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* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use crate::binder::{AsNative, Interface, InterfaceClassMethods, Remotable, Stability, TransactionCode};
use crate::error::{status_result, status_t, Result, StatusCode};
use crate::parcel::{Parcel, Serialize};
use crate::proxy::SpIBinder;
use crate::sys;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::{c_void, CString};
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ops::Deref;
/// Rust wrapper around Binder remotable objects.
/// Implements the C++ `BBinder` class, and therefore implements the C++
/// `IBinder` interface.
pub struct Binder<T: Remotable> {
ibinder: *mut sys::AIBinder,
rust_object: *mut T,
/// # Safety
/// A `Binder<T>` is a pair of unique owning pointers to two values:
/// * a C++ ABBinder which the C++ API guarantees can be passed between threads
/// * a Rust object which implements `Remotable`; this trait requires `Send + Sync`
/// Both pointers are unique (never escape the `Binder<T>` object and are not copied)
/// so we can essentially treat `Binder<T>` as a box-like containing the two objects;
/// the box-like object inherits `Send` from the two inner values, similarly
/// to how `Box<T>` is `Send` if `T` is `Send`.
unsafe impl<T: Remotable> Send for Binder<T> {}
impl<T: Remotable> Binder<T> {
/// Create a new Binder remotable object with default stability
/// This moves the `rust_object` into an owned [`Box`] and Binder will
/// manage its lifetime.
pub fn new(rust_object: T) -> Binder<T> {
Self::new_with_stability(rust_object, Stability::default())
/// Create a new Binder remotable object with the given stability
/// This moves the `rust_object` into an owned [`Box`] and Binder will
/// manage its lifetime.
pub fn new_with_stability(rust_object: T, stability: Stability) -> Binder<T> {
let class = T::get_class();
let rust_object = Box::into_raw(Box::new(rust_object));
let ibinder = unsafe {
// Safety: `AIBinder_new` expects a valid class pointer (which we
// initialize via `get_class`), and an arbitrary pointer
// argument. The caller owns the returned `AIBinder` pointer, which
// is a strong reference to a `BBinder`. This reference should be
// decremented via `AIBinder_decStrong` when the reference lifetime
// ends.
sys::AIBinder_new(class.into(), rust_object as *mut c_void)
let mut binder = Binder {
/// Set the extension of a binder interface. This allows a downstream
/// developer to add an extension to an interface without modifying its
/// interface file. This should be called immediately when the object is
/// created before it is passed to another thread.
/// # Examples
/// For instance, imagine if we have this Binder AIDL interface definition:
/// interface IFoo { void doFoo(); }
/// If an unrelated owner (perhaps in a downstream codebase) wants to make a
/// change to the interface, they have two options:
/// 1) Historical option that has proven to be BAD! Only the original
/// author of an interface should change an interface. If someone
/// downstream wants additional functionality, they should not ever
/// change the interface or use this method.
/// ```AIDL
/// BAD TO DO: interface IFoo { BAD TO DO
/// BAD TO DO: void doFoo(); BAD TO DO
/// BAD TO DO: + void doBar(); // adding a method BAD TO DO
/// ```
/// 2) Option that this method enables!
/// Leave the original interface unchanged (do not change IFoo!).
