blob: 70eafe3ca1f8e4501643724d116f47692082171f [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <media/AudioMixerBase.h>
#include <media/BufferProviders.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <vibrator/ExternalVibrationUtils.h>
// FIXME This is actually unity gain, which might not be max in future, expressed in U.12
#define MAX_GAIN_INT AudioMixerBase::UNITY_GAIN_INT
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AudioMixer extends AudioMixerBase by adding support for down- and up-mixing
// and time stretch that are implemented via Effects HAL, and adding support
// for haptic channels which depends on Vibrator service. This is the version
// that is used by Audioflinger.
class AudioMixer : public AudioMixerBase
// maximum number of channels supported for the content
enum { // extension of AudioMixerBase parameters
DOWNMIX_TYPE = 0x4004,
// for haptic
HAPTIC_ENABLED = 0x4007, // Set haptic data from this track should be played or not.
HAPTIC_INTENSITY = 0x4008, // Set the intensity to play haptic data.
// for target TIMESTRETCH
PLAYBACK_RATE = 0x4300, // Configure timestretch on this track name;
// parameter 'value' is a pointer to the new playback rate.
AudioMixer(size_t frameCount, uint32_t sampleRate)
: AudioMixerBase(frameCount, sampleRate) {
pthread_once(&sOnceControl, &sInitRoutine);
bool isValidChannelMask(audio_channel_mask_t channelMask) const override;
void setParameter(int name, int target, int param, void *value) override;
void setBufferProvider(int name, AudioBufferProvider* bufferProvider);
struct Track : public TrackBase {
Track() : TrackBase() {}
// mInputBufferProvider need not be deleted.
// Ensure the order of destruction of buffer providers as they
// release the upstream provider in the destructor.
uint32_t getOutputChannelCount() override {
return mDownmixerBufferProvider.get() != nullptr ? mMixerChannelCount : channelCount;
uint32_t getMixerChannelCount() override {
return mMixerChannelCount + mMixerHapticChannelCount;
status_t prepareForDownmix();
void unprepareForDownmix();
status_t prepareForReformat();
void unprepareForReformat();
status_t prepareForAdjustChannels();
void unprepareForAdjustChannels();
status_t prepareForAdjustChannelsNonDestructive(size_t frames);
void unprepareForAdjustChannelsNonDestructive();
void clearContractedBuffer();
bool setPlaybackRate(const AudioPlaybackRate &playbackRate);
void reconfigureBufferProviders();
/* Buffer providers are constructed to translate the track input data as needed.
* See DownmixerBufferProvider below for how the Track buffer provider
* is wrapped by another one when dowmixing is required.
* TODO: perhaps make a single PlaybackConverterProvider class to move
* all pre-mixer track buffer conversions outside the AudioMixer class.
* 1) mInputBufferProvider: The AudioTrack buffer provider.
* 2) mAdjustChannelsBufferProvider: Expands or contracts sample data from one interleaved
* channel format to another. Expanded channels are filled with zeros and put at the end
* of each audio frame. Contracted channels are copied to the end of the buffer.
* 3) mContractChannelsNonDestructiveBufferProvider: Non-destructively contract sample data.
* This is currently using at audio-haptic coupled playback to separate audio and haptic
* data. Contracted channels could be written to given buffer.
* 4) mReformatBufferProvider: If not NULL, performs the audio reformat to
* match either mMixerInFormat or mDownmixRequiresFormat, if the downmixer
* requires reformat. For example, it may convert floating point input to
* PCM_16_bit if that's required by the downmixer.
* 5) mDownmixerBufferProvider: If not NULL, performs the channel remixing to match
* the number of channels required by the mixer sink.
* 6) mPostDownmixReformatBufferProvider: If not NULL, performs reformatting from
* the downmixer requirements to the mixer engine input requirements.
* 7) mTimestretchBufferProvider: Adds timestretching for playback rate
AudioBufferProvider* mInputBufferProvider; // externally provided buffer provider.
// TODO: combine mAdjustChannelsBufferProvider and
// mContractChannelsNonDestructiveBufferProvider
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mAdjustChannelsBufferProvider;
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mContractChannelsNonDestructiveBufferProvider;
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mReformatBufferProvider;
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mDownmixerBufferProvider;
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mPostDownmixReformatBufferProvider;
std::unique_ptr<PassthruBufferProvider> mTimestretchBufferProvider;
audio_format_t mDownmixRequiresFormat; // required downmixer format
// AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT if 16 bit necessary
// AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID if no required format
AudioPlaybackRate mPlaybackRate;
// Haptic
bool mHapticPlaybackEnabled;
os::HapticScale mHapticIntensity;
audio_channel_mask_t mHapticChannelMask;
uint32_t mHapticChannelCount;
audio_channel_mask_t mMixerHapticChannelMask;
uint32_t mMixerHapticChannelCount;
uint32_t mAdjustInChannelCount;
uint32_t mAdjustOutChannelCount;
uint32_t mAdjustNonDestructiveInChannelCount;
uint32_t mAdjustNonDestructiveOutChannelCount;
bool mKeepContractedChannels;
inline std::shared_ptr<Track> getTrack(int name) {
return std::static_pointer_cast<Track>(mTracks[name]);
std::shared_ptr<TrackBase> preCreateTrack() override;
status_t postCreateTrack(TrackBase *track) override;
void preProcess() override;
void postProcess() override;
bool setChannelMasks(int name,
audio_channel_mask_t trackChannelMask, audio_channel_mask_t mixerChannelMask) override;
static void sInitRoutine();
static pthread_once_t sOnceControl; // initialized in constructor by first new
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace android