blob: 7cb0f6b9f2d24b5b00ba6bb0b9b22dc5fd2afb4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <compositionengine/Output.h>
#include <compositionengine/ProjectionSpace.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/planner/LayerState.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/planner/TexturePool.h>
#include <renderengine/RenderEngine.h>
#include <chrono>
namespace android {
namespace compositionengine::impl::planner {
std::string durationString(std::chrono::milliseconds duration);
class LayerState;
class CachedSet {
class Layer {
Layer(const LayerState*, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastUpdate);
const LayerState* getState() const { return mState; }
const std::string& getName() const { return mState->getName(); }
int32_t getBackgroundBlurRadius() const { return mState->getBackgroundBlurRadius(); }
Rect getDisplayFrame() const { return mState->getDisplayFrame(); }
const Region& getVisibleRegion() const { return mState->getVisibleRegion(); }
const sp<GraphicBuffer>& getBuffer() const {
return mState->getOutputLayer()->getLayerFE().getCompositionState()->buffer;
int64_t getFramesSinceBufferUpdate() const { return mState->getFramesSinceBufferUpdate(); }
NonBufferHash getHash() const { return mHash; }
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point getLastUpdate() const { return mLastUpdate; }
const LayerState* mState;
NonBufferHash mHash;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point mLastUpdate;
CachedSet(const LayerState*, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastUpdate);
CachedSet(Layer layer);
void addLayer(const LayerState*, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point lastUpdate);
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point getLastUpdate() const { return mLastUpdate; }
size_t getLayerCount() const { return mLayers.size(); }
const Layer& getFirstLayer() const { return mLayers[0]; }
const Rect& getBounds() const { return mBounds; }
Rect getTextureBounds() const { return mOutputSpace.content; }
const Region& getVisibleRegion() const { return mVisibleRegion; }
size_t getAge() const { return mAge; }
std::shared_ptr<renderengine::ExternalTexture> getBuffer() const {
return mTexture ? mTexture->get() : nullptr;
const sp<Fence>& getDrawFence() const { return mDrawFence; }
const ProjectionSpace& getOutputSpace() const { return mOutputSpace; }
ui::Dataspace getOutputDataspace() const { return mOutputDataspace; }
const std::vector<Layer>& getConstituentLayers() const { return mLayers; }
NonBufferHash getNonBufferHash() const;
size_t getComponentDisplayCost() const;
size_t getCreationCost() const;
size_t getDisplayCost() const;
bool hasBufferUpdate() const;
bool hasRenderedBuffer() const { return mTexture != nullptr; }
bool hasReadyBuffer() const;
// Decomposes this CachedSet into a vector of its layers as individual CachedSets
std::vector<CachedSet> decompose() const;
void updateAge(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now);
void setLastUpdate(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now) { mLastUpdate = now; }
void append(const CachedSet& other) {
mOutputDataspace = ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN;
mDrawFence = nullptr;
mBlurLayer = nullptr;
mHolePunchLayer = nullptr;
mSkipCount = 0;
mLayers.insert(mLayers.end(), other.mLayers.cbegin(), other.mLayers.cend());
Region boundingRegion;
mBounds = boundingRegion.getBounds();
void incrementAge() { ++mAge; }
void incrementSkipCount() { mSkipCount++; }
size_t getSkipCount() { return mSkipCount; }
// Renders the cached set with the supplied output composition state.
void render(renderengine::RenderEngine& re, TexturePool& texturePool,
const OutputCompositionState& outputState);
void dump(std::string& result) const;
// Whether this represents a single layer with a buffer and rounded corners.
// If it is, we may be able to draw it by placing it behind another
// CachedSet and punching a hole.
bool requiresHolePunch() const;
// True if any constituent layer is configured to blur any layers behind.
bool hasBlurBehind() const;
// Add a layer that will be drawn behind this one. ::render() will render a
// hole in this CachedSet's buffer, allowing the supplied layer to peek
// through. Must be called before ::render().
// Will do nothing if this CachedSet is not opaque where the hole punch
// layer is displayed.
// If isFirstLayer is true, this CachedSet can be considered opaque because
// nothing (besides the hole punch layer) will be drawn behind it.
void addHolePunchLayerIfFeasible(const CachedSet&, bool isFirstLayer);
void addBackgroundBlurLayer(const CachedSet&);
// Retrieve the layer that will be drawn behind this one.
compositionengine::OutputLayer* getHolePunchLayer() const;
compositionengine::OutputLayer* getBlurLayer() const;
bool hasHdrLayers() const;
bool hasProtectedLayers() const;
CachedSet() = default;
const NonBufferHash mFingerprint;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point mLastUpdate = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::vector<Layer> mLayers;
// Unowned.
const LayerState* mHolePunchLayer = nullptr;
const LayerState* mBlurLayer = nullptr;
Rect mBounds = Rect::EMPTY_RECT;
Region mVisibleRegion;
size_t mAge = 0;
size_t mSkipCount = 0;
// TODO(b/190411067): This is a shared pointer only because CachedSets are copied into different
// containers in the Flattener. Logically this should have unique ownership otherwise.
std::shared_ptr<TexturePool::AutoTexture> mTexture;
sp<Fence> mDrawFence;
ProjectionSpace mOutputSpace;
ui::Dataspace mOutputDataspace;
ui::Transform::RotationFlags mOrientation = ui::Transform::ROT_0;
static const bool sDebugHighlighLayers;
} // namespace compositionengine::impl::planner
} // namespace android