blob: 0afcc97b2cf6e829e34da12c029ec6725782e3ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <compositionengine/CompositionEngine.h>
#include <compositionengine/Layer.h>
#include <compositionengine/LayerFE.h>
#include <compositionengine/Output.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/LayerCompositionState.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/OutputCompositionState.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/OutputLayer.h>
#include <compositionengine/impl/OutputLayerCompositionState.h>
#include "DisplayHardware/HWComposer.h"
namespace android::compositionengine {
OutputLayer::~OutputLayer() = default;
namespace impl {
namespace {
FloatRect reduce(const FloatRect& win, const Region& exclude) {
if (CC_LIKELY(exclude.isEmpty())) {
return win;
// Convert through Rect (by rounding) for lack of FloatRegion
return Region(Rect{win}).subtract(exclude).getBounds().toFloatRect();
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<compositionengine::OutputLayer> createOutputLayer(
const CompositionEngine& compositionEngine, std::optional<DisplayId> displayId,
const compositionengine::Output& output, std::shared_ptr<compositionengine::Layer> layer,
sp<compositionengine::LayerFE> layerFE) {
auto result = std::make_unique<OutputLayer>(output, layer, layerFE);
result->initialize(compositionEngine, displayId);
return result;
OutputLayer::OutputLayer(const Output& output, std::shared_ptr<Layer> layer, sp<LayerFE> layerFE)
: mOutput(output), mLayer(layer), mLayerFE(layerFE) {}
OutputLayer::~OutputLayer() = default;
void OutputLayer::initialize(const CompositionEngine& compositionEngine,
std::optional<DisplayId> displayId) {
if (!displayId) {
auto& hwc = compositionEngine.getHwComposer();
[&hwc, displayId](HWC2::Layer* layer) {
hwc.destroyLayer(*displayId, layer);
const compositionengine::Output& OutputLayer::getOutput() const {
return mOutput;
compositionengine::Layer& OutputLayer::getLayer() const {
return *mLayer;
compositionengine::LayerFE& OutputLayer::getLayerFE() const {
return *mLayerFE;
const OutputLayerCompositionState& OutputLayer::getState() const {
return mState;
OutputLayerCompositionState& OutputLayer::editState() {
return mState;
Rect OutputLayer::calculateInitialCrop() const {
const auto& layerState = mLayer->getState().frontEnd;
// apply the projection's clipping to the window crop in
// layerstack space, and convert-back to layer space.
// if there are no window scaling involved, this operation will map to full
// pixels in the buffer.
FloatRect activeCropFloat =
reduce(layerState.geomLayerBounds, layerState.geomActiveTransparentRegion);
const Rect& viewport = mOutput.getState().viewport;
const ui::Transform& layerTransform = layerState.geomLayerTransform;
const ui::Transform& inverseLayerTransform = layerState.geomInverseLayerTransform;
// Transform to screen space.
activeCropFloat = layerTransform.transform(activeCropFloat);
activeCropFloat = activeCropFloat.intersect(viewport.toFloatRect());
// Back to layer space to work with the content crop.
activeCropFloat = inverseLayerTransform.transform(activeCropFloat);
// This needs to be here as transform.transform(Rect) computes the
// transformed rect and then takes the bounding box of the result before
// returning. This means
// transform.inverse().transform(transform.transform(Rect)) != Rect
// in which case we need to make sure the final rect is clipped to the
// display bounds.
Rect activeCrop{activeCropFloat};
if (!activeCrop.intersect(layerState.geomBufferSize, &activeCrop)) {
return activeCrop;
FloatRect OutputLayer::calculateOutputSourceCrop() const {
const auto& layerState = mLayer->getState().frontEnd;
const auto& outputState = mOutput.getState();
if (!layerState.geomUsesSourceCrop) {
return {};
// the content crop is the area of the content that gets scaled to the
// layer's size. This is in buffer space.
FloatRect crop = layerState.geomContentCrop.toFloatRect();
// In addition there is a WM-specified crop we pull from our drawing state.