/// Instead, create a new AIDL interface in a downstream package:
/// ```AIDL
/// package com.<name>; // new functionality in a new package
/// interface IBar { void doBar(); }
/// ```
/// When registering the interface, add:
/// # use binder::{Binder, Interface};
/// # type MyFoo = ();
/// # type MyBar = ();
/// # let my_foo = ();
/// # let my_bar = ();
/// let mut foo: Binder<MyFoo> = Binder::new(my_foo); // class in AOSP codebase
/// let bar: Binder<MyBar> = Binder::new(my_bar); // custom extension class
/// foo.set_extension(&mut bar.as_binder()); // use method in Binder
/// Then, clients of `IFoo` can get this extension:
/// # use binder::{declare_binder_interface, Binder, TransactionCode, Parcel};
/// # trait IBar {}
/// # declare_binder_interface! {
/// # IBar["test"] {
/// # native: BnBar(on_transact),
/// # proxy: BpBar,
/// # }
/// # }
/// # fn on_transact(
/// # service: &dyn IBar,
/// # code: TransactionCode,
/// # data: &Parcel,
/// # reply: &mut Parcel,
/// # ) -> binder::Result<()> {
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # impl IBar for BpBar {}
/// # impl IBar for Binder<BnBar> {}
/// # fn main() -> binder::Result<()> {
/// # let binder = Binder::new(());
/// if let Some(barBinder) = binder.get_extension()? {
/// let bar = BpBar::new(barBinder)
/// .expect("Extension was not of type IBar");
/// } else {
/// // There was no extension
/// }
/// # }
pub fn set_extension(&mut self, extension: &mut SpIBinder) -> Result<()> {
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `AIBinder_setExtension` expects two valid, mutable
// `AIBinder` pointers. We are guaranteed that both `self` and
// `extension` contain valid `AIBinder` pointers, because they
// cannot be initialized without a valid
// pointer. `AIBinder_setExtension` does not take ownership of
// either parameter.
sys::AIBinder_setExtension(self.as_native_mut(), extension.as_native_mut())
/// Retrieve the interface descriptor string for this object's Binder
/// interface.
pub fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
/// Mark this binder object with the given stability guarantee
fn mark_stability(&mut self, stability: Stability) {
match stability {
Stability::Local => self.mark_local_stability(),
Stability::Vintf => {
unsafe {
// Safety: Self always contains a valid `AIBinder` pointer, so
// we can always call this C API safely.
/// Mark this binder object with local stability, which is vendor if we are
/// building for the VNDK and system otherwise.
fn mark_local_stability(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: Self always contains a valid `AIBinder` pointer, so
// we can always call this C API safely.
/// Mark this binder object with local stability, which is vendor if we are
/// building for the VNDK and system otherwise.
fn mark_local_stability(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: Self always contains a valid `AIBinder` pointer, so
// we can always call this C API safely.
impl<T: Remotable> Interface for Binder<T> {
/// Converts the local remotable object into a generic `SpIBinder`
/// reference.
/// The resulting `SpIBinder` will hold its own strong reference to this
/// remotable object, which will prevent the object from being dropped while
/// the `SpIBinder` is alive.
fn as_binder(&self) -> SpIBinder {
unsafe {
// Safety: `self.ibinder` is guaranteed to always be a valid pointer
// to an `AIBinder` by the `Binder` constructor. We are creating a
// copy of the `self.ibinder` strong reference, but
// `SpIBinder::from_raw` assumes it receives an owned pointer with
// its own strong reference. We first increment the reference count,
// so that the new `SpIBinder` will be tracked as a new reference.
impl<T: Remotable> InterfaceClassMethods for Binder<T> {
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
<T as Remotable>::get_descriptor()
/// Called whenever a transaction needs to be processed by a local
/// implementation.
/// # Safety
/// Must be called with a non-null, valid pointer to a local `AIBinder` that
/// contains a `T` pointer in its user data. The `data` and `reply` parcel
/// parameters must be valid pointers to `AParcel` objects. This method does
/// not take ownership of any of its parameters.
/// These conditions hold when invoked by `ABBinder::onTransact`.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_transact(
binder: *mut sys::AIBinder,
code: u32,
data: *const sys::AParcel,
reply: *mut sys::AParcel,
) -> status_t {
let res = {
let mut reply = Parcel::borrowed(reply).unwrap();
let data = Parcel::borrowed(data as *mut sys::AParcel).unwrap();
let object = sys::AIBinder_getUserData(binder);
let binder: &T = &*(object as *const T);
binder.on_transact(code, &data, &mut reply)
match res {
Ok(()) => 0i32,
Err(e) => e as i32,
/// Called whenever an `AIBinder` object is no longer referenced and needs
/// destroyed.
