blob: 3fc957b8356e8ece34f7d2dacc5a904d19519183 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Lshal"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <android/hardware/tests/baz/1.0/IQuux.h>
#include <hidl/HidlTransportSupport.h>
#include <vintf/parse_xml.h>
#include "ListCommand.h"
#include "Lshal.h"
#define NELEMS(array) static_cast<int>(sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
using namespace testing;
using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo;
using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase;
using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
using ::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_array;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using InstanceDebugInfo = IServiceManager::InstanceDebugInfo;
using hidl_hash = hidl_array<uint8_t, 32>;
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace tests {
namespace baz {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
struct Quux : android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::IQuux {
::android::hardware::Return<void> debug(const hidl_handle& hh, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) override {
const native_handle_t *handle = hh.getNativeHandle();
if (handle->numFds < 1) {
return Void();
int fd = handle->data[0];
std::string content{descriptor};
for (const auto &option : options) {
content += "\n";
content += option.c_str();
ssize_t written = write(fd, content.c_str(), content.size());
if (written != (ssize_t)content.size()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "SERVER(Quux) debug writes " << written << " bytes < "
<< content.size() << " bytes, errno = " << errno;
return Void();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace baz
} // namespace tests
} // namespace hardware
namespace lshal {
class MockServiceManager : public IServiceManager {
template<typename T>
using R = ::android::hardware::Return<T>;
using String = const hidl_string&;
~MockServiceManager() = default;
#define MOCK_METHOD_CB(name) MOCK_METHOD1(name, R<void>(IServiceManager::name##_cb))
MOCK_METHOD2(get, R<sp<IBase>>(String, String));
MOCK_METHOD2(add, R<bool>(String, const sp<IBase>&));
MOCK_METHOD2(getTransport, R<IServiceManager::Transport>(String, String));
MOCK_METHOD2(listByInterface, R<void>(String, listByInterface_cb));
MOCK_METHOD3(registerForNotifications, R<bool>(String, String, const sp<IServiceNotification>&));
MOCK_METHOD2(registerPassthroughClient, R<void>(String, String));
MOCK_METHOD2(debug, R<void>(const hidl_handle&, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>&));
MOCK_METHOD0(setHalInstrumentation, R<void>());
MOCK_METHOD2(linkToDeath, R<bool>(const sp<hidl_death_recipient>&, uint64_t));
MOCK_METHOD0(ping, R<void>());
MOCK_METHOD0(notifySyspropsChanged, R<void>());
MOCK_METHOD1(unlinkToDeath, R<bool>(const sp<hidl_death_recipient>&));
class DebugTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
using ::android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::IQuux;
using ::android::hardware::tests::baz::V1_0::implementation::Quux;
serviceManager = new testing::NiceMock<MockServiceManager>();
ON_CALL(*serviceManager, get(_, _)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[](const auto &iface, const auto &inst) -> ::android::hardware::Return<sp<IBase>> {
if (iface == IQuux::descriptor && inst == "default")
return new Quux();
return nullptr;
lshal = std::make_unique<Lshal>(out, err, serviceManager, serviceManager);
void TearDown() override {}
std::stringstream err;
std::stringstream out;
sp<MockServiceManager> serviceManager;
std::unique_ptr<Lshal> lshal;
static Arg createArg(const std::vector<const char*>& args) {
return Arg{static_cast<int>(args.size()), const_cast<char**>(};
template<typename T>
static Status callMain(const std::unique_ptr<T>& lshal, const std::vector<const char*>& args) {
return lshal->main(createArg(args));
