blob: 0c9b9767e479fabf06b60377ecd858485bd149ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "FastCapture"
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include "Configuration.h"
#include <linux/futex.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <media/AudioBufferProvider.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include "FastCapture.h"
namespace android {
/*static*/ const FastCaptureState FastCapture::initial;
FastCapture::FastCapture() : FastThread(),
inputSource(NULL), inputSourceGen(0), pipeSink(NULL), pipeSinkGen(0),
readBuffer(NULL), readBufferState(-1), format(Format_Invalid), sampleRate(0),
// dummyDumpState
previous = &initial;
current = &initial;
mDummyDumpState = &dummyDumpState;
FastCaptureStateQueue* FastCapture::sq()
return &mSQ;
const FastThreadState *FastCapture::poll()
return mSQ.poll();
void FastCapture::setLog(NBLog::Writer *logWriter __unused)
void FastCapture::onIdle()
preIdle = *(const FastCaptureState *)current;
current = &preIdle;
void FastCapture::onExit()
delete[] readBuffer;
bool FastCapture::isSubClassCommand(FastThreadState::Command command)
switch ((FastCaptureState::Command) command) {
case FastCaptureState::READ:
case FastCaptureState::WRITE:
case FastCaptureState::READ_WRITE:
return true;
return false;
void FastCapture::onStateChange()
const FastCaptureState * const current = (const FastCaptureState *) this->current;
const FastCaptureState * const previous = (const FastCaptureState *) this->previous;
FastCaptureDumpState * const dumpState = (FastCaptureDumpState *) this->dumpState;
const size_t frameCount = current->mFrameCount;
bool eitherChanged = false;
// check for change in input HAL configuration
NBAIO_Format previousFormat = format;
if (current->mInputSourceGen != inputSourceGen) {
inputSource = current->mInputSource;
inputSourceGen = current->mInputSourceGen;
if (inputSource == NULL) {
format = Format_Invalid;
sampleRate = 0;
} else {
format = inputSource->format();
sampleRate = Format_sampleRate(format);
unsigned channelCount = Format_channelCount(format);
ALOG_ASSERT(channelCount == 1 || channelCount == 2);
dumpState->mSampleRate = sampleRate;
eitherChanged = true;
// check for change in pipe
if (current->mPipeSinkGen != pipeSinkGen) {
pipeSink = current->mPipeSink;
pipeSinkGen = current->mPipeSinkGen;
eitherChanged = true;
// input source and pipe sink must be compatible
if (eitherChanged && inputSource != NULL && pipeSink != NULL) {
ALOG_ASSERT(Format_isEqual(format, pipeSink->format()));
if ((!Format_isEqual(format, previousFormat)) || (frameCount != previous->mFrameCount)) {
// FIXME to avoid priority inversion, don't delete here
delete[] readBuffer;
readBuffer = NULL;
if (frameCount > 0 && sampleRate > 0) {
// FIXME new may block for unbounded time at internal mutex of the heap
// implementation; it would be better to have normal capture thread allocate for
// us to avoid blocking here and to prevent possible priority inversion
unsigned channelCount = Format_channelCount(format);
// FIXME frameSize
readBuffer = new short[frameCount * channelCount];
periodNs = (frameCount * 1000000000LL) / sampleRate; // 1.00
underrunNs = (frameCount * 1750000000LL) / sampleRate; // 1.75
overrunNs = (frameCount * 500000000LL) / sampleRate; // 0.50
forceNs = (frameCount * 950000000LL) / sampleRate; // 0.95
warmupNs = (frameCount * 500000000LL) / sampleRate; // 0.50
} else {
periodNs = 0;
underrunNs = 0;
overrunNs = 0;
forceNs = 0;
warmupNs = 0;
readBufferState = -1;
dumpState->mFrameCount = frameCount;
void FastCapture::onWork()
const FastCaptureState * const current = (const FastCaptureState *) this->current;
FastCaptureDumpState * const dumpState = (FastCaptureDumpState *) this->dumpState;
const FastCaptureState::Command command = this->command;
const size_t frameCount = current->mFrameCount;
if ((command & FastCaptureState::READ) /*&& isWarm*/) {
ALOG_ASSERT(inputSource != NULL);
ALOG_ASSERT(readBuffer != NULL);
ssize_t framesRead = inputSource->read(readBuffer, frameCount,
if (framesRead >= 0) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((size_t) framesRead > frameCount);
totalNativeFramesRead += framesRead;
dumpState->mFramesRead = totalNativeFramesRead;
readBufferState = framesRead;
} else {
readBufferState = 0;
// FIXME rename to attemptedIO
attemptedWrite = true;
if (command & FastCaptureState::WRITE) {
ALOG_ASSERT(pipeSink != NULL);
ALOG_ASSERT(readBuffer != NULL);
if (readBufferState < 0) {
unsigned channelCount = Format_channelCount(format);
// FIXME frameSize
memset(readBuffer, 0, frameCount * channelCount * sizeof(short));
readBufferState = frameCount;
if (readBufferState > 0) {
ssize_t framesWritten = pipeSink->write(readBuffer, readBufferState);
// FIXME This supports at most one fast capture client.
// To handle multiple clients this could be converted to an array,
// or with a lot more work the control block could be shared by all clients.
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = current->mCblk;
if (cblk != NULL && framesWritten > 0) {
int32_t rear = cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear;
android_atomic_release_store(framesWritten + rear, &cblk->u.mStreaming.mRear);
cblk->mServer += framesWritten;
int32_t old = android_atomic_or(CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE, &cblk->mFutex);
if (!(old & CBLK_FUTEX_WAKE)) {
// client is never in server process, so don't use FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE
(void) syscall(__NR_futex, &cblk->mFutex, FUTEX_WAKE, 1);
FastCaptureDumpState::FastCaptureDumpState() : FastThreadDumpState(),
mReadSequence(0), mFramesRead(0), mReadErrors(0), mSampleRate(0), mFrameCount(0)
} // namespace android