/// # Safety
/// Must be called with a valid pointer to a `T` object. After this call,
/// the pointer will be invalid and should not be dereferenced.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_destroy(object: *mut c_void) {
Box::from_raw(object as *mut T);
/// Called whenever a new, local `AIBinder` object is needed of a specific
/// class.
/// Constructs the user data pointer that will be stored in the object,
/// which will be a heap-allocated `T` object.
/// # Safety
/// Must be called with a valid pointer to a `T` object allocated via `Box`.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_create(args: *mut c_void) -> *mut c_void {
// We just return the argument, as it is already a pointer to the rust
// object created by Box.
impl<T: Remotable> Drop for Binder<T> {
// This causes C++ to decrease the strong ref count of the `AIBinder`
// object. We specifically do not drop the `rust_object` here. When C++
// actually destroys the object, it calls `on_destroy` and we can drop the
// `rust_object` then.
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: When `self` is dropped, we can no longer access the
// reference, so can decrement the reference count. `self.ibinder`
// is always a valid `AIBinder` pointer, so is valid to pass to
// `AIBinder_decStrong`.
impl<T: Remotable> Deref for Binder<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe {
// Safety: While `self` is alive, the reference count of the
// underlying object is > 0 and therefore `on_destroy` cannot be
// called. Therefore while `self` is alive, we know that
// `rust_object` is still a valid pointer to a heap allocated object
// of type `T`.
impl<B: Remotable> Serialize for Binder<B> {
fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut Parcel) -> Result<()> {
// This implementation is an idiomatic implementation of the C++
// `IBinder::localBinder` interface if the binder object is a Rust binder
// service.
impl<B: Remotable> TryFrom<SpIBinder> for Binder<B> {
type Error = StatusCode;
fn try_from(mut ibinder: SpIBinder) -> Result<Self> {
let class = B::get_class();
if Some(class) != ibinder.get_class() {
return Err(StatusCode::BAD_TYPE);
let userdata = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` always holds a valid pointer pointer to an
// `AIBinder`, which we can safely pass to
// `AIBinder_getUserData`. `ibinder` retains ownership of the
// returned pointer.
if userdata.is_null() {
return Err(StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL);
// We are transferring the ownership of the AIBinder into the new Binder
// object.
let mut ibinder = ManuallyDrop::new(ibinder);
Ok(Binder {
ibinder: ibinder.as_native_mut(),
rust_object: userdata as *mut B,
/// # Safety
/// The constructor for `Binder` guarantees that `self.ibinder` will contain a
/// valid, non-null pointer to an `AIBinder`, so this implementation is type
/// safe. `self.ibinder` will remain valid for the entire lifetime of `self`
/// because we hold a strong reference to the `AIBinder` until `self` is
/// dropped.
unsafe impl<B: Remotable> AsNative<sys::AIBinder> for Binder<B> {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AIBinder {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AIBinder {
/// Register a new service with the default service manager.
/// Registers the given binder object with the given identifier. If successful,
/// this service can then be retrieved using that identifier.
pub fn add_service(identifier: &str, mut binder: SpIBinder) -> Result<()> {
let instance = CString::new(identifier).unwrap();
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `AServiceManager_addService` expects valid `AIBinder` and C
// string pointers. Caller retains ownership of both
// pointers. `AServiceManager_addService` creates a new strong reference
// and copies the string, so both pointers need only be valid until the
// call returns.
sys::AServiceManager_addService(binder.as_native_mut(), instance.as_ptr())
/// Tests often create a base BBinder instance; so allowing the unit
/// type to be remotable translates nicely to Binder::new(()).
impl Remotable for () {
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
fn on_transact(
_code: TransactionCode,
_data: &Parcel,
_reply: &mut Parcel,
) -> Result<()> {
impl Interface for () {}