TEST_F(DebugTest, Debug) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, callMain(lshal, {
"lshal", "debug", "android.hardware.tests.baz@1.0::IQuux/default", "foo", "bar"
EXPECT_THAT(out.str(), StrEq("android.hardware.tests.baz@1.0::IQuux\nfoo\nbar"));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), IsEmpty());
TEST_F(DebugTest, Debug2) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, callMain(lshal, {
"lshal", "debug", "android.hardware.tests.baz@1.0::IQuux", "baz", "quux"
EXPECT_THAT(out.str(), StrEq("android.hardware.tests.baz@1.0::IQuux\nbaz\nquux"));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), IsEmpty());
TEST_F(DebugTest, Debug3) {
EXPECT_NE(0u, callMain(lshal, {
"lshal", "debug", "android.hardware.tests.doesnotexist@1.0::IDoesNotExist",
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), HasSubstr("does not exist"));
class MockLshal : public Lshal {
MockLshal() {}
~MockLshal() = default;
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(out, NullableOStream<std::ostream>());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(err, NullableOStream<std::ostream>());
// expose protected fields and methods for ListCommand
class MockListCommand : public ListCommand {
MockListCommand(Lshal* lshal) : ListCommand(*lshal) {}
Status parseArgs(const Arg& arg) { return ListCommand::parseArgs(arg); }
Status main(const Arg& arg) { return ListCommand::main(arg); }
void forEachTable(const std::function<void(Table &)> &f) {
return ListCommand::forEachTable(f);
void forEachTable(const std::function<void(const Table &)> &f) const {
return ListCommand::forEachTable(f);
Status fetch() { return ListCommand::fetch(); }
void dumpVintf(const NullableOStream<std::ostream>& out) {
return ListCommand::dumpVintf(out);
void internalPostprocess() { ListCommand::postprocess(); }
const PidInfo* getPidInfoCached(pid_t serverPid) {
return ListCommand::getPidInfoCached(serverPid);
MOCK_METHOD0(postprocess, void());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(getPidInfo, bool(pid_t, PidInfo*));
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(parseCmdline, std::string(pid_t));
MOCK_METHOD1(getPartition, Partition(pid_t));
class ListParseArgsTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
mockLshal = std::make_unique<NiceMock<MockLshal>>();
mockList = std::make_unique<MockListCommand>(mockLshal.get());
// ListCommand::parseArgs should parse arguments from the second element
optind = 1;
std::unique_ptr<MockLshal> mockLshal;
std::unique_ptr<MockListCommand> mockList;
std::stringstream output;
TEST_F(ListParseArgsTest, Args) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->parseArgs(createArg({"lshal", "-p", "-i", "-a", "-c"})));
mockList->forEachTable([](const Table& table) {
EXPECT_EQ(SelectedColumns({TableColumnType::SERVER_PID, TableColumnType::INTERFACE_NAME,
TableColumnType::SERVER_ADDR, TableColumnType::CLIENT_PIDS}),
TEST_F(ListParseArgsTest, Cmds) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->parseArgs(createArg({"lshal", "-m"})));
mockList->forEachTable([](const Table& table) {
EXPECT_THAT(table.getSelectedColumns(), Not(Contains(TableColumnType::SERVER_PID)))
<< "should not print server PID with -m";
EXPECT_THAT(table.getSelectedColumns(), Not(Contains(TableColumnType::CLIENT_PIDS)))
<< "should not print client PIDs with -m";
EXPECT_THAT(table.getSelectedColumns(), Contains(TableColumnType::SERVER_CMD))
<< "should print server cmd with -m";
EXPECT_THAT(table.getSelectedColumns(), Contains(TableColumnType::CLIENT_CMDS))
<< "should print client cmds with -m";
TEST_F(ListParseArgsTest, DebugAndNeat) {
ON_CALL(*mockLshal, err()).WillByDefault(Return(NullableOStream<std::ostream>(output)));
EXPECT_NE(0u, mockList->parseArgs(createArg({"lshal", "--neat", "-d"})));
EXPECT_THAT(output.str(), StrNe(""));
/// Fetch Test
// A set of deterministic functions to generate fake debug infos.
