Camera: Fix flashlight deadlock

Use a dedicated mutex for torch UID map so it won't cause a deadlock
after flashlight app gets killed while the torch is on.

Bug: 23722318
Change-Id: I228377aa0412052d56b6b948361d9abaecbbc686
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.cpp b/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.cpp
index 43a8ec4..9a1101a 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.cpp
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.cpp
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
         // Update battery life logging for flashlight
-        Mutex::Autolock al(mTorchClientMapMutex);
+        Mutex::Autolock al(mTorchUidMapMutex);
         auto iter = mTorchUidMap.find(cameraId);
         if (iter != mTorchUidMap.end()) {
             int oldUid = iter->second.second;
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@
         // Update UID map - this is used in the torch status changed callbacks, so must be done
         // before setTorchMode
-        Mutex::Autolock al(mTorchClientMapMutex);
+        Mutex::Autolock al(mTorchUidMapMutex);
         if (mTorchUidMap.find(id) == mTorchUidMap.end()) {
             mTorchUidMap[id].first = uid;
             mTorchUidMap[id].second = uid;
diff --git a/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.h b/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.h
index 7f4d43f..b56c161 100644
--- a/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.h
+++ b/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraService.h
@@ -648,8 +648,10 @@
     sp<CameraFlashlight> mFlashlight;
     // guard mTorchStatusMap
     Mutex                mTorchStatusMutex;
-    // guard mTorchClientMap, mTorchUidMap
+    // guard mTorchClientMap
     Mutex                mTorchClientMapMutex;
+    // guard mTorchUidMap
+    Mutex                mTorchUidMapMutex;
     // camera id -> torch status
     KeyedVector<String8, ICameraServiceListener::TorchStatus> mTorchStatusMap;
     // camera id -> torch client binder