Rect activeCrop = calculateInitialCrop();
const Rect& bufferSize = layerState.geomBufferSize;
int winWidth = bufferSize.getWidth();
int winHeight = bufferSize.getHeight();
// The bufferSize for buffer state layers can be unbounded ([0, 0, -1, -1])
// if display frame hasn't been set and the parent is an unbounded layer.
if (winWidth < 0 && winHeight < 0) {
return crop;
// Transform the window crop to match the buffer coordinate system,
// which means using the inverse of the current transform set on the
// SurfaceFlingerConsumer.
uint32_t invTransform = layerState.geomBufferTransform;
if (layerState.geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform) {
* the code below applies the primary display's inverse transform to the
* buffer
uint32_t invTransformOrient = outputState.orientation;
// calculate the inverse transform
if (invTransformOrient & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) {
// and apply to the current transform
invTransform =
(ui::Transform(invTransformOrient) * ui::Transform(invTransform)).getOrientation();
if (invTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) {
// If the activeCrop has been rotate the ends are rotated but not
// the space itself so when transforming ends back we can't rely on
// a modification of the axes of rotation. To account for this we
// need to reorient the inverse rotation in terms of the current
// axes of rotation.
bool is_h_flipped = (invTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) != 0;
bool is_v_flipped = (invTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V) != 0;
if (is_h_flipped == is_v_flipped) {
std::swap(winWidth, winHeight);
const Rect winCrop =
activeCrop.transform(invTransform, bufferSize.getWidth(), bufferSize.getHeight());
// below, crop is intersected with winCrop expressed in crop's coordinate space
float xScale = crop.getWidth() / float(winWidth);
float yScale = crop.getHeight() / float(winHeight);
float insetL = winCrop.left * xScale;
float insetT = * yScale;
float insetR = (winWidth - winCrop.right) * xScale;
float insetB = (winHeight - winCrop.bottom) * yScale;
crop.left += insetL; += insetT;
crop.right -= insetR;
crop.bottom -= insetB;
return crop;
Rect OutputLayer::calculateOutputDisplayFrame() const {
const auto& layerState = mLayer->getState().frontEnd;
const auto& outputState = mOutput.getState();
// apply the layer's transform, followed by the display's global transform
// here we're guaranteed that the layer's transform preserves rects
Region activeTransparentRegion = layerState.geomActiveTransparentRegion;
const ui::Transform& layerTransform = layerState.geomLayerTransform;
const ui::Transform& inverseLayerTransform = layerState.geomInverseLayerTransform;
const Rect& bufferSize = layerState.geomBufferSize;
Rect activeCrop = layerState.geomCrop;
if (!activeCrop.isEmpty() && bufferSize.isValid()) {
activeCrop = layerTransform.transform(activeCrop);
if (!activeCrop.intersect(outputState.viewport, &activeCrop)) {
activeCrop = inverseLayerTransform.transform(activeCrop, true);
// This needs to be here as transform.transform(Rect) computes the
// transformed rect and then takes the bounding box of the result before
// returning. This means
// transform.inverse().transform(transform.transform(Rect)) != Rect
// in which case we need to make sure the final rect is clipped to the
// display bounds.
if (!activeCrop.intersect(bufferSize, &activeCrop)) {
// mark regions outside the crop as transparent
activeTransparentRegion.orSelf(Rect(0, 0, bufferSize.getWidth(),;
Rect(0, activeCrop.bottom, bufferSize.getWidth(), bufferSize.getHeight()));
activeTransparentRegion.orSelf(Rect(0,, activeCrop.left, activeCrop.bottom));
Rect(activeCrop.right,, bufferSize.getWidth(), activeCrop.bottom));
// reduce uses a FloatRect to provide more accuracy during the
// transformation. We then round upon constructing 'frame'.
