.uncompressed_length];
ExtractToMemory(handle, &mainEntryLoc, (uint8_t*)buf, mainEntryLoc.uncompressed_length);
delete[] buf;
// contains main entry file
FileExists(buf, 1000000U, 50000000U);
TEST_F(ZippedBugReportContentsTest, ContainsVersion) {
ZipEntry entry;
// contains main entry name file
EXPECT_EQ(FindEntry(handle, "version.txt", &entry), 0);
char* buf = new char[entry.uncompressed_length + 1];
ExtractToMemory(handle, &entry, (uint8_t*)buf, entry.uncompressed_length);
buf[entry.uncompressed_length] = 0;
EXPECT_STREQ(buf, ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::ds.version_.c_str());
delete[] buf;
TEST_F(ZippedBugReportContentsTest, ContainsBoardSpecificFiles) {
FileExists("dumpstate_board.bin", 1000000U, 80000000U);
FileExists("dumpstate_board.txt", 100000U, 1000000U);
// Spot check on some files pulled from the file system
TEST_F(ZippedBugReportContentsTest, ContainsSomeFileSystemFiles) {
// FS/proc/*/mountinfo size > 0
FileExists("FS/proc/1/mountinfo", 0U, 100000U);
// FS/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/*/ size > 0
FileExists("FS/data/misc/profiles/cur/0/", 0U, 100000U);
* Runs tests on section data generated by dumpstate and captured by DumpstateListener.
class BugreportSectionTest : public Test {
int numMatches(const std::string& substring) {
int matches = 0;
for (auto const& section : *ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::sections) {
if ( != std::string::npos) {
return matches;
void SectionExists(const std::string& sectionName, int minsize) {
for (auto const& section : *ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::sections) {
if (sectionName == {
EXPECT_GE(section.size_bytes, minsize);
FAIL() << sectionName << " not found.";
// Test all sections are generated without timeouts or errors
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, GeneratedWithoutErrors) {
for (auto const& section : *ZippedBugreportGenerationTest::sections) {
EXPECT_EQ(section.status, 0) << << " failed with status " << section.status;
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, Atleast3CriticalDumpsysSectionsGenerated) {
int numSections = numMatches("DUMPSYS CRITICAL");
EXPECT_GE(numSections, 3);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, Atleast2HighDumpsysSectionsGenerated) {
int numSections = numMatches("DUMPSYS HIGH");
EXPECT_GE(numSections, 2);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, Atleast50NormalDumpsysSectionsGenerated) {
int allSections = numMatches("DUMPSYS");
int criticalSections = numMatches("DUMPSYS CRITICAL");
int highSections = numMatches("DUMPSYS HIGH");
int normalSections = allSections - criticalSections - highSections;
EXPECT_GE(normalSections, 50) << "Total sections less than 50 (Critical:" << criticalSections
<< "High:" << highSections << "Normal:" << normalSections << ")";
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, Atleast1ProtoDumpsysSectionGenerated) {
int numSections = numMatches("proto/");
EXPECT_GE(numSections, 1);
// Test if some critical sections are being generated.
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, CriticalSurfaceFlingerSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS CRITICAL - SurfaceFlinger", /* bytes= */ 10000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, ActivitySectionsGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS CRITICAL - activity", /* bytes= */ 5000);
SectionExists("DUMPSYS - activity", /* bytes= */ 10000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, CpuinfoSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS CRITICAL - cpuinfo", /* bytes= */ 1000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, WindowSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS CRITICAL - window", /* bytes= */ 20000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, ConnectivitySectionsGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS HIGH - connectivity", /* bytes= */ 5000);
SectionExists("DUMPSYS - connectivity", /* bytes= */ 5000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, MeminfoSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS HIGH - meminfo", /* bytes= */ 100000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, BatteryStatsSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS - batterystats", /* bytes= */ 1000);
TEST_F(BugreportSectionTest, WifiSectionGenerated) {
SectionExists("DUMPSYS - wifi", /* bytes= */ 100000);
class DumpstateBinderTest : public Test {
void SetUp() override {
// In case there is a stray service, stop it first.
property_set("ctl.stop", "bugreportd");
// dry_run results in a faster bugreport.
property_set("dumpstate.dry_run", "true");
// We need to receive some async calls later. Ensure we have binder threads.
void TearDown() override {
property_set("ctl.stop", "bugreportd");
property_set("dumpstate.dry_run", "");
// Waits until listener gets the callbacks.
void WaitTillExecutionComplete(DumpstateListener* listener) {
// Wait till one of finished, error or timeout.
static const int kBugreportTimeoutSeconds = 120;
int i = 0;
while (!listener->getIsFinished() && listener->getErrorCode() == -1 &&
i < kBugreportTimeoutSeconds) {
TEST_F(DumpstateBinderTest, Baseline) {
// In the beginning dumpstate binder service is not running.
