blob: fe486d33277534c5a8c6e222aded940217afb561 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h>
namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner {
class LayerStack {
LayerStack(const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers) : mLayers(copyLayers(layers)) {}
// Describes an approximate match between two layer stacks
struct ApproximateMatch {
bool operator==(const ApproximateMatch& other) const {
return differingIndex == other.differingIndex &&
differingFields == other.differingFields;
// The index of the single differing layer between the two stacks.
// This implies that only one layer is allowed to differ in an approximate match.
size_t differingIndex;
// Set of fields that differ for the differing layer in the approximate match.
Flags<LayerStateField> differingFields;
// Returns an approximate match when comparing this layer stack with the provided list of
// layers, for the purposes of scoring how closely the two layer stacks will match composition
// strategies.
// If the two layer stacks are identical, then an approximate match is still returned, but the
// differing fields will be empty to represent an exact match.
// If the two layer stacks differ by too much, then an empty optional is returned.
std::optional<ApproximateMatch> getApproximateMatch(
const std::vector<const LayerState*>& other) const;
void compare(const LayerStack& other, std::string& result) const {
if (mLayers.size() != other.mLayers.size()) {
base::StringAppendF(&result, "Cannot compare stacks of different sizes (%zd vs. %zd)\n",
mLayers.size(), other.mLayers.size());
for (size_t l = 0; l < mLayers.size(); ++l) {
const auto& thisLayer = mLayers[l];
const auto& otherLayer = other.mLayers[l];
base::StringAppendF(&result, "\n+ - - - - - - - - - Layer %d [%s]\n", thisLayer.getId(),
auto comparisonOpt =;
" %s + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
"- Layer %d [%s]\n",
comparisonOpt ? " " : "Identical", otherLayer.getId(),
if (comparisonOpt) {
void dump(std::string& result) const {
for (const LayerState& layer : mLayers) {
base::StringAppendF(&result, "+ - - - - - - - - - Layer %d [%s]\n", layer.getId(),
void dumpLayerNames(std::string& result, const std::string& prefix = " ") const {
for (const LayerState& layer : mLayers) {
std::vector<const LayerState> copyLayers(const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers) {
std::vector<const LayerState> copiedLayers;
std::transform(layers.cbegin(), layers.cend(), std::back_inserter(copiedLayers),
[](const LayerState* layerState) { return *layerState; });
return copiedLayers;
std::vector<const LayerState> mLayers;
// TODO(b/180976743): Tune kMaxDifferingFields
constexpr static int kMaxDifferingFields = 6;
class Plan {
static std::optional<Plan> fromString(const std::string&);
void reset() { mLayerTypes.clear(); }
void addLayerType(hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Composition type) {
friend std::string to_string(const Plan& plan);
friend bool operator==(const Plan& lhs, const Plan& rhs) {
return lhs.mLayerTypes == rhs.mLayerTypes;
friend bool operator!=(const Plan& lhs, const Plan& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Plan& plan) {
return os << to_string(plan);
std::vector<hardware::graphics::composer::hal::Composition> mLayerTypes;
} // namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<android::compositionengine::impl::planner::Plan> {
size_t operator()(const android::compositionengine::impl::planner::Plan& plan) const {
return std::hash<std::string>{}(to_string(plan));
} // namespace std
namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner {
class Prediction {
enum class Type {
friend std::string to_string(Type type) {
using namespace std::string_literals;
switch (type) {
case Type::Exact:
return "Exact";
case Type::Approximate:
return "Approximate";
case Type::Total:
return "Total";
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Type& type) {
return os << to_string(type);
Prediction(const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers, Plan plan)
: mExampleLayerStack(layers), mPlan(std::move(plan)) {}
const LayerStack& getExampleLayerStack() const { return mExampleLayerStack; }
const Plan& getPlan() const { return mPlan; }
size_t getHitCount(Type type) const {
if (type == Type::Total) {
return getHitCount(Type::Exact) + getHitCount(Type::Approximate);
return getStatsForType(type).hitCount;
size_t getMissCount(Type type) const {
if (type == Type::Total) {
return getMissCount(Type::Exact) + getMissCount(Type::Approximate);
return getStatsForType(type).missCount;
void recordHit(Type type) { ++getStatsForType(type).hitCount; }
void recordMiss(Type type) { ++getStatsForType(type).missCount; }
void dump(std::string&) const;
struct Stats {
void dump(std::string& result) const {
const size_t totalAttempts = hitCount + missCount;
base::StringAppendF(&result, "%.2f%% (%zd/%zd)", 100.0f * hitCount / totalAttempts,
hitCount, totalAttempts);
size_t hitCount = 0;
size_t missCount = 0;
const Stats& getStatsForType(Type type) const {
return (type == Type::Exact) ? mExactStats : mApproximateStats;
Stats& getStatsForType(Type type) {
return const_cast<Stats&>(const_cast<const Prediction*>(this)->getStatsForType(type));
LayerStack mExampleLayerStack;
Plan mPlan;
Stats mExactStats;
Stats mApproximateStats;
class Predictor {
struct PredictedPlan {
NonBufferHash hash;
Plan plan;
Prediction::Type type;
friend bool operator==(const PredictedPlan& lhs, const PredictedPlan& rhs) {
return lhs.hash == rhs.hash && lhs.plan == rhs.plan && lhs.type == rhs.type;
// Retrieves the predicted plan based on a layer stack alongside its hash.