Rect frame{
layerTransform.transform(reduce(layerState.geomLayerBounds, activeTransparentRegion))};
if (!frame.intersect(outputState.viewport, &frame)) {
const ui::Transform displayTransform{outputState.transform};
return displayTransform.transform(frame);
uint32_t OutputLayer::calculateOutputRelativeBufferTransform() const {
const auto& layerState = mLayer->getState().frontEnd;
const auto& outputState = mOutput.getState();
* Transformations are applied in this order:
* 1) buffer orientation/flip/mirror
* 2) state transformation (window manager)
* 3) layer orientation (screen orientation)
* (NOTE: the matrices are multiplied in reverse order)
const ui::Transform& layerTransform = layerState.geomLayerTransform;
const ui::Transform displayTransform{outputState.transform};
const ui::Transform bufferTransform{layerState.geomBufferTransform};
ui::Transform transform(displayTransform * layerTransform * bufferTransform);
if (layerState.geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform) {
* the code below applies the primary display's inverse transform to the
* buffer
uint32_t invTransform = outputState.orientation;
// calculate the inverse transform
if (invTransform & HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) {
* Here we cancel out the orientation component of the WM transform.
* The scaling and translate components are already included in our bounds
* computation so it's enough to just omit it in the composition.
* See comment in BufferLayer::prepareClientLayer with ref to b/36727915 for why.
transform = ui::Transform(invTransform) * displayTransform * bufferTransform;
// this gives us only the "orientation" component of the transform
return transform.getOrientation();
} // namespace impl
void OutputLayer::updateCompositionState(bool includeGeometry) {
if (includeGeometry) {
mState.displayFrame = calculateOutputDisplayFrame();
mState.sourceCrop = calculateOutputSourceCrop();
mState.bufferTransform =
if ((mLayer->getState().frontEnd.isSecure && !mOutput.getState().isSecure) ||
(mState.bufferTransform & ui::Transform::ROT_INVALID)) {
mState.forceClientComposition = true;
void OutputLayer::writeStateToHWC(bool includeGeometry) const {
// Skip doing this if there is no HWC interface
if (!mState.hwc) {
auto& hwcLayer = (*mState.hwc).hwcLayer;
if (!hwcLayer) {
ALOGE("[%s] failed to write composition state to HWC -- no hwcLayer for output %s",
mLayerFE->getDebugName(), mOutput.getName().c_str());
if (includeGeometry) {
// Output dependent state
if (auto error = hwcLayer->setDisplayFrame(mState.displayFrame);
error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set display frame [%d, %d, %d, %d]: %s (%d)",
mLayerFE->getDebugName(), mState.displayFrame.left,,
mState.displayFrame.right, mState.displayFrame.bottom, to_string(error).c_str(),
if (auto error = hwcLayer->setSourceCrop(mState.sourceCrop); error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set source crop [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f]: "
"%s (%d)",
mLayerFE->getDebugName(), mState.sourceCrop.left,,
mState.sourceCrop.right, mState.sourceCrop.bottom, to_string(error).c_str(),
if (auto error = hwcLayer->setZOrder(mState.z); error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set Z %u: %s (%d)", mLayerFE->getDebugName(), mState.z,
to_string(error).c_str(), static_cast<int32_t>(error));
if (auto error =
error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set transform %s: %s (%d)", mLayerFE->getDebugName(),
toString(mState.bufferTransform).c_str(), to_string(error).c_str(),
// Output independent state
const auto& outputIndependentState = mLayer->getState().frontEnd;
if (auto error = hwcLayer->setBlendMode(
error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set blend mode %s: %s (%d)", mLayerFE->getDebugName(),
toString(outputIndependentState.blendMode).c_str(), to_string(error).c_str(),
if (auto error = hwcLayer->setPlaneAlpha(outputIndependentState.alpha);
error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set plane alpha %.3f: %s (%d)", mLayerFE->getDebugName(),
outputIndependentState.alpha, to_string(error).c_str(),
if (auto error =
hwcLayer->setInfo(outputIndependentState.type, outputIndependentState.appId);
error != HWC2::Error::None) {
ALOGE("[%s] Failed to set info %s (%d)", mLayerFE->getDebugName(),
to_string(error).c_str(), static_cast<int32_t>(error));
void OutputLayer::dump(std::string& out) const {
using android::base::StringAppendF;
StringAppendF(&out, " - Output Layer %p (Composition layer %p) (%s)\n", this, mLayer.get(),
} // namespace impl
} // namespace android::compositionengine