static uint64_t getPtr(pid_t serverId) { return 10000 + serverId; }
static std::vector<pid_t> getClients(pid_t serverId) {
return {serverId + 1, serverId + 3};
static PidInfo getPidInfoFromId(pid_t serverId) {
PidInfo info;
info.refPids[getPtr(serverId)] = getClients(serverId);
info.threadUsage = 10 + serverId;
info.threadCount = 20 + serverId;
return info;
static std::string getInterfaceName(pid_t serverId) {
return "" + std::to_string(serverId) + "@" + std::to_string(serverId) + ".0::IFoo";
static std::string getInstanceName(pid_t serverId) {
return std::to_string(serverId);
static pid_t getIdFromInstanceName(const hidl_string& instance) {
return atoi(instance.c_str());
static std::string getFqInstanceName(pid_t serverId) {
return getInterfaceName(serverId) + "/" + getInstanceName(serverId);
static std::string getCmdlineFromId(pid_t serverId) {
if (serverId == NO_PID) return "";
return "command_line_" + std::to_string(serverId);
static bool getIsReleasedFromId(pid_t p) { return p % 2 == 0; }
static hidl_hash getHashFromId(pid_t serverId) {
hidl_hash hash;
bool isReleased = getIsReleasedFromId(serverId);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hash.size(); ++i) {
hash[i] = isReleased ? static_cast<uint8_t>(serverId) : 0u;
return hash;
// Fake service returned by mocked IServiceManager::get.
class TestService : public IBase {
TestService(pid_t id) : mId(id) {}
hardware::Return<void> getDebugInfo(getDebugInfo_cb cb) override {
cb({ mId /* pid */, getPtr(mId), DebugInfo::Architecture::IS_64BIT });
return hardware::Void();
hardware::Return<void> interfaceChain(interfaceChain_cb cb) override {
cb({getInterfaceName(mId), IBase::descriptor});
return hardware::Void();
hardware::Return<void> getHashChain(getHashChain_cb cb) override {
cb({getHashFromId(mId), getHashFromId(0xff)});
return hardware::Void();
pid_t mId;
class ListTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
lshal = std::make_unique<Lshal>(out, err, serviceManager, passthruManager);
void initMockList() {
mockList = std::make_unique<NiceMock<MockListCommand>>(lshal.get());
ON_CALL(*mockList, getPidInfo(_,_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[](pid_t serverPid, PidInfo* info) {
*info = getPidInfoFromId(serverPid);
return true;
ON_CALL(*mockList, parseCmdline(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(&getCmdlineFromId));
ON_CALL(*mockList, postprocess()).WillByDefault(Invoke([&]() {
size_t i = 0;
mockList->forEachTable([&](Table& table) {
table.setDescription("[fake description " + std::to_string(i++) + "]");
ON_CALL(*mockList, getPartition(_)).WillByDefault(Return(Partition::VENDOR));
void initMockServiceManager() {
serviceManager = new testing::NiceMock<MockServiceManager>();
passthruManager = new testing::NiceMock<MockServiceManager>();
using A = DebugInfo::Architecture;
ON_CALL(*serviceManager, list(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[] (IServiceManager::list_cb cb) {
cb({ getFqInstanceName(1), getFqInstanceName(2) });
return hardware::Void();
ON_CALL(*serviceManager, get(_, _)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[&](const hidl_string&, const hidl_string& instance) {
int id = getIdFromInstanceName(instance);
return sp<IBase>(new TestService(id));
ON_CALL(*serviceManager, debugDump(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[] (IServiceManager::debugDump_cb cb) {
cb({InstanceDebugInfo{getInterfaceName(3), getInstanceName(3), 3,
getClients(3), A::IS_32BIT},
InstanceDebugInfo{getInterfaceName(4), getInstanceName(4), 4,
getClients(4), A::IS_32BIT}});
return hardware::Void();
ON_CALL(*passthruManager, debugDump(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
[] (IServiceManager::debugDump_cb cb) {
cb({InstanceDebugInfo{getInterfaceName(5), getInstanceName(5), 5,
getClients(5), A::IS_32BIT},
InstanceDebugInfo{getInterfaceName(6), getInstanceName(6), 6,
getClients(6), A::IS_32BIT}});
return hardware::Void();
std::stringstream err;
std::stringstream out;
std::unique_ptr<Lshal> lshal;
std::unique_ptr<MockListCommand> mockList;
sp<MockServiceManager> serviceManager;
sp<MockServiceManager> passthruManager;
TEST_F(ListTest, GetPidInfoCached) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mockList, getPidInfo(5, _)).Times(1);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mockList->getPidInfoCached(5));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mockList->getPidInfoCached(5));
TEST_F(ListTest, Fetch) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->fetch());
std::array<std::string, 6> transports{{"hwbinder", "hwbinder", "passthrough",
"passthrough", "passthrough", "passthrough"}};
std::array<Architecture, 6> archs{{ARCH64, ARCH64, ARCH32, ARCH32, ARCH32, ARCH32}};
int id = 1;
mockList->forEachTable([&](const Table& table) {
ASSERT_EQ(2u, table.size());
for (const auto& entry : table) {
const auto& transport = transports[id - 1];
TableEntry expected{
.interfaceName = getFqInstanceName(id),
.transport = transport,
.serverPid = transport == "hwbinder" ? id : NO_PID,
.threadUsage = transport == "hwbinder" ? getPidInfoFromId(id).threadUsage : 0,
.threadCount = transport == "hwbinder" ? getPidInfoFromId(id).threadCount : 0,
