blob: bd89397ef67a3410dbbd21c1d9dcc08a9a09bfab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "LibSurfaceFlingerUnittests"
#include "DisplayTransactionTestHelpers.h"
namespace android {
namespace {
class HotplugTest : public DisplayTransactionTest {};
TEST_F(HotplugTest, enqueuesEventsForDisplayTransaction) {
constexpr HWDisplayId hwcDisplayId1 = 456;
constexpr HWDisplayId hwcDisplayId2 = 654;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preconditions
// Set the main thread id so that the current thread does not appear to be
// the main thread.
mFlinger.mutableMainThreadId() = std::thread::id();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call Expectations
// We expect invalidate() to be invoked once to trigger display transaction
// processing.
EXPECT_CALL(*mMessageQueue, invalidate()).Times(1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invocation
// Simulate two hotplug events (a connect and a disconnect)
mFlinger.onComposerHalHotplug(hwcDisplayId1, Connection::CONNECTED);
mFlinger.onComposerHalHotplug(hwcDisplayId2, Connection::DISCONNECTED);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Postconditions
// The display transaction needed flag should be set.
// All events should be in the pending event queue.
const auto& pendingEvents = mFlinger.mutablePendingHotplugEvents();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, pendingEvents.size());
EXPECT_EQ(hwcDisplayId1, pendingEvents[0].hwcDisplayId);
EXPECT_EQ(Connection::CONNECTED, pendingEvents[0].connection);
EXPECT_EQ(hwcDisplayId2, pendingEvents[1].hwcDisplayId);
EXPECT_EQ(Connection::DISCONNECTED, pendingEvents[1].connection);
TEST_F(HotplugTest, processesEnqueuedEventsIfCalledOnMainThread) {
constexpr HWDisplayId displayId1 = 456;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This test case is a bit tricky. We want to verify that
// onComposerHalHotplug() calls processDisplayHotplugEventsLocked(), but we
// don't really want to provide coverage for everything the later function
// does as there are specific tests for it.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Preconditions
// Set the main thread id so that the current thread does appear to be the
// main thread.
mFlinger.mutableMainThreadId() = std::this_thread::get_id();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Call Expectations
// We expect invalidate() to be invoked once to trigger display transaction
// processing.
EXPECT_CALL(*mMessageQueue, invalidate()).Times(1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invocation
// Simulate a disconnect on a display id that is not connected. This should
// be enqueued by onComposerHalHotplug(), and dequeued by
// processDisplayHotplugEventsLocked(), but then ignored as invalid.
mFlinger.onComposerHalHotplug(displayId1, Connection::DISCONNECTED);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Postconditions
// The display transaction needed flag should be set.
// There should be no event queued on return, as it should have been
// processed.
} // namespace
} // namespace android