sp<android::os::IDumpstate> ds_binder(GetDumpstateService());
EXPECT_EQ(ds_binder, nullptr);
// Start bugreportd, which runs dumpstate binary with -w; which starts dumpstate service
// and makes it wait.
property_set("dumpstate.dry_run", "true");
property_set("ctl.start", "bugreportd");
// Now we are able to retrieve dumpstate binder service.
ds_binder = GetDumpstateService();
EXPECT_NE(ds_binder, nullptr);
// Prepare arguments
unique_fd bugreport_fd(OpenForWrite("/bugreports/"));
unique_fd screenshot_fd(OpenForWrite("/bugreports/tmp.png"));
EXPECT_NE(bugreport_fd.get(), -1);
EXPECT_NE(screenshot_fd.get(), -1);
sp<DumpstateListener> listener(new DumpstateListener(dup(fileno(stdout))));
android::binder::Status status =
ds_binder->startBugreport(123, "com.dummy.package", bugreport_fd, screenshot_fd,
Dumpstate::BugreportMode::BUGREPORT_INTERACTIVE, listener);
// startBugreport is an async call. Verify binder call succeeded first, then wait till listener
// gets expected callbacks.
// Bugreport generation requires user consent, which we cannot get in a test set up,
// so instead of getting is_finished_, we are more likely to get a consent error.
listener->getErrorCode() == IDumpstateListener::BUGREPORT_ERROR_USER_DENIED_CONSENT ||
listener->getErrorCode() == IDumpstateListener::BUGREPORT_ERROR_USER_CONSENT_TIMED_OUT);
// The service should have died on its own, freeing itself up for a new invocation.
ds_binder = GetDumpstateService();
EXPECT_EQ(ds_binder, nullptr);
TEST_F(DumpstateBinderTest, ServiceDies_OnInvalidInput) {
// Start bugreportd, which runs dumpstate binary with -w; which starts dumpstate service
// and makes it wait.
property_set("ctl.start", "bugreportd");
sp<android::os::IDumpstate> ds_binder(GetDumpstateService());
EXPECT_NE(ds_binder, nullptr);
// Prepare arguments
unique_fd bugreport_fd(OpenForWrite("/data/local/tmp/"));
unique_fd screenshot_fd(OpenForWrite("/data/local/tmp/tmp.png"));
EXPECT_NE(bugreport_fd.get(), -1);
EXPECT_NE(screenshot_fd.get(), -1);
// Call startBugreport with bad arguments.
sp<DumpstateListener> listener(new DumpstateListener(dup(fileno(stdout))));
android::binder::Status status =
ds_binder->startBugreport(123, "com.dummy.package", bugreport_fd, screenshot_fd,
2000, // invalid bugreport mode
EXPECT_EQ(listener->getErrorCode(), IDumpstateListener::BUGREPORT_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
// The service should have died, freeing itself up for a new invocation.
ds_binder = GetDumpstateService();
EXPECT_EQ(ds_binder, nullptr);
TEST_F(DumpstateBinderTest, SimultaneousBugreportsNotAllowed) {
// Start bugreportd, which runs dumpstate binary with -w; which starts dumpstate service
// and makes it wait.
property_set("dumpstate.dry_run", "true");
property_set("ctl.start", "bugreportd");
sp<android::os::IDumpstate> ds_binder(GetDumpstateService());
EXPECT_NE(ds_binder, nullptr);
// Prepare arguments
unique_fd bugreport_fd(OpenForWrite("/data/local/tmp/"));
unique_fd screenshot_fd(OpenForWrite("/data/local/tmp/tmp.png"));
EXPECT_NE(bugreport_fd.get(), -1);
EXPECT_NE(screenshot_fd.get(), -1);
sp<DumpstateListener> listener1(new DumpstateListener(dup(fileno(stdout))));
android::binder::Status status =
ds_binder->startBugreport(123, "com.dummy.package", bugreport_fd, screenshot_fd,
Dumpstate::BugreportMode::BUGREPORT_INTERACTIVE, listener1);
// try to make another call to startBugreport. This should fail.
sp<DumpstateListener> listener2(new DumpstateListener(dup(fileno(stdout))));
status = ds_binder->startBugreport(123, "com.dummy.package", bugreport_fd, screenshot_fd,
Dumpstate::BugreportMode::BUGREPORT_INTERACTIVE, listener2);
// Meanwhile the first call works as expected. Service should not die in this case.
// Bugreport generation requires user consent, which we cannot get in a test set up,
// so instead of getting is_finished_, we are more likely to get a consent error.
listener1->getErrorCode() == IDumpstateListener::BUGREPORT_ERROR_USER_DENIED_CONSENT ||
listener1->getErrorCode() == IDumpstateListener::BUGREPORT_ERROR_USER_CONSENT_TIMED_OUT);
} // namespace dumpstate
} // namespace os
} // namespace android