// If the exact layer stack has previously been seen by the predictor, then report the plan used
// for that layer stack.
// Otherwise, try to match to the best approximate stack to retireve the most likely plan.
std::optional<PredictedPlan> getPredictedPlan(const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers,
NonBufferHash hash) const;
// Records a comparison between the predicted plan and the resulting plan, alongside the layer
// stack we used.
// This method is intended to help with scoring how effective the prediction engine is.
void recordResult(std::optional<PredictedPlan> predictedPlan, NonBufferHash flattenedHash,
const std::vector<const LayerState*>&, bool hasSkippedLayers, Plan result);
void dump(std::string&) const;
void compareLayerStacks(NonBufferHash leftHash, NonBufferHash rightHash, std::string&) const;
void describeLayerStack(NonBufferHash, std::string&) const;
void listSimilarStacks(Plan, std::string&) const;
// Retrieves a prediction from either the main prediction list or from the candidate list
const Prediction& getPrediction(NonBufferHash) const;
Prediction& getPrediction(NonBufferHash);
std::optional<Plan> getExactMatch(NonBufferHash) const;
std::optional<NonBufferHash> getApproximateMatch(
const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers) const;
void promoteIfCandidate(NonBufferHash);
void recordPredictedResult(PredictedPlan, const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers,
Plan result);
bool findSimilarPrediction(const std::vector<const LayerState*>& layers, Plan result);
void dumpPredictionsByFrequency(std::string&) const;
struct PromotionCandidate {
PromotionCandidate(NonBufferHash hash, Prediction&& prediction)
: hash(hash), prediction(std::move(prediction)) {}
NonBufferHash hash;
Prediction prediction;
static constexpr const size_t MAX_CANDIDATES = 4;
std::deque<PromotionCandidate> mCandidates;
decltype(mCandidates)::const_iterator getCandidateEntryByHash(NonBufferHash hash) const {
const auto candidateMatches = [&](const PromotionCandidate& candidate) {
return candidate.hash == hash;
return std::find_if(mCandidates.cbegin(), mCandidates.cend(), candidateMatches);
std::unordered_map<NonBufferHash, Prediction> mPredictions;
std::unordered_map<Plan, std::vector<NonBufferHash>> mSimilarStacks;
struct ApproximateStack {
ApproximateStack(NonBufferHash hash, LayerStack::ApproximateMatch match)
: hash(hash), match(match) {}
bool operator==(const ApproximateStack& other) const {
return hash == other.hash && match == other.match;
NonBufferHash hash;
LayerStack::ApproximateMatch match;
std::vector<ApproximateStack> mApproximateStacks;
mutable size_t mExactHitCount = 0;
mutable size_t mApproximateHitCount = 0;
mutable size_t mMissCount = 0;
// Defining PrintTo helps with Google Tests.
inline void PrintTo(Predictor::PredictedPlan plan, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "PredictedPlan {";
*os << "\n .hash = " << plan.hash;
*os << "\n .plan = " << plan.plan;
*os << "\n .type = " << plan.type;
*os << "\n}";
} // namespace android::compositionengine::impl::planner