.serverCmdline = {},
.serverObjectAddress = transport == "hwbinder" ? getPtr(id) : NO_PTR,
.clientPids = getClients(id),
.clientCmdlines = {},
.arch = archs[id - 1],
EXPECT_EQ(expected, entry) << expected.to_string() << " vs. " << entry.to_string();
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpVintf) {
const std::string expected = "<manifest version=\"1.0\" type=\"device\">\n"
" <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
" <name>a.h.foo1</name>\n"
" <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
" <fqname>@1.0::IFoo/1</fqname>\n"
" </hal>\n"
" <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
" <name>a.h.foo2</name>\n"
" <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
" <fqname>@2.0::IFoo/2</fqname>\n"
" </hal>\n"
" <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
" <name>a.h.foo3</name>\n"
" <transport arch=\"32\">passthrough</transport>\n"
" <fqname>@3.0::IFoo/3</fqname>\n"
" </hal>\n"
" <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
" <name>a.h.foo4</name>\n"
" <transport arch=\"32\">passthrough</transport>\n"
" <fqname>@4.0::IFoo/4</fqname>\n"
" </hal>\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "--init-vintf"})));
auto output = out.str();
EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr(expected));
EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr("a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5"));
EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr("a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6"));
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
vintf::HalManifest m;
EXPECT_EQ(true, vintf::gHalManifestConverter(&m, out.str()))
<< "--init-vintf does not emit valid HAL manifest: "
<< vintf::gHalManifestConverter.lastError();
// test default columns
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpDefault) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"R Interface Thread Use Server Clients\n"
" a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 11/21 1 2 4\n"
"Y a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 12/22 2 3 5\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"R Interface Thread Use Server Clients\n"
" a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 N/A N/A 4 6\n"
" a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"[fake description 2]\n"
"R Interface Thread Use Server Clients\n"
" a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 N/A N/A 6 8\n"
" a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 N/A N/A 7 9\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpHash) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface R Hash\n"
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 Y 0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface R Hash\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 \n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 \n"
"[fake description 2]\n"
"Interface R Hash\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 \n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 \n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-ils"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, Dump) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 hwbinder 64 11/21 1 0000000000002711 2 4\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 hwbinder 64 12/22 2 0000000000002712 3 5\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 4 6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"[fake description 2]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 6 8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 7 9\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpCmdline) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server CMD PTR Clients CMD\n"
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 hwbinder 64 11/21 command_line_1 0000000000002711 command_line_2;command_line_4\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 hwbinder 64 12/22 command_line_2 0000000000002712 command_line_3;command_line_5\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server CMD PTR Clients CMD\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 passthrough 32 N/A N/A command_line_4;command_line_6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 passthrough 32 N/A N/A command_line_5;command_line_7\n"
"[fake description 2]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server CMD PTR Clients CMD\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 passthrough 32 N/A N/A command_line_6;command_line_8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 passthrough 32 N/A N/A command_line_7;command_line_9\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepacm"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpNeat) {
const std::string expected =
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 11/21 1 2 4\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 12/22 2 3 5\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 N/A N/A 4 6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 N/A N/A 6 8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 N/A N/A 7 9\n";
