blob: 7fcd39600f27a270cfbe58ca3d82450137131d4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <binder/IMemory.h>
#include <media/nblog/Events.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
class audio_utils_fifo;
class audio_utils_fifo_writer;
namespace android {
class IMemory;
namespace NBLog {
class Entry;
struct Shared;
// NBLog Writer Interface
// Writer is thread-safe with respect to Reader, but not with respect to multiple threads
// calling Writer methods. If you need multi-thread safety for writing, use LockedWriter.
class Writer : public RefBase {
Writer() = default; // dummy nop implementation without shared memory
// Input parameter 'size' is the desired size of the timeline in byte units.
// The size of the shared memory must be at least Timeline::sharedSize(size).
Writer(void *shared, size_t size);
Writer(const sp<IMemory>& iMemory, size_t size);
~Writer() override;
// FIXME needs comments, and some should be private
void log(const char *string);
void logf(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
void logTimestamp();
void logFormat(const char *fmt, log_hash_t hash, ...);
void logEventHistTs(Event event, log_hash_t hash);
// Log data related to Event E. See the event-to-type mapping for the type of data
// corresponding to the event. For example, if you see a mapping statement:
// then the usage of this method would be:
// T data = doComputation();
// tlNBLogWriter->log<NBLog::E>(data);
template<Event E>
void log(typename get_mapped<E>::type data) {
log(E, &data, sizeof(data));
virtual bool isEnabled() const;
// return value for all of these is the previous isEnabled()
virtual bool setEnabled(bool enabled); // but won't enable if no shared memory
bool enable() { return setEnabled(true); }
bool disable() { return setEnabled(false); }
sp<IMemory> getIMemory() const { return mIMemory; }
// Public logging function implementations should always use one of the
// two log() function calls below to write to shared memory.
// Writes a single Entry to the FIFO if the writer is enabled.
// This is protected and virtual because LockedWriter uses a lock to protect
// writing to the FIFO before writing to this function.
virtual void log(const Entry &entry, bool trusted = false);
// 0 <= length <= kMaxLength
// Log a single Entry with corresponding event, data, and length.
void log(Event event, const void *data, size_t length);
void logvf(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
// helper functions for logging parts of a formatted entry
void logStart(const char *fmt);
void logTimestampFormat();
void logVFormat(const char *fmt, log_hash_t hash, va_list ap);
Shared* const mShared{}; // raw pointer to shared memory
sp<IMemory> mIMemory{}; // ref-counted version, initialized in constructor
// and then const
audio_utils_fifo * const mFifo{}; // FIFO itself, non-NULL
// unless constructor fails
// or dummy constructor used
audio_utils_fifo_writer * const mFifoWriter{}; // used to write to FIFO, non-NULL
// unless dummy constructor used
bool mEnabled = false; // whether to actually log
// cached pid and process name to use in %p format specifier
// total tag length is mPidTagSize and process name is not zero terminated
char *mPidTag{};
size_t mPidTagSize = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Similar to Writer, but safe for multiple threads to call concurrently
class LockedWriter : public Writer {
LockedWriter() = default;
LockedWriter(void *shared, size_t size);
bool isEnabled() const override;
bool setEnabled(bool enabled) override;
// Lock needs to be obtained before writing to FIFO.
void log(const Entry &entry, bool trusted = false) override;
mutable Mutex mLock;
} // namespace NBLog
} // namespace android