[DO NOT MERGE] Fix heap buffer overflow for releaseSecureStops.

If the input SecureStopRelease size is less than sizeof(uint32_t)
in releaseSecureStops(), an out of bound read will occur.

bug: 144766455
bug: 144746235
bug: 147281068

Test: sts
ANDROID_BUILD_TOP= ./android-sts/tools/sts-tradefed run sts-engbuild-no-spl-lock -m StsHostTestCases --test android.security.sts.Poc19_11#testPocBug_144766455

Change-Id: Ieccdd86ad86966fbf1dde70d3b3fb73d6dd124a4
(cherry picked from commit fa237c4f76b7b9369d9c499bfdc81e5072ddde86)
diff --git a/drm/mediadrm/plugins/clearkey/hidl/DrmPlugin.cpp b/drm/mediadrm/plugins/clearkey/hidl/DrmPlugin.cpp
index 71bb218..aab475e 100644
--- a/drm/mediadrm/plugins/clearkey/hidl/DrmPlugin.cpp
+++ b/drm/mediadrm/plugins/clearkey/hidl/DrmPlugin.cpp
@@ -818,6 +818,12 @@
     // and the drm service. The clearkey implementation consists of:
     //    count - number of secure stops
     //    list of fixed length secure stops
+    size_t countBufferSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+    if (input.size() < countBufferSize) {
+        // SafetyNet logging
+        android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "144766455");
+        return Status::BAD_VALUE;
+    }
     uint32_t count = 0;
     sscanf(reinterpret_cast<char*>(input.data()), "%04" PRIu32, &count);