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-iepc", "--neat"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpSingleHalType) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 hwbinder 64 11/21 1 0000000000002711 2 4\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 hwbinder 64 12/22 2 0000000000002712 3 5\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac", "--types=binderized"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpReorderedHalTypes) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 4 6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 6 8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 7 9\n"
"[fake description 2]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo1@1.0::IFoo/1 hwbinder 64 11/21 1 0000000000002711 2 4\n"
"a.h.foo2@2.0::IFoo/2 hwbinder 64 12/22 2 0000000000002712 3 5\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac", "--types=passthrough_clients",
"--types=passthrough_libs", "--types=binderized"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpAbbreviatedHalTypes) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 4 6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 6 8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 7 9\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac", "--types=c,l"})));
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, DumpEmptyAndDuplicateHalTypes) {
const std::string expected =
"[fake description 0]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo3@3.0::IFoo/3 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 4 6\n"
"a.h.foo4@4.0::IFoo/4 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 5 7\n"
"[fake description 1]\n"
"Interface Transport Arch Thread Use Server PTR Clients\n"
"a.h.foo5@5.0::IFoo/5 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 6 8\n"
"a.h.foo6@6.0::IFoo/6 passthrough 32 N/A N/A N/A 7 9\n"
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(0u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac", "--types=c,l,,,l,l,c,",
EXPECT_EQ(expected, out.str());
EXPECT_EQ("", err.str());
TEST_F(ListTest, UnknownHalType) {
optind = 1; // mimic Lshal::parseArg()
EXPECT_EQ(1u, mockList->main(createArg({"lshal", "-itrepac", "--types=c,a"})));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), HasSubstr("Unrecognized HAL type: a"));
class HelpTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
lshal = std::make_unique<Lshal>(out, err, new MockServiceManager() /* serviceManager */,
new MockServiceManager() /* passthruManager */);
std::stringstream err;
std::stringstream out;
std::unique_ptr<Lshal> lshal;
TEST_F(HelpTest, GlobalUsage) {
(void)callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "--help"}); // ignore return
std::string errStr = err.str();
EXPECT_THAT(errStr, ContainsRegex("(^|\n)commands:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal --help` does not contain global usage";
EXPECT_THAT(errStr, ContainsRegex("(^|\n)list:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal --help` does not contain usage for 'list' command";
EXPECT_THAT(errStr, ContainsRegex("(^|\n)debug:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal --help` does not contain usage for 'debug' command";
EXPECT_THAT(errStr, ContainsRegex("(^|\n)help:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal --help` does not contain usage for 'help' command";
(void)callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "help"}); // ignore return
EXPECT_EQ(errStr, err.str()) << "`lshal help` should have the same output as `lshal --help`";
EXPECT_NE(0u, callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "--unknown-option"}));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("unrecognized option"));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), EndsWith(errStr))
<< "`lshal --unknown-option` should have the same output as `lshal --help`";
EXPECT_EQ("", out.str());
TEST_F(HelpTest, UnknownOptionList1) {
(void)callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "help", "list"});
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("(^|\n)list:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal help list` does not contain usage for 'list' command";
TEST_F(HelpTest, UnknownOptionList2) {
EXPECT_NE(0u, callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "list", "--unknown-option"}));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("unrecognized option"));
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("(^|\n)list:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal list --unknown-option` does not contain usage for 'list' command";
EXPECT_EQ("", out.str());
TEST_F(HelpTest, UnknownOptionHelp1) {
(void)callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "help", "help"});
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("(^|\n)help:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal help help` does not contain usage for 'help' command";
TEST_F(HelpTest, UnknownOptionHelp2) {
(void)callMain(lshal, {"lshal", "help", "--unknown-option"});
EXPECT_THAT(err.str(), ContainsRegex("(^|\n)help:($|\n)"))
<< "`lshal help --unknown-option` does not contain usage for 'help' command";
EXPECT_EQ("", out.str());
} // namespace lshal
} // namespace android
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();